Drunken love

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Victorias pov :
I woke up to an empty bed
I got up walking down the stairs
"Tom ?" I said rubbing my eyes
No answer
I walked into the kitchen opening the fridge to get something to eat
Nothing again
I turn to the island
And a small sheet of paper caught my eye
I opened it to read what it said
"Hey babe we're just out sorting business out we will be back at 12pm latest
I love you
-Tom "
"Ok so I have the whole day " I said to myself
"Wait no is scarlet in ?" I questioned myself
I ran up the stairs to bills room
And there she lay
"Biach wake tf up no men in the house we have it to ourself " I shouted jumping in the bed
" no v go away " she yelled covering her head
"We can get wasted " I tested her weakness
"Ooh " she said lifting her head making a o with her lips
"Let's go " she said jumping out of bed
I quickly followed after her
We ran into the bar that we discovered days ago
"Get the tequila and vodka " I said to her while grabbing the coke and other stuff
We walked into the kitchen placing the bottles down
"I'm sweating " scarlet groaned
"Take ur top off then " i laughed
"Do it with me i don't wanna be alone " she laughed
I pulled off my top only having a bra and some shorts on the same with scarlet
I poped open the tequila taking a swig
And the same with scarlet
"This needs music " I said placing the bottle down
"bill has a speaker !" Scarlet yelled legging it up stairs to grab it
We ballasted music and rocked our bodies too the beat dancing and screaming the lyrics
The song slowly ended and gasolina started playing
"OOOOOH THIS IS OUR SONG !" I shouted to scarlet
"YESSS!!" She screamed
We horribly butchered the Spanish but still sang the words
We shakes our asses dancing to the beat

Victorias pov :I woke up to an empty bed I got up walking down the stairs "Tom ?" I said rubbing my eyes No answer I walked into the kitchen opening the fridge to get something to eat Nothing again I turn to the island And a small sheet of paper c...

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And then hey baby started to blast over the speakers "NOOO THIS SONG IS OURRR JAMMMMM!" We sang slurring our words "HEY BABY YOU CAN BE MY GIRL I CAN BE YOUR MAN AND WE CAN -" we sang loudly Time passed it was now night and we were sloshed Slurrin...

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And then hey baby started to blast over the speakers
"NOOO THIS SONG IS OURRR JAMMMMM!" We sang slurring our words
Time passed it was now night and we were sloshed
Slurring our words slightly falling over
And laughing our asses off

Toms pov :
"Fuck me im so glad we're back " I said driving into the driveway
"Why are all the lights on in the house ?" Bill asked looking up at the house
"I hear faint music " Gustav said
We all got out
"Oh shitttt tom bill look " georg said pointing toward the window
It was Victoria and scarlet
With there tops off dancing with bottles of vodka in there hands
"They look pissed up " bill laughed
"Well we'll see " I laughed while walking toward the front door
The loud music hit our ears when we opened the doors
We walked into the kitchen still seeing the half naked girls singing and dancing to the music
"BILL~~~" scarlet yelled peering over Victoria's shoulder
"Hey babe " bill said being pulled by scarlet to were she was just dancing
Victoria turned around to see what all the commotion was about
Her drunken eyes lit up when she saw me
"BABYYYYY" she shouted running and hug jumping me
"Hey love it looks like you two have had fun " I laughed
She pulled away
"Vo you boyyys want a drinkkk ? " she slurred her words
"Yeah-" Georg tried to say before I stoped him
"No it's been a long night babe let's go to bed " I tried to take her upstairs
"Noooo the partay isn't over yet " she moaned
"No let's go to bed now " I said picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder
"Party pooper " she groaned
"Ulp " she gagged covering her mouth
"Babe I'm gonna be sick " she gagged
"shit wait till I get to the bathroom " I ran us to the bathroom
I places her down to the toilet as she threw up hard
I Held her Long hair back
"Let it all out your ok " I said rubbing her back
She threw up all she had
"Come on bed " I said picking her up bridal style and placing her in her bed
"Stay here I'm gonna go get you something to take ok" I said to her watching her nod
I ran down stairs to get her some Tylenol
I hit her a Glass of water too
"Tom they drank all the good shit " Gustav moaned
"Oh well " I laughed going back upstairs
"Here you go baby-" I stoped in my tracks to see her sleeping soundly
I laughed to myself putting the stuff on the table next to her for her in the morning

Next morning
Victorias pov :
I woke up to my head pounding
"Ah my fucking head " I said grasping my forehead
I looked over to see the time
12:46 pm
And a box of Tylenol and a glass of water
Bet that's from Tom I thought to myself
I took the drugs with most of the water
And I got out of bed throwing on one of Tom jumpers off the floor
And walking down the stairs
I arrived in the kitchen to all the boys and scarlet leaning on bill sleeping
"Morning sunshine " bill laughed
Tom turned to look at me
He got up off his chair and hugging me
"Are you ok did you take the tylenol ?" He questioned me
"Mhm stop shouting too please " I said back
"Sorry baby " he said kissing my head
"I don't know how we got so drunk " I said sitting down at the table
"You woke up and drank you had nothing els in your system to balance the alcohol out " Tom said
"Do you want some toast ?" Gustav asked
"No thanks "
"Love you need to eat " Tom said
"I'm not hungry tho " I groaned
"Well we're going out tonight you need food to survive " Tom laughed
"Fine I'll have a banana "

I'm back off holiday bitches
Ok big thing we hit 1Kkk yeah and we hit 4K on a little touch of heaven
Yeah yuh
Love y'all I'll try to update soon but I'm back at skl on Thursday so yh
Love y'all

-author xxx

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