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Victorias pov :
I was woken up abruptly by cold water being thrown all over me
"Augh " I yelled sitting up fast and wiping my wet face
"What the fuck?!" Tom yelled
"WHO IS THIS TOMMY ?!"the girl yelled
I quickly recognise her from the other night
"Annabelle what the fuck are you doing ?!" Tom said quickly jumping out of bed
"Who is this Tommy have you been cheating on me omg " she cried like a child
"What the fuck " I mumbled to myself
"No I haven't cheated on you I told you it was over"Tom said trying to escort her out the room
Her eyes quickly met mine
And they drifted down my body
I only had my bra on show cause it was hot during the night
"Omg Tommy why is she in a bra did you two have sex ?!"she screamed now fanning her face dramatically
"I've told you stop calling me Tommy and no we didn't have sex " Tom said wiping his forehead
"And what if we did " I said raising my eye brows at them
"Victoria please " Tom begged me to not escalate the situation
"Victoria is it Annabelle Toms girlfriend and soon to be fiancé " she said sticking out a flashy diamond ring in my face
My heat dropped
"What..." I Said quietly
My eyes started to tear up
And she walked back to tom
My teary eyes drifted to toms face
He couldn't even look me in the eyes
"You sort this shit out before I get my dress !" Annabelle yelled before slamming the door and leaving
"Fiancé ...?" I mumbled the tears now down my face
" babe I can explain-" I cut off his sentence
"Your a coward Tom you can't look me in the eyes to tell me this !" "I'm leaving " I said jumping out the bed and grabbing my clothes
I grabbed toms top and threw it over me
"I'll bring this back tomorrow " I said storming out the door
I ran down the stairs being met by everyone's eyes
"Goodmo-"scarlet said
"No you can't even tell they were ENGAGED!"i screamed at her
All of a sudden they all jumped up yelled "what ?!"
"What the fuck do you mean ?!" Bill shouted
"You didnt know , great , he proposed to Annabelle " I said clearly exhausted tears rolling down my face
"Oh my god I'm so sorry v are you ok " scarlet said running up to me
"I had no idea I'm so sorry " she apologise again
"It's not your fault you didn't know I'm sick of him playing with my feelings " I said as she pulled me in for a hug
I cried into her shoulder while I heard the boys argue upstairs
Scarlet rang me a cab to take me back home
I walked out the doors to my car
I could still hear the screaming
"Victoria wait !" I heard Tom yell from the window
He quickly sprinted out of sight till I heard him running towards me
"Please don't go let me explain" he said huffing
"No Tom I'm sick of you lying to me ,how could you do this ?!" I yelled in his face
"We were broken up !" He yelled back
Everyone was surrounded at the door watching
I didn't care
It was me and Tom in this moment
"You don't understand.." he said rubbing his forehead
"Oh no i do trust me " I said rolling my eyes and my taxi beeped
"PISS OFF " Tom yelled in annoyance to the taxi man
"That was my fucking taxi home " I said
"Your not leaving till you hear the truth " he yelled at me
He grabbed my wrist and ragged me to try and get me inside
I struggled slightly but managed to pull my arm away
"So your kid napping me again ?!" I yelled at him my eyes teary once again
"What..." his face turned to me in anger
"Yeah Tom you kidnapped me remember ha it's like you almost forgot " I laughed at his face tears rolling down mine
Tom fully turned towards me
His face cold
Nothing was in him
He pushed my body hard to the ground
"Victoria ?!" Scarlet tan toward me but Tom threw her back to the floor away from me
"Scarlet!" Bill ran to her side
Gustav and Georg ran to Tom
They attempted to hit him
But he swiftly moved out of harms way
He punched Gustav in the stomach knocking him to the floor and punched georg in the nose causing him to loose his balance and fall to the floor bleeding
While that was all happening I scrambled to my feet and ran towards the taxi
I heard Tom scream my name as I slammed the door shut
"South vegas please " I said to the taxi man
He quickly drove away
I saw toms body slowly come out of sight in the mirror
I took a needed deep breath wiping the tears of my face
And gathered myself together

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