I hate him

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Victorias pov :
"Babe my heads still pounding I don't want to go to this meeting " I groaned as Tom was throwing me an out fit from in the closet to wear
"I don't care this is an important meeting and you are coming " he demanded
"Tom why are you being like this " I said
"Like what ?" He said taking a step closer to me
"Like a dick , I hate how you just change so fast with out a shit to give " I shouted at him
He suddenly lunged forward shoving me hard that sent me flying into the wall
"Ah " I groaned out in pain
" do you want me to act like I don't have a shit to give cause I will " he shouted in my face
He grabbed a hand full of hair pulling me to look at him
"Look at me when I talk to you , now your going to get on that out fit and meet me down stairs look pretty and smiling ok , great " he said letting go of my hair roughly
He left the room slamming the door hard
"I hate him " I cried out quietly
"What the fuck is wrong with him !" I questioned
I grabbed the out fit and put it on re doing my hair cause Tom messed it up
I placed on the heels he told me to wear
And made my way downstairs
His eyes met mine
Everyone was there
"You look so good v " scarlet said to me
I winked at her
"You look good baby " my eyes met his again
I said nothing to him just stared with hatred at him
"Okayyy let's get going then " bill said
We all went in separate cars
And me and Tom were together as allways
The car ride was aukward not a word was said
Till Tom broke the silence
"Not a Word at this meeting you sit quite and you don't move or talk till I tell you too " Tom said
"Whatever " I rolled my eyes at him
"You will !" Tom said sternly

We soon arrived at the tall building in the city
His arms wrapped around my waist
I didn't want him there but I couldn't stop him
"Remember what I said " he whispered in my ear
We walked in and immediately got escorted by a man who took us too the very top of the building
We're a fat man sat
" Guten Morgen Bitte nehmen Sie Platz" the man spoke in thick German
(Good morning please have a seat )
"Es ist eine Freude, endlich das berühmte Mafia-Tokio-Hotel kennenzulernen" the man spoke again
(It's a pleasure to finally meet the famous mafia Tokio Hotel )
" Vielen Dank, dass Sie uns haben" Tom replied
(Thank you for having us )

The meeting carried on in German
I understood most of it due to the fact I'm half German and half American
"Das ist meine Frau Victoria , Victoria, das ist Herr Albrecht" tom Said turning to me
(This is my woman Victoria , Victoria this is mr Albrecht )
"Hallo, ich bin Victoria, es ist mir eine Freude, Sie kennenzulernen" I Said shaking the man's hand
(Hello I'm Victoria it's a pleasure to meet you )

The meeting ended with no body being killed
"You were well behaved " tom said getting into the car
"I'm not a dog Tom " i said back to him
"You are a dog if I say you are !" Tom shouted at me
"No I am a girl you kidnapped for your own pleasure I'm nothing to you but a fuck budy and a girl you can show off in special meeting with your big bad mafia " I screamed back at him
He turned fast and slapped me hard across the face
He started the car leaving me in pain
He sped down the highways fast
Barely dogging possible fatal crashes
He pull in fast making the car come to a screeching halt
The burning sensation in my cheek causing my eyes to water
He got out of the car coming back over to mine
I tried to move but it was too late he had me in his grasp
He grabbed my hair pulling me out the car
And throwing me against the brick wall
I smacked my head against the brick that cause blood to seep down my face
"You think you can do and say whatever you want with out a single consequence don't you " he smirked down at my weak body
"Fuck you !" I screamed at him
He grabbed my hair again
Pulling me up to my feet and dragging me into the house he slammed the door throwing me to the floor
I scrambled up as he went to turn on the lights
I took my chance running up the stairs
Into my bedroom
I needed something to protect me from this Tom
I remembered the gun that I had and left in my bag
I ran to go get it hearing his foot steps coming up the stairs
"As they say in the movies baby you can run but you can't hide " he laughed to himself
I pointed the gun at the door my finger trembling
His foot steps became closer and his figure filled the doorway
"That's my girl being just as crazy as me " he laughed seeing the gun in my hands
"Go on shoot me " he said stepping closer
He came close as he put his head against the gun
"Shoot me !" He shouted loud
Tears were streaming down my face
My vision was blurry
My eyes full with tears
And I let them fall down my cheeks
He slowly grabbed the gun
my grip becoming loose
He quickly snatched it throwing it hard against the wall
"Why didn't you shoot me huh ?" He said pushing me to the ground
"You had no problem shooting them other men what's so different about me ?" He asked smirking and getting on his knees infront of me
The blood was all over my clothes and my hair was a mess
My cheeks red and my eyes puffy from the tears
Suddenly bill appeared quietly behind Tom
He smacked Tom hard across the back of his head with the gun
Knocking Tom out
"Bill " I said getting up and hugging him tight
"Are you ok that's a lot of blood " he said looking at my face and clothes
"I don't know .." I said my vision becoming dark
"Victoria?!" Bill said trying to get me back
But I was gone
I had passed out
All I saw was black
Bill pov :
I love my brother but I hate the other side of him
The way he acts
He would kill me and wouldn't care
And I new the real him inside he loved Victoria with his whole heart and I know he wouldn't kill her but he was going too and nothing would have stopped him if I didn't do anything
I couldnt just stand there and watch
So I saved the girl from my big brother
But she was out
I ran her too another spare room we had placing her in the bed
Scarlet ran in checking on her best friend
"Will she be ok ?!" She asked tears filling up her eyes
"She will be fine don't worry " I said hugging her from the back
She grasped my arms
"Why does Tom do this " she cried
"I don't know"

Sorry that might have been abit shit but I'm really sad rn cause my cats have been re-homed cause we aren't allowed pets around we're we live so there living @ my family friends but yeah
Love y'all

-author xxx

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