The Voice

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One of the longest chapters I've done in a while. I'll go ahead and say, grab the tissues. I did my best on this one. This has to be one of my favorites I've written.

this is an idea I had from the last book on "Ideas pt.2". It was originally called "Ghost" but I've changed it.

In this chapter, it's a different world from the one you know. Very different. 

P.S- I'm using quotes from the movie. they are coming straight from my brain as I have not watched the movie in 4 months and I actually refuse to watch it just to see how much I can remember off the bat. Some of the things won't directly go along with the movie. But the dialogue will.

Another thing, here is the code to know who is talking and what is the memory. 



*(it's a sad one)*

TW: Pitch's'll make sense as you read.


The chance of having all four of the Guardians in one room was rare. 

They hadn't been in the same room together in five years. Bunny looked around as the yetis got ready for Christmas. He took a sip of the hot tea Phil had brought him. He jumped slightly at the loud laugh from North. Even to this day, loud noises got him.

He felt his ears tilt back slightly. North had been his bestfriend since he had come to Earth and had be introduced to each other. He knew he was loved by North, Sandy, and Tooth. There was just something missing inside of him. He just couldn't figure out what it was. 

"Hey"  His ear twitched at the child like voice in his ear. He had been hearing it for five years now, it would come at random times. Speaking to him. It had been that long since they had come together to take down the Nightmare King. They almost lost until Manny had shined his light down on them during battle and Sandy came back just when they needed him.

He remembered Pitch throwing him on the ground, his scythe coming right above his head when a burst of blue came in between them. He remembered a chill going over the road they were standing on in the little town of Burgess. He had woken up in the Pole, a week long coma. 

They had won though.

He also knew that everyone had been treating him differently for some reason. Like they were hesitant about something.

"Bunny?" His ear twitched again. He looked over his shoulder to find nothing. He looked around, a chill going down his spine. It was a random cold that surrounded him sometimes. It was like a blanket sometimes. It showed up when he was stuck in his head, it showed when he was in a fight with rogue Nightmare, it showed anytime he was alone. It was like a friend he didn't see. 

"Can you see me?"

"Did you hear that?" Bunny asked as his ear twitched, he couldn't hold back from asking. Was anyone else feeling this? He looked to North who wasn't even paying attention to him. Who was it? Who was he supposed to be seeing?

"Hear what? You are acting very strange lately, Aster." Tooth had arrived. He glared at her as she flew around him like a mother hen. She had visited him a few times recently and found him talking to the random voice. He'd speak to the small voice sometimes, when it spoke. It would respond up until it faded. 

 A little laugh sounded from across the room as he quickly turned to find a shadow in the corner. He jumped up to follow it. He knew he had scared them standing up so quickly but this was his chance. He hadn't ever caught the shadow he had been seeing out the corner of his eye.

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