Call Your Mom

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This song has been on repeat for days now. It's so stuck in my head that I can't help but make a chapter of it. 

Let's make it our way though, the lyrics will match certain characters and certain moments. Some of the moments have been seen in other chapters and some have never been seen before, some are from the far past and some are from the present...possibly the future.  

I hope y'all enjoy!

TW: mentions of suicide


Oh, you're spiralin' again
The moment right before it ends, you're most afraid of
But, don't you cancel any plans
Cause I won't let you get the chance to never make them

"He's not coming." 

Marcus looked up from the book to find Katie and Crystal chatting away. It was the Summer solstice dinner. He looked around before sitting up, nothing in him wanted to entertain either of them today but he had to now.

"Who isn't coming?" 

"Archie. He sent a message saying he wasn't coming. You're not gonna have your other half tonight, mon ami." He glared at Katie as she mocked the name Archie had given him. He saw Crystal slap her shoulder hard enough to hurt before he made his way to the door.

Marcus kept his calm until he was far enough away no one would see him flying like there was danger. He was the only one that knew what was going on behind the scenes. The one who knew how the repercussions of being the new Spring leader after the coup with Hunt was going. 

He stopped above Archie's house, finding the thing he was looking for. There was a cliff behind his house. He had asked the Spring spirit why he'd build a house so close to the edge but he never got a clear answer on why. He knew that Archie could feel him there but there was no reaction. 

He landed next to the boy. He could tell Archie wasn't focused on the world around him. He was just staring into nothing. He winced at the sight of new bruises on his face and arms. 

"Archie?" He watched the other's eye twitch before the green eyes made their way to him. He saw hopelessness in them, an emotion he had never seen in him before. 

"I can't get them to stop. I need it to stop." Marcus nodded before taking Archie's hand, pulling him back towards the little house behind them. He could ignore the Summer solstice but Marcus wasn't going to allow Archie to be alone.

Stayed on the line with you the entire night
'Til you let it out and let it in

He watched as Archie slowly broke down on the couch beside him. All he could do was place a hand on his back in a silent comfort, showing that he wasn't alone. He looked out the window at the moon shining it's light in the direction of the party. Manny and the Guardians must've arrived. 

He looked back at Archie. Would Aster help him with the hopelessness? Could he trust the Easter Bunny to help them? 

It would have to happen another day. He wasn't leaving him alone.

Don't let this darkness fool you
All lights turned off can be turned on
I'll drive, I'll drive all night
I'll call your mom

Archie watched as Marcus curled up under his blankets. He had been under there for a long time, almost two days now. He knew that Marcus was stuck in a depression right now after Katie made a stupid comment about what he was eating. She knew that it was a sensitive topic for Marcus yet she always tested the limits.

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