Dont avoid him

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Victorias pov :
I awoke to scarlet  coming through my door and throwing open the curtains
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty " she sang
I pulled the sheets over my head
"It's like 7am go away " I groaned
"No it's 12:45 getttt upppp" she said pulling the sheets off me
"It's fucking freezing " I said hugging my body
"Come on vikky you can't avoid him he won't allow it" she said plopping down next to me
" I'm not avoiding him and even if I was he couldn't do shit to stop me from doing so " I said sitting up and stretching
"Ok if you say so but I got some info on him you might wanna know~" she grinned
"Hmm ok spill " I said
"Well I was talking to this cleaner lady and she said this sorta thing has happened before tom has brought a girl home but they never lasted longer than a day he just uses the for well sex and then he um.." she said breaking eye contact at the end
"Then he what ?!" I said eager to know
"Shush ...well kills them " she said
My face drops
He kills innocent girls for fun
"W-what?!" I said
"Yea but I didn't know if we'll You two had done it so-" I cut her off
"You think i have had sex with that dickhead" I slightly shouted at her
"Shush he can't know you know he will kill us literally " she whispered
"Why hasn't he killed me yet ?" I questioned
"I don't know the woman and me was think the same thing " " she thinks you have 'changed him' " she explained using air quotes
"Whats with the air quotes that dick wouldn't change for the world " I said
"Well that's what bill said he was cold as ice till he set eyes on you ,you like the sun to him you melt away his coldness " she said giggling
"Scarlet ?!" Bill said walking into my room
"Oh hey Victoria Are you coming down for Brunch or what tom is expecting you " he said
"Well let him know to be very disa- " I got cut of by scarlet talking over me
"She will be down in a sec " she said
"Ok don't be long we have a busy day " bill said walking out
"What is wrong with you , are you crazy they will kill us " scarlet whisper shouted at me
"Er I don't want to go down there " I said crossing my arms
"I don't care we're going I'm too young to die " scarlet said

Time skip

Scarlet finally got me to get dressed
I put on a white tube top and low rise jeans with my white thong slightly showing
And my bell ring and (she has her nips pierced too and her tongue ,nose )
I wasn't wearing a bra so they were slightly visible
"You look good that should feed toms thirst for you " scarlet giggled
"Don't ever say that again" I say walking past her out the room
We arrive in the kitchen and once again everyone is there
Bill, Gustav , Georg
And Tom
At the end of the table staring right at me
"Scarlet come" bill said
Scarlet rushed to his side smiling at him
"Victoria come sit " Tom said patting him lap
I thought to myself
"Fine " I Said normally not in any tone
I went over to him and say his hand went to my thighs gripping them
I didn't mind I kinda needed the support to sit comfortably
"I didn't know you have your bellybutton pierced " bill said looking at it
"Yeah I have my belly , nose , tongue and um nipples " I say aukwardly
"Really " Tom said his facing lighting up slightly
"Yea.." I say looking down at him
"Lucky Tom he loves girls who like pain " georg said from across the table
As soon as the words left his mouth Tom grip on my thighs became painfully tight he shot a look at georg
"Sorry " Georg Said looking down at his meal
"Are you hungry we have a long day and night a head " Tom said releasing his tight grip on my legs
"I'll have toast " I said
"Oi I want her some toast asap " Tom said clicking at a maid
"Yes sir " the woman said rushing to get it
"Take your time thank you " I shouted to her
Tom shot a look at me
"You know your mine now whatever I do to people you can do back aswell " Tom said
"First of all I'm not yours and secondly I speak to people with respect I'm not a total bitch like you " I spat at him
"What did you just say " he grinned at me
"Shit Tom she got u them bro " Gustav laughed
"You heard me " I said back to Tom
"You need to watch yourself " Tom said tightening his grip on my body

Time skip
We all ate
And me and Tom went back up to my room cause he needed to talk to me
"What do you want then" I said sitting down on my bed
He went over to the wall opposite me and leaned on it
"Later on we're going to a ball a mafia ball you coming and I'm telling you ,if you make a fool out of me and my gang I will kill you now there's a dress for you and shoe and shot you need to wear put it on and meet me out here " Tom said
I didn't argue and now I think about It I didn't know why
I walked into the closet and grabbed the bag that contained the dress
Oh my god it was the most elegant dress I had ever seen
It was perfect and pulled out the shoes too
Jesus they took my breath away too
The whole out fit was perfect and the best part it came with gloves that matched the dress
I loved to play dress up when I was younger and I felt like a princess with them in my hands

I put on the dress and shoes they were perfect.....

I'm so sorry a week is so long not to upload
I'm so sorry
I'm trying to post more but I am going back on holiday for a weekend but then I think I'm back at skl
I'll try to upload as much as I can but no promises 
Love y'all

-author xxx

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