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the feedback from the chapter, "The Voice", was amazing so I've decided to do another chapter like it. These type of chapters will be "What ifs..." from a different world. I swear to all of you who I have sent in requests they are in the making, school and life are just kicking my ass right now. 

what if Jamie believed to late? what will Jack do to save them?


Jack grabbed at his hair as Jamie left the room. His mother had came to check on him right before Jack could even attempt to draw anything for the boy to see. He looked at the window where he had drawn a rabbit with an egg on the other side. He looked down at the rabbit dropped on the ground. 

It couldn't end like this. 

He picked up the rabbit before placing it back on Jamie's bed. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen before writing a note for Jamie to see. He reached into his pocket, looking down at the lone two eggs he had saved from the tunnels. He placed one down beside the note and the bunny.

He paced the floor as he waited for the boy to come back. 

What did he do now? Where were the Guardians? 

Jack turned to look up at the moon as it's light slowly dimmed as if the man had given up too. He clenched his jaw...No.

He wasn't going to let it end like this!

He ran to the window, letting the wind pick him up. He went to head towards the one opening he knew about the Warren. He was going to find them. He was going to hel-

"Jack?" He turned to find the sleigh in the road. North and Tooth were leaning against it, weak and out of breath. He stumbled on his own feet at how terrible they looked. This was all his fault. He ran forward as North almost fell from the sword slipping that was holding him up. He felt tears freeze at the corners of his eyes. 

"This-This is not your fault, Jack. We shouldn't have sent you away." He just nodded, helping North lean against the sleigh. He took in how Tooth's wings weren't able to even stand anymore. There was someone missing. 

"Where's Bunny?" He watched the two other guardians glance at each other before looking back at him. 

"Losing believers has an affect on us all. Bunny the most." Jack turned when he heard a thump on the sleigh. 

"Oh, no. Bunny." He swallowed down the thick ball of pain at the sight of Aster Bunnymund shrunk down to the size of an average bunny. 

"Jack? What are you doing here?" He shook his head, looking back up to the Bennett house. Once again, he was too late. 

A rumbling sound made them all look towards the center of town. Nightmare sand was filling the roads, the whole town. He felt pain shoot through him. Pitch Black was about to take them all out. He took one last look at Jamie's window before looking at the Guardians. He stepped towards Bunny, placing the last egg he had in front of the rabbit.

"I'm sorry, Aster. I'm going to make this right." He ignored the three Guardians calling his name as he took to the skies. He blocked the shocked look Bunny sent him out of his mind. He was going to do something to save all their lives. Even if it ended his own. 

He heard the dark laughter of Pitch as he got closer to the large mass of Nightmares. He harnessed his power into his hands, focusing everything he had in him to his finger tips. If this would hopefully put enough stop to what was happening for the Guardians to recover.

Jack felt Manny's light on him as he came face to face with Pitch Black. 

"Frost!" He heard the snarl in that voice. The sign that anything resembling the man beneath the nightmares was slowly fading more and more. He needed to act fast. Jack looked up to the moon as he swallowed. 

Rise of the Guardians One-shots pt.3Where stories live. Discover now