Date night , death night

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Victorias pov ;
I got up to my alarm around 12:35
I Was excited for my date with Tom
I decided to go out shopping for an out fit
I arrived in the mall and I made my way to the diesel shop
I love Diesel it was my fav brand
I got myself a new bag and tube top
Then I went to Vivienne Westwood and got cute new jewels for myself I was so happy
I spent a bomb but I didn't care
I got home and it was around 5:30
I got a text off Tom

Hey gorgeous just wanted to tell you to dress fancy I'll see you later x
From Tom 😩😈

Ok c u later x

From Tom 😩😈

I showered and got my clothes ready
I did a Smokey liner and my hair straight
I out on my under wear ( a red vs set )
And I decided last minute I didn't want to wear my top I wanted to wear a dress
I wore a tight black dress that came slightly up from my knees
And a big leather jacket over top

I showered and got my clothes ready I did a Smokey liner and my hair straight I out on my under wear ( a red vs set ) And I decided last minute I didn't want to wear my top I wanted to wear a dress I wore a tight black dress that came slightly up ...

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It was now 8:23 I was so scared for Tom to come I kept running to the bathroom to check I looked good Till I heard a knock on my door I opened it greeting his with a smile His eyes drifted down my body Admiring it "You look Perfect " he said I sta...

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It was now 8:23
I was so scared for Tom to come I kept running to the bathroom to check I looked good
Till I heard a knock on my door
I opened it greeting his with a smile
His eyes drifted down my body
Admiring it
"You look Perfect " he said
I started to blush
"Thanks you don't look to shabby " I giggled at him
We were kinda matching we were both wearing leather

His outfit ( sorry they eat up but where is Gustav 😭) "Why thank you love , shall we get going then " he asked me We walked out to his car "Wow it's already dark it's only 8:40 " I laughed getting in He started to drive "So we're are we going ?" ...

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His outfit
( sorry they eat up but where is Gustav 😭)
"Why thank you love , shall we get going then " he asked me
We walked out to his car
"Wow it's already dark it's only 8:40 " I laughed getting in
He started to drive
"So we're are we going ?" I asked him
"It's a surprise " he said placing his hand on my thigh
I got flustered
I craved his touch so bad
I wanted him to hold me to kiss me to ...hurt me
I was addicted to him

I was so zoned out till I snapped back into reality
I didn't know where we were
"Where are we " it was still the city but a fancy part of it I had never been to
He didn't answer and pulled into a fancy building car park
We stopped by a man in a tux
Tom got out and walked around to my door opening it for me and helping me out
"What a gentle man " I giggled at him
He smiled and the man in the tux drove toms car to somewhere to park as we're got in the building
"Mr kaulitz vip is Ready for you just follow me please" a woman said
We followed her up to the elevator
Into a large room that had a balcony with a beautiful view
It looked over the city and there was a table with candles and flowers and wine and menus
"Wow" I mumbled
Toms hands snaked around my waist as we both took the view
"It's amazing " I said to him
"Not as amazing as You " he laughed
"Wow good one " I said walking to the table laughing
He came after me pulling out the chair as I sat down and he pushed me in
"Thank you " I said as he sat down
"Tom this is a lot for a date " I said taking in the view again
"Victoria I'm trying please I want you with me all the time , I'm happiest when with you I know what I did was bad-"
"Awful" I corrected him
"Yeah awful but I'm sorry I've changed I promise i never would hurt you again I was in a state of mind that night , I love you Victoria I used these months crying and reflecting on how I can change for you "
"Please give me a chance " he said to me
" Tom if I give you this chance you won't control my whole life I will live  it how I want , you will not Jew me trapped in a house and you will not keep scarlet captive any longer we want full control over ourselves got it !" I said
"Got it so is that a yes?" He said his eyes sparkling
"Maybe " I teased him
"Oh my-" he groaned and laughed
"I'm joking I guess it's a yes " I said to him
His head shot up in happiness
"Ok what would you like to eat my love "he smile
"Oooh I don't know "

We ate and laughed for the first time ever
I enjoyed myself with Tom
It was nice being with him laughing and smiling instead of screaming and crying
He truly has changed
He got a call randomly
And he exscused himself to answer
I waited for him to come back
He did but then he said words that would shatter me
"Someone has kidnapped scarlet !" He said
"What ?!" I yelled
"We'll get her back just stay here " he said collecting his stuff
"No I'm coming Tom !" I shouted at him
"No stay it's not safe "
"I don't care she is my best friend I'm coming " I shouted and started exciting
"Ok.." Tom said running after me

We got in the car speeding down the highway arriving at the house
Bill looked frantic
You could tell he had been crying
"Tom ?! Oh my god they took her " he yelled
"Victoria im so sorry " he said running to me hugging me
I hugged him back
"What happened?!" I asked him
"I don't know we had a stupid fight over me drinking and driving and she ran upstairs and shit and then I go up to apologise and there was a note saying  ' she screams a lot but not loud enough for you to hear bye bill if you want her back come to the red house "
He said crying
"Fuck I knew it !" Tom shouted
Cars screeched behind us it was Gustav and Georg
"We heard the news- oh hey Victoria " georg said shocked by my presence
"Hey " I replied to him
"It's the rival group the second best mafia in vegas there good but not as good as us.. come we need to prepare this is gonna be fatal " Tom said storming into the house

I knew what was going to happen but i wasn't scared she was my best friend I would take a bullet for her

Hey y'all this is finished yay
Hope u like it imma write more later maybe idk but yh
Love y'all

-author xxx

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