Wet dream *smut*

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Victorias pov :
We slept at my apartment that night
I couldn't sleep but I felt tired
Our body's were so close I could feel every movement he made
I was gazing at Tom taking in his features
His long eyelashes
His bushy brows
His soft lips
He was so perfect his face was perfect
How could such a beautiful creature be such a horrible person
How can he kill with no remorse
I was over thinking
I snapped out of my trance
To toms quiet moaning
His lips slowly parting to make noice
His breath paste quickened slightly
Is he having a wet dream
I joked in my mind with myself
Till I felt it
He was hard against my leg
"Fuck.." I whispered
He slightly grinded on my leg
I wasn't lying it was turning me on but I knew it was wrong cause he was unconscious
I had no idea what to do
Should I help him ?
No that would be wrong
How am I going to sleep with a big hard dick grinding against me ?
I'm going to wake him up
No he would be pissed either way
In a sudden he pulled my body close to his naked chest
He only had boxers on and I only had his top and underwear on
I felt his breath against my Nose now
We where millimetres apart
He moved more now
I closed my eyes quickly after seeing his eyelashes flutter open
"Fuck..." he whispered slowly and carefully removing me of him
I slightly opened my eyes watching him run to the bathroom
He flicked the light on but didn't close the door
I heard him
The sweet sounds leaving his lips it turned me on so much
I knew he was jacking off in there but I couldn't help but listen I mean I can't block out sound
I looked at the clock
Not that late
I was so turned on but I didn't know what to do
I was frustrated i cant Touch myself what if he walks in
And I can't just walk into the bathroom that would just be awkward
I flicked on the lap next to the bed
It lit up the room
I heard Tom finishing up in the bathroom and washing his hands
I watched him open the door and slowly close it till he turned and made eye contact with me
"Hey...Sorry I didnt mean to wake you i was...um " he struggled to finish his sentence
"I know what you was doing Tom I'm not dumb you were moaning so loud " I smirked at him
"Oh shit sorry i was just having a um " he stuttered
"A wet dream it's ok Tom " I giggled at his flushed red face
Suddenly his embarrassed face turned into a evil smirk
He crawled on the bed over to me
"What are you doing " I asked
"Do you want to know what I was dreaming about ?" He smirked at me
"No I'm good " I teased him getting back under the covers
He plopped down next to me and moved my hair from my neck
He placed small kisses in my neck before whispering
"Do you want to feel what I was doing to you in my dream ?" I felt his grin against my neck
I was getting hot and flustered
He started to kiss me neck a slight bit rougher
"Don't ignore me " he whispered again
He moved the covers off my body
Trailing his hands up my top too great my waist with his strong grip
He quickly turned my body so I was face to face with him
He was hovering over my body slightly
Our eyes were locked on each others
He came close to my face kissing my lips gently
I wrapped my legs around his waist as he grabbed my hips picking me up making me straddle him
He broke the kiss as he lifted the top I was wearing over my head revealing my naked chest
His hand flew to one massaging it as his lips traveled to my neck kissing and sucking
A small moan left my lips
He was so good at it
He controlled my body so well
I lifted myself off him pulling down his boxers
Letting his second hard on spring on to his lower stomach
I always get shocked at his length he was so big it made me wonder how the fuck it fits
He pulled at my panties pulling them down to my ankles I kicked them away getting back onto him straddling him
His hands were on my ass gripping them as i tongue kissed him hard
I wrapped my arms around his neck before he pulled away
"Do you want me " he asked for my consent
"Yes " I needed him so bad
He slowly lowered me down letting me adjust to his length
A moan left my lips again as he lowered me half way
"Does it hurt did he not fill you up as good as me " he teased me
I was unable to answer but he was right no one compared to him
He lowered me down fully my nails scraping down his back
He pushed me up with his hands and putting me back down on to him
Grunts came from his lips after pushing in me acouple more times
My moans filled the room
My nails dug in to his back

Toms pov :
Her nails hurt but in a good way it turned me on making me want more of her
She was so tight so I new that 'boyfriend' of hers wasn't the best in bed
She felt so good
I lifted her up so I could hit that spot that I knew she would love
I thrusted hard in using my hips to hit it
A load moan choked from her mouth that's when I new it hit it like gold
She rested her head on my shoulder whimpering in pleasure
Her nails dug deep into my back breaking skin
She scratched and clawed at my back I pleasure it made me feel so good
How I made her feel so good
I grabbed her ass knowing I needed more
I liftetet her placing her on her back
Her head plopping down on the pillow and her hair sprawling out
My braids fell beside my face as I speared her again and lined myself up to thrust in her
My left hand grabbed her thigh and my right gripped her waist for support
I thrusted my length in her craving more of her
I was now moaning and grunting as loud as her
I did it again harder this time
"Tom.." she moaned out
"You can take it all love " I said out of breath
She stayed silent as I pushed my full length In her right pussy
Her moans grew and I the tightening around my dick was more obvious
I knew she was close
And so was I
"Tom I-" she struggled with her words
"I know me too baby just wait " I said pushing in and out of her
"Ok now " I gave her permission
She did as she was told and came all over my dick I thrusted in again and pulled out cumming all over her stomach
I quickly fingered her to help her ride out that high
I got up and walked into the bathroom leaving her on the bed
I turned on the bath putting in some soap and bubble bath running it a perfect temperature for us
I walked back in the room with a towel wiping off her stomach
I lifted her body up in my arms
Carrying her bridal style
"You did so good baby " I praised her
She kissed my shoulder somehow not being able to let out any words
"Oh shit tom you have a little bit of blood all on your back " she said shocked
I placed her down on the toilet to take a look
"Huh what do you mean " I looked at my back in the mirror

" she moaned out "You can take it all love " I said out of breath She stayed silent as I pushed my full length In her right pussy Her moans grew and I the tightening around my dick was more obviousI knew she was close And so was I "Tom I-" she str...

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"Babe that was you " I laughed lay her
"Oh my god im so sorry " she said shocked at her marks on my back
"It's ok I know it just felt good " I smirked at her
I picked her up off the toilet and I placed her body in the bath and got in after her
I was he her hair rubbing in the shampoo and sk rubbed her back and she did the same

We got out and I left her so she could dry herself while I changed the sheets on the bed to clean ones
"Tom ?!" She yelled
"Yea?" I shouted back
"Can you come get me please " she asked me
"Yeah what's up ?" I said walking into the bathroom
"My knees ache I can't walk " she moaned
I chuckled at her
While I picked her up again walking her too the bedroom and placing her still naked body in the bed
We decided just to sleep naked
I got in the other side pulling her body close

We got out and I left her so she could dry herself while I changed the sheets on the bed to clean ones"Tom ?!" She yelled "Yea?" I shouted back "Can you come get me please " she asked me "Yeah what's up ?" I said walking into the bathroom "My knee...

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She hugged my torso kissing my lips
"Goodnight my love " I kissed her head
I could tell she was tired
"Night babe " she muttered before digging her head in the crack of my neck
She was sleeping already
I closed my eyes
Now us both asleep

Hey sorry guys abt the random smut
I do Hope you guys like it pls let me know In the comment but I do like to know y'all ops on everything
Anyways love y'all

-author xxx

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