I love you

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Victorias pov :
I finally came to conscience
I tried to move my arms
But I was tied down
"Mmmh" I said but the thick fabric muffled my sounds
I looked around the dark room
Nothing was light enough to see
A ring of light surrounded my body from the small light bulb hovering over me
I heard a click from one end of the room
Light entered the dark room from the opening of the door
"Ah your awake " I recognise that voice
I could quite place my finger on it tho
I couldn't see his face due to the lack of light
"Mhm mm hm " I forgot i couldnt speek
"What was that darling "the man said
He came close to where I could see his face
That man from the club
My eyes widen at the sight of him
He reached for my face I tried to back away from his grasp
"I'm not going to hurt you unless you do something that forces me too " he said grinning at me
He removed the fabric cover from my mouth
I take in a much needed deep breath
"Why am I here ?! What do you want from me ?!" I shouted at him
"Oh one question at a time darling " he laughed
"Your here cause I want Tom and from you well your just the bait so I can catch the shark " he smiled at me
"You peice of shit ! Tom will kill you " I shouted as loud as I could at him
His face dropped and he swung his head towards my face slapping it hard causing my mouth to fill with blood
"Ah" I winced at the pain
He grabbed my chin so I would look at him
"Now what did I say "
I Spat the blood from in my mouth
Onto his face
"Fuck you " I groaned my cheek still hurting
"Ugh such a tramp " he said pushing off my chair up and wiping his face
"You need to do as I say or I will find Tom kaulitz and kill him in front of you " he said kneeling further In front of me
The sudden sounds of gun shots were fired
"Looks like I won't have to find him after all " the man laughed
I took the chance I had
"TOM !" I screamed as loud as I possibly could
"Shut the fuck up " the man said walking over to me and pointing a gun at my head
"VICTORIA ?!" I heard toms shouts become louder the closer he got
"Looks like the sharks getting close " he said covering my mouth again with the cloth
The knob to the room twisted
And something rolled into the room
And a large smoke came out of the rolling object
The man breathed in and started to cough
The fabric covered my nose and mouth enough so I could breath but not breath in the gas
The man dropped to his knees grasping his throat coughing and weezing
Tom ,bill,Gustav and Georg
All walked in ,in gas Masks
I looked into toms eyes as he ran towards me
The rest of the boys ran to the man pinning him on the floor
My eyes filled with tears
Tom ran to my hands un tying the he then went to my ankles un tying them too
He picked up my limp body holding it tight to his running me out to what I find out was the club we were once at
Into his car
I placed me in the back seat and we both ripped of our masks
Tom instantly went in for a kiss wich I eagerly took
He pulled back from the kiss
Going in for a hug and hugging me tight
"I love you " he said still hugging me
"What ?" I Said stunned at his words
"I miss you is what I said " he said pulling away looking at me
"I love you too " I said kissing him in the cheek
"What you do " he questioned
"Yes tom I do " I said gazing into his big brown eyes
"Even after all the shit? " he questioned me again
"Even After all the shit " I laughed
I went in for the kiss this time
He pushed his tongue into my mouth and we started to make out roughly but full of passion
After a couple seconds we pulled away to breath
"I need to go kill him I'll be back my love " he said kissing me one last time before he ran back into the building
It was around 17:30 I was exhausted
I closed the door to the car and climbed into the front seat
I pulled down the mirror to see once side of my face red were that cunt slapped me
And I had rope burn all over my ankles and wrists
I curled up pulling toms shirt that I was wearing over my legs trying to keep myself warm 
I soon fell asleep

30 minutes later
I awoke turning to look at the building
It was up in flames
"OH MY GOD " I shouted covering my mouth
Suddenly the doors bursted open sending fire lit debris flying to the floor
I watched as bill and georg and Tom appeared through the flames and smoke
Tom was limp in there arms being held up by bill and georg
Gustav ran to Bills car opening the back seat placing his body incide
I jumped out the car to see what was going on
"WHAT HAPPENED ?!" I shouted running towards bill
"I don't know that man must had set up something in the house and he stabbed Tom with some sort of toxin that has made him black out , his heart beat is there but is very faint we need to get him to the hospital get in that back and make sure he's ok " bill exsplained
I ran to the door were toms head lay slowly and carefully picking his head up and placing it on my legs
Bill jumped in driving down the busy roads
"It's ok Tom you'll be fine " I mumbled
Tears dropping from my eyes to his face were I wiped them off

" sweetheart he's gonna make it " bill said reassuring me

I'm going on holiday tmmr so imma write some on the car ride there 😮‍💨
I might write one more chapter later if I feel like it idk
Hope u liked it 💗

Love y'all

-Author xxx

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