Dress up

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Victoria's pov :
We both awoke in each others arms
His eyes greeting mine
"Morning beautiful " he mumbled to me in his raspy morning voice
A small smile formed on my face but I didn't answer
He got up and I saw his naked back
My nail marks with dried blood and bruises around each imprint
He walked out going to the bathroom as I stayed in the warm sheets
He arrived back shortly
"We need to go back to mine I was hoping you would do me a favour " he said sitting down on the bed
I sat up looking at him in confusion
"Yea.." I said
"Can you come with us we need business to be done I promise no body is going to get hurt " he pleaded me
"Ok I have nothing els to do today and I want to see scar " I said to him
"Ok get dressed you can wear normal clothes now but you need to change later to the clothes at mine" he said kissing my forehead
I ran to my closet throwing on a basic outfit
A normal top and some shorts
I put on some sneakers and brushed through my hair
I had my lashes done acouple days ago so I just did some concealer
I ran down the stairs grabbing my phone and keys and met Tom at the car

We sped down the highway like normal
We shortly arrived at the house
We walked in and went into the kitchen to see bill and scarlet making out
"Get a room " Tom yelled throwing his stuff on the counter
"Huh " they both said turning around
Both there eyes met mine
"Victoria ?!" Scarlet said running up and jumping on me
"Hey girl " I laughed at her
"So are you two back together ? " she asked turning to me and Tom
Mine and toms eyes met eachothers
"We're taking it slow " Tom said before I could say anything
Gustav and Georg stumbled down the stairs along with two other girls
One was a gorgeous mix race girl with amazing curly hair and the other was a ginger girl with beautiful freckles
"Oh vic this is Madison and Natasha " scarlet said pulling the girls towards me
"Oh this is toms dreamy girl you gorgeous by the way I'm Natasha " the mix race girl said
"Hi you beautiful too I'm Victoria " I said hugging her
"Hi I'm Madison but call me maddie " the ginger girl said
"Hi I'm Victoria your hair is so pretty " I said admiring it
"Thank you what do you use in yours it's so shiny "
She asked
Our convo was cut short to Tom dragging me over too him
"Yeah I use- Tom im talking " I Said as he pulled me into his arms walking me away to the counter
"What do you want " I asked him
He had his head tucked into my neck
He started to kiss it slowly
"Tom not here.." I whispered in his ear
"Let's go upstairs then " he whispered back
"No Tom we have guests " I said to him
"Please" he begged me
"No I'm leaving now " I said pulling his body off me and walking away
"We need to start getting ready Tom we have like 4 hours and I know they will take for ever " bill said pointing at us girls
"Bill you take more time then me to get ready don't talk to me " scarlet rolled her eyes at him
"We have no clothes " the two girls said
"Ooh me and scarlet have loads it's a ball right ?" I asked Tom
"Yea" he said
"Eeek " me and scarlet said
We dragged the two girls up to my old room and I wiped open the doors
There mouths dropped open

We all were trying on outfits and we all started doing makeup and hair
"So girls this sound random but who's is who's " I asked them
"Oh well I'm Georgs girlfriend " Natasha said
"Im Gustavs " maddie giggled
"Oh you do know what they do right " I asked them
"Yeah we know they already told us " maddie said looking over at me
"Well we all need to Carry guns and shit cause you'll need em trust me " I said to them
"Ok if that means we're safe then ok " Natasha said
"No your never safe you need to keep your eye out for anything suspicious and stay away from it stick to the boys side that's where your most safe " I said to them
"Got it thanks for the pep talk " they said
We carried on doing our hair and then a good somg came on
"DO YOU WANNA FUCK , YES I WANNA DO " we all sang loud

4 hours go by and we're all about to put on our dresses
"Wait let's show all the boys " scarlet said
"Yes !" We all shouted in sink
"TOM GET YOUR ASS UP HERE ! " I screamed for Tom
"YOU TWO BILL " scarlet yelled
"GET GEORG UP HERE NOW " we all yelled
They all came running
Bursting through the door
"What have we done ?! " bill shouted
"Oh nothing we just want you to see our dresses " I said sweetly to them
The relief on there faces made us giggle

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