Im letting you go...

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Toms pov :
I awoke from my forced slumber
A burning sensation in the back of my head filled me with pain
All the memories of last night
What I did to her
A strong guilt ran over my body as I stood up from the floor
I saw the blood on the floor
The pain I caused her painted on the walls
"Fuck !" I yelled taking my fist through the blood smeared wall
Leaving a gaping hole
"Why am i Like This " I shouted
I stormed out of the bedroom that looked like a crime sene
I arrived at the stairs looking down them
My little brother stood looking back at me
"What have I done " I said sitting down on the step grasping my head in my hands
He walked up the stairs sitting next to me
He hesitated but still wrapped an arm around me
He was one of the only people that would stay with me through anything
"I'm sorry bill I didn't mean to hurt her " I said a tear rolling down my eye
"It's not me you should be apologising too it's her " bill told me
He's right he always was
Why couldn't I be like my brother
Say the right things
Act more human
Have more heart
I wanted that so bad but although we're twins outlook on life was very much different
He saw the positive he loved
I saw the negative and felt hatred for everyone
He was apart of the mafia but he somehow still had a heart of an angle
He somehow still new how to feel
How to like
How to love
I didn't feel any of that till I met her
She changed me
"Go check on her she's in the spare room " he said getting up and walking away
I got to my feet and made my way over to the spare room
I saw her weak body
Her eyes staring at the sealing
They slowly drifted to me
Her red puffy eyes blood shot from tears
But somehow I saw the hatred glow in them when she set eyes on me
"I'm sor-" she cut me off
"Save it for someone who cares Tom " she said
Her emotions gone
I've never seen her like this
Dead inside
"Your a sick man Tom and I don't know how I thought you changed from the man that kidnapped me and killed all my loved ones to a man I get love for , I was stupid to think that you would change"she said
Hearing them words shattered me
"I'm sick I know but I love you and you need to know that " I said a tear rolling down my face
"I don't care tom I don't know how I can love you again you need serious help I'm done with you " she said nothing on her face but hatred
"I'll take you home you can live your life and I will stay far away from you I'm sorry Victoria " I said
"Pack your things I'll be ready when you are..." I said leaving the room out of her sight
Tears flooded my eyes
I had never felt this way before
I had no idea how to react
Victoria's pov :
I didnt want to admit it but I didn't want to go home
But i did. at the same time
I pack my things and arrived down stairs
I was physically drained I had now energy Inside of me to show any affection toward anyone
Tom waited for me at the door
I saw his face red a puffy from the tears I guess he cried
He grabbed my bags placing them in the trunk as I got in the front
He got in starting the car

The car ride was quite
We drove through the city driving past all the places I used to go before he kidnapped me
I then we drove past the old strip club
Police tape surrounded the entrance
I felt sick thinking of all my friends that dead bodies got hauled out of there
We soon arrived at the apartment complex that I lived at
"Do you want me to bring in you bags " Tom asked braking the long silence
"No I'm good " I said getting out of the car and grabbing my bags
I walked up the steps hauling my bags behind me
"Victoria !" Tom shouted
I turned
"I will always love you " he said before driving off
I thought of his words walking into the elevator
The pain in his voice kinda made me feel sorry for him but I quickly got rid of those thoughts
I arrived at my apartment finding my keys in hidden key I hid in the lamp shade
I opened the door being met with letters
"Bills for this month "
On all of them
I looked at the one that looked the most new
It read
"If you payment is not in by the end of this week you will be evicted "
I looked at the date
I had two days to pay it
I ran around my dusty apartment finding my stash that I hid just in case
Luckily I had enough to pay off the dept

I sorted out all the payments now being back on track
I took the time I had to clean my apartment
And I started looking for a job
Nothing caught my eye
I remembered my friend Angelina that said I had a job offer at her strip club and could have it when ever I wanted it
I found my phone And dialed her number
"Hey babes long time no talk I assumed you were grieving the loss I'm so sorry by the way "
"Yeah sorry i was so lost in life I needed abit of time
I was just wondering if that job opportunity was still open "
"Yeah 100% come for an interview tomorrow and we can get you sorted how does that sound "
"Amazing you a real life saver Angelina "
"I know love ya bye "
"Love u two bye"

I got an interview
That's great
I thought to myself
No more Tom kaulitz
No more mafia
No more death

So I thought...

Hey y'all I feel abit better  now  but I might not post tmmr cause I'm out with my bestfriend and sorting my shit of for school
Imma kms I hate skl sm
Love y'all

-author xxx

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