She's mine

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Victorias pov :
"Scarlet I slept with him " I groaned into my hands
"I know u get it girl " she giggled from the mirror we're she was plucking her eye brows
"Ah fuck my eye " she shouted holding her eye
"Anyways how did it happen tell me all the deets " she said throwing herself on my bed
"I don't really know how it all happend " I said leaning back on the head board
"Come onnnnn atleast tell me if it was good " she groaned
I started to look down playing with my hands not answering her question
"It was good ! I knew it " she giggled jumping up and down
She reads me like a book
"It's not good I told myself I wouldn't do this "I groaned covering my face and with my hands
"You have fell for mr bad guy~~~" scarlet sang

"If your referring to me as 'mr bad guy' I'm going to be highly offended " his voice making us jump
"Oh hey Tom Vicky was just Tell me how-" I Cut her off by throwing my pillow at her face
"How you helped me by running me a bath last night that's what she was gonna say " I said grinning like a child
"Oh ok i was just checking if you wanted any food " he said leaning against the door frame
"No I'm good " I said smiling
"I'm starving ugh " scarlet said getting up and leaving the room
"You need to eat love " Tom said walking over to me
"I'm not hungry tho " I said as he stood infront of me
"Come downstairs I'll make you whatever you want " he said finishing the sentence by kissing my forehead
"Come on " he said putting his hand out waiting for me to take it
I did. And we walked downstairs to the kitchen
"Also before we go in we have another meeting tonight so we had your outfit ready for you I just wanted to let you know " he said gazing into my eyes
"Oh ok " I Said Walking into the kitchen
"Morning Victoria " Bill Said
"Morning Bill " i replied to him
"We have another meeting tonight let's hope no one dies " bill said laughing
"Highly doubt it " Tom laughed back
My brain went back to that night how I watched people die infront of me
I didn't realise how zoned out I was
"Babe , babe , Victoria !" Tom shouted grabbing my attention
"Yeah sorry" I said looking around
"Yeah well you need to bring a gun again for your safety are you alright with that ? " he asked me
"Yeah that's ok i guess " I said giving him a slight smile

Later that night
I walk back up to my bedroom seeing the outfit Tom had picked out for me
It was a tight leather mini skirt and and a diesel tube top with matching bag and a pair of knee high heels
I had a shower and did my makeup and hair and put on my outfit
I walked down the stairs meeting Tom
"Hey come here " he said waving me over to him
"Hey what's up " I asked him
"Put this in your bag " he said handing me the same gun as last time
I placed in my bag closing the latch
"You look good in that by the way " he said getting up and kissing my cheek
I followed after him as everyone els was already in there cars waiting on us
Tom opened the passenger door for me letting me in
And he got in on the other side
We drove fast to the club where the meeting was being held
The whole car ride tom had my hand on the gear stick with his hand on top guiding in to the right ones
We shortly arrived with the boys not far behind
We entered the club
Music blasted in my ears and the bright beaming lights shined in my eyes
"Come let's get a drink for when we're up there "Tom shouted in my ear over the music
I nodded at him
We made our way to the bar and Tom ordered a voldka coke and I had a voldka cranberry
We soon got our drinks making our way to the main stairs leading up
Tom guided me and all the boys up the stairs to a room
"No trouble this time ok " he said to me giving me a look in my eyes
We entered the room to be met with a long table with a man and many body guards surrounding the room
"Ah we've been exspecting you mr kaulitz " the man said standing up and pointing to the seats on the other end of the table
Tom walked over to the other end of the table and sat there
He made eye contact with me and patted his lap
I walked over to him sitting down on his leg
were his hand snaked around my waist
"So this is the famous girl you killed all them men for" the man laughed looking over at me and Tom
"Well I will kill if Someone even set there eyes on her she's mine " Tom said Sternly
"Well after that little stunt you pulled at the Galla we lost 25 percent of all mafia leaders " the man said placing his hands on the table
"We would like to congratulate you mr kaulitz for doing it before we could " the man finished his sentence
"Please you couldn't do that that's only a tokio hotel thing wiping out a quarter of the worlds most dangerous mafia leaders no body could do that bar from well ... us " Tom laughed at the man
"Are you laughing at me " the man said angrily
"Yes I am " Tom said smirking at him
"Kill them " the man said to his body guards
Tom instantly pulled out his gun standing up moving me before he could nock me over and started to shoot each one
Bill followed by shooting the other men too
Along with Gustav and Georg
I looked around the room in panic not being able to see scarlet
That's when I saw a man dragging scarlet by her hair
Something came over me
A sort of rage seeing my bestfriend be hurt
I pulled out my gun
Aiming it at the man's head and shooting him
"Ahhh oh my god Victoria " scarlet cried crawling away from the now dead man
"It's ok your ok " I said kneeling down comforting her
I placed the gun on the floor next to me
Staring at the pool of blood starting to form the man's head
That's when it hit me

Ive done it again....

Yay this part is done
I think imma write one more tonight then hit the hay 🙃
Hope you loved* it ( cause I got told off the last time I wrote liked 🤣 )
Love y'all

-author xxx

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