Strip club pt 2

611 5 3

7 months later :
Victoria's pov :
I got into contact again with scarlet
About three months ago
Apparently Tom is back to his old ways
Killing people
Sleeping around
Starting fights
I didn't care tho I'm over him
I did cry a couple times after leaving him
But that's life and I'm over it
I got a job at the famous strip club down town
I made loads more than at my last job
I was happy
And I was talking to this dude who was literally perfect for me
His name was Cameron he was my love at first sight kinda dude
We had been on multiple dates and we had slept together many times
It was amazing
He was blonde and tall
He loved holding me in his arms
I loved that
He actually worked at the strip club behind the bar
So we are always together
The only downside of where I worked i always had the feeling I was being watched
I just shrugged it off thinking it was like ptsd from Tom
Every so often I would hear the sounds of screeching cars pass by the club
It sounded like Tom and the boys
Scarlet told me he had a new girl
He had multiple but this one had been there the longest so far
Her name was Annabelle she was tall like me and blonde like me
"Looks like victoria 2.0 " scarlet said over the phone
"Yeah well I have to go back to work now you know Friday night busy night " I laughed over the phone to her
"Yeah I know we're going out tonight too bet it's gonna be kill and flee ok bye babes "
"Bye babe "

I walked down to the bar kissing my boyfriend on the cheek
"Hey pretty lady do you want a drink " he offered
"No I'm ok I'm on in a sec make sure your watching" I flirted with him
"Will do " he said smacking my ass hard before I left
I walked on the stage having whistles and all said to me
My song started to play and I danced to the beat
I was walking around the pole constantly looking at Cameron
I heard them familiar screeches going past the club
I shrugged it off as normal
Dancing and grinding
Money being thrown at me as normal
I looked over at Cameron who was serving someone
I heard the entering of more people
And then I saw that face
The face that I dreaded to see
It was Tom
What is he doing here
Soon arrived bill and scarlet and Gustav and Georg
My face dropped
I never thought I had to see him again
Of course he had that girl attached to him like a leech
She was actually pretty
I kept my professionalism and kept dancing
I watched them walk over to my boyfriend
That none of them even knew was my boyfriend
And order drinks to the table
They sat down in the vip booth
Of course
I watched toms eyes drift towards the many dancers
And then finally me
I had the most men around my circle and I was Center of the club
I upped my game dancing the best I could
More and more money was thrown onto my stage
Finally my dance was over and I quickly collected all my money throwing it backs stage
I redid my make up and hair slightly tweaking things
I knew what I wanted to do and I was going to do it
I ran over to the bar
My boyfriend confused on what the hell i was doing
I took a circle tray and placed toms and everyone elses drink on it
And I made my way over to them looking amazing
I looked sexy
I smiled greeting the table
"Hiya guys what was your drinks "
Toms head shot up meeting my eyes
They were wide with shock
I paid no attention to him
And I turned it all to his pet
"And what did you get sexy " I smirked at her
She giggled and started to blush hard
"Porn star martini " she giggled to me
"Good choice " I winked at her
"Hey Victoria " tom said to me
"Sorry do I know you ?" I asked him looking confused
I saw the anger ball up in him
His hands turning into fists
I gave them a smile and winked at toms pet before I walked away
I heard him start to shout at her
"You whore " he yelled in her face
"What the hell was that about ?" Cameron said to me as I put my tray back down
"Nothing " i kissed his cheek
I turned back around looking at Tom
He was glaring right at me and Cameron
I smirked at him before going back stage
I entered my room
Taking a big breath
I can not believe I just did that
I say down taking my heels off
Suddenly my door swung open
It was Tom
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" He screamed at me
"I don't know what your talking about "I tried to keep my calm
"Sorry do i know you , of course you know me I'm not that easy to get rid of love " he said taking a step closer to me
I quickly stud up not knowing what he would do next
Cameron suddenly appeared in the door way
"Babe who's this I saw him run after you ?!" Cameron said to me glaring at Tom
"Piss of u dickhead " tom said to him
"Oh shove off you German twat " Cameron said in response
"What did you just say " Tom smiled at him pulling out a gun and pointing it at his head
"Yo man I was joking bro !!" Cameron screamed like a kid

"Oh for fuck sake " I said shoving past them
"Babe !" Cameron shouted after me
"Piss off " tom Said
"Oi she my girlfriend " cam said
"Oh I don't give a flying fuck mate " Tom said hitting him around the head with his gun causing Cameron to fall to the ground

Also look at the pic at the top of Tom 🤣🤣

"Victoria wait !" Tom shouted after me
I carried on walking till he caught up to me pulling my shoulders back and slamming me into a wall
"What the fuck ?!" I yelled at him
"No what the fuck to you why did you do that " he said to me
"Do what ?" I said back
"Flirt with Anna bell " he groaned
"Awh did it turn you on some lesbian action " I laughed at him
It must have been the drinks talking cause it sure as hell wasn't me
"No...we'll yes but that's not the point I was finally moving on" he said drunken in his words
"What the famous Tom kaulitz having to move on " I laughed at him
"I'm serious !" He yelled placing his head on the wall behind us
His mouth no next to my ear
"I missed you " I mumbled in my ear
"I missed you too Tom but what you were doing to me was toxic we were in a toxic relationship Tom !" I shouted at him
"I know but I'll change I promise take me back " he begged me
"Please love "
"Fine but you take me out on a proper first date !" I shouted at him
"Thank you " he kissed me hard on the cheek
It warmed my heart seeing him smile
I walked over to my now ex boyfriend and who was on the floor rubbing his head
"By the way we're done and oh yeah I'm German too so who's the twat now " I yelled at him before walking back into my room
I finished my shift
And I got a message
It read

I snuck into your room and put my number in your phone I'm picking you up Saturday 8:30 be ready my love x -Tom
From Tom 😩😈

I messaged him back

Ok better be good x     And also wtf is your name on my phone 🤣.  

I knew you would like it 😏😉.   
From Tom 😩😈

I went to bed think about the day I'm going to have with him

I'm so sorry it took me so long to post😭
Ah 34 😭
I was at skl but it the weekend now so yh
Bye guys
Love y'all

-author xxx

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