Moving On

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this is from the chapter "Upcoming". Now there will be some serious angst here folks. My friend gave me this idea and I think I'm going to go for it. Option 5 and Option 6 are now going to be joined together. There will also be a mention, to anyone who remembers, a mention of Jack's cave that he has hidden in the tunnels.

The pregnancy test will be changed to something to match the world of the Guardians, Seasonals, and Pookas...


"She's moving on..."

"She is."

"With him?"

"Yes, I-I'm sorry."

Aster stared down at the egg in his hands as he listened to Rowan, one of the Warriors in training. The teen kit was friends with Jack and had become more loyal to Jack than he had to his instructor because the older Pooka taught in the old ways while Jack taught a newer way of fighting and defense.

"I'm sorry, Bunny. I wish I could stop it." He shook his head, standing up to look in the brown eyes of the sympathetic kit. He put a paw on the small shoulder before squeezing it.

"It's alright, kit. I knew this may happen. Just didn't expect it too be him." Aster spoke quietly, trying to keep his ears up so it wouldn't show how upset he really was. He glanced over towards the Burrow to see Lily talking to Monroe.

Monroe had grown up with them when they were kits. Aster and him had been friends way before either of them met Lily. He swallowed as he watched them laugh at something the kits were doing. He sighed as he watched their hands brush like two teenagers starting a relationship.

"I'm sorry, Aster." He patted Rowan on his shoulder before walking away. He had to get out of the Warren, he couldn't watch them anymore. He needed his bestfriend...

"Want me to pay him a visit?" He just shook his head as North bit into a cookie. He swirled North's special Russian Vodka that he only brought out in special occasions.

"I just want to forgot about it for a while, that's all." He knocked back the whole drink as North got prepared to pour him another one. He glared at a picture on the wall that had her in it. He ignored North calling to Phil in yeti right before the picture was removed.

The time moved fast as he took drink after drink until his world twirled around and around as he felt the numbness kick in. It took a cold chill on his ears before he looked away from the now blank space on the wall.

"He's been drinking for a long time now. Just leave him be, Jackson."

"What happened?"

"Lily has moved on, to Monroe none the less." Bunny may have been sluggish but he reached out, catching Jack's hoodie as fast as he could. He knew his kit would go after both of them. He looked up to find angry in those blue eyes.

"Don't do nothin' rash, kit. It's alright." He knew he was slurring his words. Now that he wasn't focused on throwing one back and the wall, his body felt like it was two seconds away from passing out.

"Let's get you to bed, Dad." He leaned against North and Jack as they walked him to the guest room. He knew he was mumbling but he couldn't stop. He was finally allowing his emotions to show.

"She's moved on, kit." He felt Jack's cold hands rub against his ears. He slowly relaxed into the bed as Jack took care of him. He hated moments like this when his own son had to take care of him.

Rise of the Guardians One-shots pt.3Where stories live. Discover now