Hes mine (smut)

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Victorias pov :
"Get undressed we're going swimming " Tom winked
"Tom what ?!" I questioned him
"Do as i say " he said serious now
I didn't question him I just got undressed
I looked over at him and he was in his boxers
To be fair I was quite hot and it was the hottest day of the month so I didn't mind
"You ready " he said
"Yeah " I laughed
He got out opening my door

He helped me out
"Come on " he dragged me towards the water of the huge lake
"Tom people will see us " I said
"Your in underwear and it's closed I paid them to close to the public " he stated
"What how the fuck do you rent out a lake " I said
"No more questions let's swim " he said picking me up and walking us in
"Tom put me down it's going to be so cold " I yelled
"No can do sweetheart " he laughed
We were already in now
"See it's not cold " Tom said dropping me in slowly
"Your rights it's actually quite nice " I laughed splashing him
"Oh you little-" he wet me completely
"Oh my god " I said now drenched
He started to chuckle to himself
I started to swim now on my back so my body is out the water
Tom just stared at me
"Take a picture it will last longer " i winked at him
He just smirked and ducked under the water
He didn't come back up
"Tom ?!" I yelled twirling around in the water
"Tom where are you !!" I yelled as loud as I could
Suddenly I felt two arms rap around my waist from the back of me
"Oh my god you scared me " I said not turning to look at him
"Sorry " he said quietly
"Listen to the birds " Tom said
I shut myself up to hear the sweet sounds of the nature around us
I heard the birds the wind
It was so peaceful
I felt Tom pull me close
Laying his lips on my neck
Leaving small marks in a trail down my neck to my shoulder
He moved my hair from the other side to get my bra strap
He grabbed it pinching it to get it
He slowly pulled it down
Our breathing was in sync it was quite
"I love you " he whispered pulling the strap fully off
He moved along to the other side of me moving my hair again to take off my other strap
I was so in the moment
It was me and him and that's it
He un clipped my bra throwing it too shore
He grabbed my waist slowly turning me around
I finally met his big brown eyes gazing back at me
One of his hands traveled up my body
Trailing across my bare breasts
Up my neck
Pulling me close to kiss him
I was struggling to keep afloat till he picked me up so I could wrap me legs around his waist
He started to kiss my neck
And I couldn't help but let out small moans in his ear
I knew I was making it worse for myself but oh well
I felt his hands travel down to my panties
"Tom" I moaned In his ear
"Mhm " he groaned against my neck making me fe the string vibrations from his voice
"We can't right here " I said
"Listen " he said making me shut up
"No one is here  " he said
I didn't answer
He hands slid down my panties pulling them off
I reached my hand down his chest pulling his boxers off slowly
He pulled me close for one last kiss
Till I get him suddenly enter me
"Ah " I moaned loudly into this
I felt his smirk on his lips
He lowered me down slightly making me take most of his length
I was groaning at the sudden pain and pleasure
My head dropped to his shoulder and he rode me up and down on himself
"Tom I can't " I groaned out biting his shoulder
"You can princess " he said stroking my hair
He then fully lowered me down as I too his full length
I attempted to muffle the noises I was urging to make
"I want to hear how good I make you feel " Tom said kissing my neck
He was going so painfully slow that I had to try and sped up to great some friction between us
"Someone's needy " he smirked
"Please Tom " I groaned
"Ok " he said
Suddenly he droped me back in the water leaving me naked
He walked out looks sexy af
"You coming or not ?" He laughed at me
I was hugging my top half even though I was under water
"Why would you do that " I yelled at him
"I was cold " he said putting on his trousers
"Come on let's move " he said only in his trousers
"Turn around " I said
"I've seen you naked before it's nothing new " he laughed
"Turn !" I yelled at him
"Fine " he laughed Tuning around
I got out the water grabbing his top and putting it over me
"Done you can look " I said
He just looked me up and down grabbing our stuff as we both got in the car

We arrived back home now
Tom carried me out cause my legs ached
"Why are you all wet ?" Scarlet questioned
"We went swimming " I laughed
"Right " she said as Tom took us upstairs
He threw my body down on the bed before climbing over it again
"Tom " I laughed
" you really thought I would leave you like that " he said pulling off his trousers as I removed his shirt
He kissed my lips slowly going down
My naked body
Kissing my nipples my belly button then
He looked up at me for some sort of consent I nodded
He kissed my inner thighs suddenly I felt the coldness of his now two lip piercing on my clit
I back arched at the contact
He put each arm under neath my legs pulling me close before he started to lick everything
I felt two finger enter me
Moans filled the room
He was happy with the noice he was creating
The pumped in and out as fast as he could while sucking on my clit
"Tom I'm~" I couldn't finish my sentence
"You can baby " he said going as fast as he could
I finished all over his fingers
He licked every single last drop
He soon came up to my face kissing me roughly making me taste myself
I watched him as he grabbed a condom slipping it on before lining himself up with my entrance
I pushed in slowly this time so I could adjust to his size
I nodded to tell him to go
He started to thrust in me
I craved his Touch like and addict on drugs
I wanted him to have every inch of my body in his grasp
I felt so safe yet so dangered when with him
He pushed in to me again causing me to moan loudly and grunts to escape his own mouth
"Fuck your so tight " he growled at me
My back arched to the over stimulation and near orgasms
"Ride me " he said in my ear
I did as I was told allowing him to flip me over to where I could now get the domain I craved
I latched onto his shoulder feeling the teeth marks from our first round
I started to pump myself up and down
Toms hands flew to my hips as his head flew back in pleasure
I was happy that i was causing him too feel like this
So I went faster
It was killing me but to know it was making him feel good it fed me more
He lifted my hips slamming me back down making him hit my g spot
"Ah " I moaned
"Fuck Tom " I Said scrunching my fists into a ball
He did it again causing my knees to shake
"Please " I moaned
He lifted his hips creating more friction and doing it again
Hitting that beloved spot
My eyes were clenched together
I was making so many noises and so was Tom
"I'm close baby keep going your doing so good " he praised me
He pumped himself in a couple more times making me close too
He suddenly flipped me over thrusting as hard as he could inside of my vagina
"Ah Tom " I yelled out my head wacked down
He kept going making my orgasm ripple out unexpectedly
"Fuck " Tom Said
He pulled out kissing me before falling to the side
"You did so well I'm so proud of you princess " he said kissing me
I wrapped that blankets round my bare body as he got up to remove the condom and clean up
He came back in
Ending the night with
"Best birthday present ever " he laughed
Kissing me be fore us both nearly passing out for exhaustion

Bills pov :
" Jesus Christ how is she alive " I said in absolute horror of what I just heard
"I didn't know but I don't thinks she could possible be on after them ungodly noises" scarlet laughed
"Maybe we should-" i suggested before she cut me off
"No you can go find someone els to brake pelvises with " she said wrapping herself in blankets
"We can just cuddle we fucked earlier " I winked at her
"Bill don't say 'fucked ' you should like a proper man whore " she laughed at me
"Sorry we had intercourse " i said pushing up pretend glasses
"Oh my god " she laughed into the pillows

The house was quite after that

Got to have been the worst smut i have ever wrote in my life I do apologise but I'm abit drunk so 😂 I'll go through and fix all the splllin mistakes later on when I'm sober cause I've had a party last night (like 4 hours ago ) and another tmmr when I'm gonna get sloshed 😏
Love y'all
(Don't drink kids )

-author xxx

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