Theres no escape

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Toms pov :
I new when I saw that girl on that pole she will be mine
She always looked good and that's what I needed her confidence high
I wanted her all to myself I didn't know why
(That rhymed 😌)

"So why are we doing this for a girl this is a joke Tom"my twin brother said to me
"Shut up and do as I say you will get me this girl " I demanded
Time skip

I the plan went to plan until she tried to escape I thought she was smarter than that
But her fighting and struggling just made me want her more
She would still fight for her life even if she had a gun to her head
I don't know what makes this girl so different than the others
They would all stay quite and do as I say
But her no she is a different person than the rest
Her attitude
Her looks
She's addicting to me
So will be mine

"Get her in the van " I said watching fade out of conscience
"Yes sir " my men said

"Bill where are you are they all dead or what ?!" I shouted climbing over all the dead bodies my gang shot dead
"God it reeks in her lests move "I heard my partner georg say
"I want this one " I heard my brothers voice say with a girl being dragged behind him
"Alright let's go I can't stand to stay in this shit hole any longer " I said kicking past all the dead men

Victorias pov :

I awoke to the sound of cars driving fast
I was weak my bodie ached
I Open my eyes to be lying in the back seat of a high end car
All the memories came rushing back to me
I've been kidnapped
I Need to get out
That thought rushed through my brain over and over again
I need to move quick
I jolted up grabbing the handle of the car door
"Fuck !" I shouted
"It's locked love you think I would leave them open for you to escape " he chuckled at the end of his sentence
"Who are you " I asked the man who kidnapped me
"Tom kaulitz love and no need to introduce yourself I know everything about you " he smirked looking at me in the rear view mirror
"You know jack shit about me " I shouted a tear rolling down my face
"Your 19 you live in the apartment complex on the south side of vegas you did live with your nan until she died twelve months ago your mum had you young at the age of 16 and died 11 years ago ,now tell me I don't know everything about you " he smirked looking back at the road
"H how do y you know all that ?" I asked him now crying more
"Oh my darling I have my ways " he said
I looked at the tinted windows he had
I'm getting out
I got on my back booting and kicking it hoping it will brake
"You brake my windows I brake your legs " he said
I stopped his voice changed again now aggressive
"We're here now if u make a fuss my guards aren't scared to shoot you dead " he laughed
He got out opening my door
I crawled back to the other seeing if it was open
He grabbed the same ankle as last time dragging me back again
"Get off of me " I shouted
"Your coming with me " he grabbed my wrist pulling me to his side
His hand went to my waist digging his nails into my skin
"Let's go " he said sturn dragging me
"I said let go " I shouted pulling my self off of him
"Ok we'll do this the hard way " he said his fists balling up
"Grab her " he said
In an instant two large men grabbed me from the back in away I couldnt move
Right then I heard multiple cars come to a screeching stop
"Ah here they are love I would like you to meet my gang " he grinned turning towards the car
It was them other three men I would see in the club too
And someone els
One boy was tall jet black hair and a leathery chained up outfit
The other one had long brown hair to his shoulders and a pretty basic look
The last man had blonde short hair and was the shortest out of them all

That's when two other men came into view with a girl in the hands

"Oh my god " I said
"What was that love ?" Tom asked me
"Scarlet ?!" I screamed at the view of her limp bodie her head had blood on it

"So that's her name " the man with the black hair said
"Victoria I would like you to meet my brother bill and my partners Gustav and Georg " tom Said
"My pleasure sweetheart " bill said to me
"I see you put up a fight as much as your little friend " what did you do to her " I cried
They just laughed making me look like a fool

They all walked in the house that wasn't a house it was a mansion it was huge
Me and scarlet both got dragged into the place it was cold
"Your coming with me " Tom said walking towards me
"Am I fuck " I said glaring at him
"Do not show me up " he said grabbing my arms
"Fuck you " I said being dragged to the stairs
He just smirked at me
We reached the top of the stairs and he dragged me down a long hall reaching to what I though was his bedroom
"This is were you will be staying " he said pushing open the door
It was a girls room with a large bed and a vanity and a chandelier with a bathroom and closet attached
My eyes met the windows
"Don't bother with the windows it's a strait drop down and there bullet proof and binded shut so don't bother " he laughed
And that's when it finally hit me
I'm not getting out of this place

He left locking the door behind him
I looked around the room and in every corner was a camera
"Fuck sake " I said to myself

Chapter 2 is done 🤪 thank god
It seem Tal like it so I'm going to keep on writing and I promise I haven't for got abt
Altoh it's just not done yet so I'm thinking of an ending

Bye love y'all

-author xxx

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