Girl gotta gun

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Victoria's pov :
We walk into the room and Tom walks us to an edge of a large round table
He seats so I got to sit next to him and the rest of them sit on the opposite side of him
Another man comes and sits next to me with all the others joining around the table
Tom is discussing business next to me as I keep my head down to stay out of trouble
"You beautiful darling " the man next to me said
I look up wondering wether he is talking to me or not
"I beg your pardon are you talking to me " I say to him politely
"Yes darling your gorgeous " he smirked placing his hand on my knee
An large aukward ness grew over me
"Oh thanks " i say pulling away my knee
"So are you toms piece" he said to me
"I'm nobody's piece thank you " I say turning back to him
"So you wouldn't mind coming to mine " he smirked grabbing my thigh harshly
"No I wouldn't now get off me " I say slightly raising my voice
"Oo little girls got feirce" he grinned
"I said get your hands off me you pig " I sag standing up and slapping him across the face
A silence grew over the room
The man stood up slapping me hard throwing me to the floor
"Oi you fucker " Tom shouted pulling out his gun with bill , Gustav and Georg doing the same all in sync
Scarlet rushed to my side to see my lip bleeding
"Oh fuck Are you ok v " she said cradling my body up
"Yea I'm ok "

Toms pov :
I point my gun at the man who just hit Victoria
"Learn to control you dog " the man said
"Say that again I dare you " I tested him
"Learn to control you dog-"
I cut him off by shooting him in the head
All the other mafia leaders in the room had pulled there guns out pointing them at us
"Try me " I said grinning
As soon as the words left my mouth a gunshot was fired at me but completely misses me
My boys instantly shot everyone on sight killing them
I was shooting people and dodging bullets left and right
I soon reolised I'm out of ammo
A large man charged at me
I used my gun and wacked him around the head with it mocking him out

Bills pov :
I watched a man go over to scarlet and Victoria
"Hey get away from us " scarlet screamed
I pointed my gun at him shooting him in the head
I winked at scarlet as his dead body dropped to the floor
"Get behind that table " I shouted before going to help out my brother

Victoria's pov :
I watched as Tom , bill , Gustav and Georg all killed at least 100 men
Each boy had one man each apart from Tom
He was fighting one as I watch anothe creep behind him with a knife
"TOM MOVE " I screamed pulling my gun out from my thigh
I watched Tom throw himself to the side as I pulled the trigger killing man who went to stab Tom
"Throw me the gun baby " I heard Tom shout
I did. as he said and threw it along the floor to him
I watched him kill each man who was on the boys
"Fuck me that was effort let's get going " I heard bill pant
"Yeah im out Tom let's go " I heard Gustav say wiping the sweat from his head
"Yeah you guys go I'll just stay here for a minute with Victoria " he said as he walked over to me and sending scarlet back to bill
I felt numb remembering in a sudden what I just did
"I just killed someone " I mumbled as I stared at my palms
"Yes you did and you did it so well I'm so proud of you" Tom said pulling me up into a hug
I didn't hug back
I felt like I died
"Love what's wrong you saved me think about that " he said kissing my cheek
"Why would I wanna save you Tom you kidnapped me and killed the only people I had left apart from scarlet I should have let you die " I shouted at him pushing him away
"But you didn't leave me to die why's that ?" He said smirking at me
"I don't fucking know ok I want to get out of here " I shouted at him storming past him
I walked to the doors turning around to see if he was following me or not
I saw him in the same spot I left him
"Are you coming or what ?! " i shouted
"Calm down I'm coming " he laughed getting up and jogging towards me
I got in the car and sat down in the passenger seat
Tom tried to place his hand on my thigh and I just slapped it away before it even came into contact with it
"Don't touch me " I said sternly keeping my eyes on the road not bothering to look at him
"Ok love what ever you say " he laughed again
"It's not funny Tom ! I don't wanna be like you I don't wanna kill people " I say in a weak voice withy eyes swelling up with tears and one rolling down it cheek
"Hey hey I'm sorry " he said taking one hand off the weel to wipe my tear
"I don't want to kill people tom " I say now crying hard
"You did it for a good reason you can kill bad people you do know that right " he said trying to calm me down
I just ignored him as we finally reached the house

He opened my door and picked me up
My feet ached so I didn't care
He walked me up into my room and into the bathroom
"What are you doing ?" I asked him
"Running You a Bath to get his fingerprints and sent off you " he said running a bath
" I can't get the zip " I say
"My zip to the dress I can't get it " I say back
"Oh yea "
He unzipped my dress
And he left the room
"I'll be in the main room if you need me just enjoy your bath " he said before he left closing the door

Why is he being so nice all of a sudden
Shit I'm falling harder for him
Don't do this he's like the spawn of satan like the devil

Hey I'm acc not at my nans turns out that tmmr so I'll write more tmmr so yeah
I hoped you liked it so far

Love y'all

-author xxx

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