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An idea from Meggiechan2000 , what if there was a competition between all the Seasonals? Like a selection of games they all have to beat till there is a winner? 

The POVs will change throughout the story. 

I've decided I'm going to make this a little series. Throughout updates I'll add in other competitions as bonus chapter. Eventually, the bigger competition of it all will end but I think it would be cool to have this go on for a while. I hope that's okay to you, Meggie, and to you other readers. 

Send in competitions you want to see any of the characters go into. 


"I'm bored." 

Marcus stopped reading. He slowly looked up to find Jack staring at the ceiling. He knew it wasn't a good thing for Jack to be bored but he couldn't help but agree. He looked over to the other side of the room to find Stray and Noah nodding along with everyone else. 

"What if we make games?" Everyone turned to Wilson. He was a quiet man, one who hadn't really spoke out but Jack was bringing him out of his shell. Marcus watched as Jack finally sat up with a grin. 

"What kind of games, Golden?" Marcus watched Wilson give a smile, one he only gave to Jack. The Winter spirit had already given the 4 new people nicknames and made them feel at home. He called Wilson that because the man had gold bracelets on his wrists that seemed to be important to him. Marcus didn't know the backstory behind them but Jack did. 

"Like tournament games. Racing, water sports, mazes, stuff like that." He saw Nick and Stray lean forward on the opposite couch in interest. 

"We could add in games that correlate with our powers. Who can make it to Japan first? A race across the world." Nick said. 

"Who can skip a rock across the pond the furthest?" He heard Andy call from the window seat. Marcus watched April smile while nodding her head, she was already planning something. He could see it.

"Who can swim across Mother Nature's ongoing lake in the backfields!" He heard Katie call out from the other side of the room.  

"Hide and seek that lasts for days." 

He listened as more and more suggestions came in. Marcus watched as Jack jumped up, grabbing Wilson's hand and pulling him up. He watched Jack create a hole to the Warren. 

"Come on, Golden. Let's go get those competitive Uncles of mine and make this a big thing." 



"The first game starts now." North called out now. They chose him to announce the games because he was the loudest. It had been a week since this idea came up and it was now a thing. Jack had gotten immediate agreements from everyone he asked. Apparently, everyone was bored lately.

Marcus smiled as he looked around. Many Pooka's had joined. Many Seasonals. He laughed at the sight of Andy and Nick bickering back and forth. Their first game was a race from one side of Seraphina's fields to the other. The field they were in now was three football fields in length. It was going to be a long run.

They had to switch out with someone at the end. His ending partner that had to race back was Clara. He had never seen her run but he hoped she was fast. The Pookas were not allowed to compete in this game considering they were physically built to be fast as hell. 

Except Jack. 

He had raced the group of them without his wind and it was then everyone found out Jack Frost could keep up with a Pooka on foot. It was worth sitting and watching to see the proud look on Aster's face. He had a feeling it had something to do with half of Bunny's magic running through Jack's veins.

Rise of the Guardians One-shots pt.3Where stories live. Discover now