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Victorias pov :
I was finally well enough for the hospital to discharge me
I was spending my last night and I was leaving in the morning
It was around 12:30 pm and the hospital ward I was on was closed
It was dark and I was ready to sleep
Till i heard my door click
I turned my head seeing Tom walking in
"Sorry my love I didn't mean to wake you " he said smiling
"No i was already awake what are you doing here it's way past visiting time " i said looking at the clock
He walked over sitting at the end of my bed
"Oh I convinced the staff to let me stay the night with you I didn't want you to be alone " he said
"Awh Tom really i would have been ok alone " i laughed at his sweet actions
"Shush im here now " he said while i made some room for him at the back of me
He walked behind me and sat down
He placed his arm underneath my neck and pushed up against my body
He pulled the covers over him and there was a sight moment of silence

"I'm sorry i did this to you it was my fault I shouldn't have been screaming at you and driving like a cunt im so so sorry " he said kissing my cut cheek

"No i should've known and I shouldn't have left with Sidney but you never knew this but she left me i thought she died Tom when I was only young and I cried every night for years wondering what happened to her Tom and when I saw her it opened a part of me that closed up for decades but I really sorry that I missed your award i love you Tom " i said
His hand reached for my mine holding it
"I love you more " he said
I turned to look at his face
Gazing into his big brown eyes
My lips met his for a much needed kiss
I craved his touch even though he inflicted all my pain
He fixed me like no one else could
I was happy to know Tom was mine
"Wait what happened to the other people in that car ?!" I said pulling away from the kiss
"Oh erm i think they died my love " he said calmly
"Fuck were so lucky to be alive " i breathed out thinking about the people who lost there lives in that car because of mine and toms stupid mistakes
"I know it's your birthday in a couple days what would you like to do " i asked tom
"Nothing just to be with you " he said kissing my neck
"No really do you not want a party or presents " i asked him
"No i just want you " he said
"But it's bill birthday to and scarlet is really extravagant when it comes to birthdays so she will  go all out " i laughed at the thought of her
"Well let's hope they don't mind us two not being there " he said wrapping his arms around me
"No tom we have to go it's bills birthday too he would want to see his twin brother and I want to get drunk I'm so bored being sober and we can get high Oh please tom let's go ! " i begged him like a kid
"Ok fine " tom said
"Yeah " i Said
"Go to sleep it's like 1 am " he said placing his big hand on my face

Next morning /afternoon
12:47 pm

"Babe wake up it's time to leave your coming home today " tom yelled at me to get up
I groaned and pulled the covers over my head
"Come on you can go home and sleep there " tom said lifting me up bridal style
"Carry me to the car im too tired " i groaned at tom
"Ok fine " he laughed
He carried me out and he whispered to me
"Babe I'm getting weird looks do you have to be so limp you look dead " he said
I opened my eyes shooting a look around and it's true he was getting so many weird looks from the hospital staff
"Excuse me sir i hope she is alive " the woman said
"Yeah she-" i Cut tom off
"I am alive now piss of man it's too early I just wanna go home " i yelled at her
"Sorry lady's orders " Tom laughed walking out of the doors
We arrived at the car and he placed me in the front
"Hold up who's car is this OH MY GOD THIS IS MY DREAM CAR AH !" I screamed at the Tom of my lungs
It was a gorgeous Lambo
To be exact a Lamborghini sesto elemento
It was my dream car
"You like it i heard you talk about it to scarlet so I bought one after ours got crashed " he laughed
"Omg its so pretty " i said touching everything
He laughed and closed the door

We soon arrived home
Tom grabbed my bags as i opened the door
I arrived in the kitchen being greeted with everyone
"Oh my god hey gorgeous " scarlet yelled jumping out of her chair to come hug me
"Hey Victoria you look better " Gustav said
"Where maddie " i asked him stoping hugging with scarlet
"Oh she is sleeping she had a rough night last night " Gustav said rubbing his neck
"Yeah riding You " bill laughed hugging me
"Oi shut up it's not nearly as bad as you and scarlet " Gustav yelled
Georg came up and side hugged me while bill scarlet and Gustav argued
"Hey you look so much better " Natasha said to me
"Thanks i feel better " i laughed
I Left the room with Tom going back upstairs to my room
"Ah thank god im home " i Said jumping in bed
"Hey where ordering food what do you want to eat " scarlet said running in my room
"Chinese i want some egg fried rice augh " i Said really excited
"Good choice should be ready soon " she said running out

Half an out later me and Tom get called down stairs
"Foot u fat fucks ! " i heard scarlet yell
We arrived down stairs practically floating from the smell
Everyone was on the sofas cuddled up
Maddie and Gustav , Georg and Natasha and bill and scarlet all under blankets surrounding the tv
Me and Tom sat down
I sat in toms open lap while laying down like this ;

Half an out later me and Tom get called down stairs "Foot u fat fucks ! " i heard scarlet yell We arrived down stairs practically floating from the smell Everyone was on the sofas cuddled up Maddie and Gustav , Georg and Natasha and bill and scarl...

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But the other way round Victoria is lying down

We grabbed our plates and got comfy
"We're watching scream guys !" Scarlet said excitedly
"First one ?!" I said back
"Yeah !"
"YEAHHHH" i screamed

We were coming to the middle of the movie
"I'm my Jesus billy is so fine " i groaned
"I know right he's a whole snack " maddie said
"Oh my I wanna make out with him so bad " Natasha said
"Nah fuck that i wana ride that fucker " scarlet said
We all started to laugh
"Hey what about us were all ten times hotter than a murderer called billy " bill laughed
"Bill babe your called billy " i laughed at him
"Oh yeah " he laughed
"But we're all still way hotter than him "he said all confident
Me and all the girls looked at each other than laughed hard
"Hey we are though " georg moaned
We started to laugh even more

We carried on watching but by the end we were all cuddled up to our boyfriends asleep

Hey guys so once this story is done there is a surprise ig once I've finished it but that might not be for a long while yet but keep a look out cause there is some hints around in recent chapters so yeah
Love y'all

-author xxx

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