Sept 1st

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Victorias pov :
August 30th 12:40pm

Me and scarlet have been running around so many shops to get presents for Tom and bill
Tom has been raving on about how he wants spider bites
So I got him an appointment to get them at a piercer
And scarlet got bill one too to get his septum pierced
We both were so excited I also got Tom a platinum chain
We ran to Walmart to get decorations cause were going to throw them a party on the second cause we have other plans on there actual birthday
We got loads of alcohol and weed too
We hid that all in the garage while we went back incide
"Hey we're have you two been ?" Tom asked me while wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me
"We went shopping for some stuff cause we need new shit " scarlet said while sitting on bills lap
"Seven hours to shop that's a long time to get clothes" bill laughed
"Bill you take longer than all of the girls combined " scarlet laughed at him
"Come on let's go upstairs I'm shattered " Tom groaned

The morning of Tom and bills birthday
September 1st 9:42 am

Me and scarlet had been setting up all the decorations
We cracked a bottle of voldka while doing so

It was now the morning and me and scarlet had bought bills fav makkies breakfast

"Tom my love wake up " I said kissing his forehead
His long eyelashes fluttered open
"Morning beautiful " he said kissing me roughly
"Someone's in a good mood " I said
"It's my birthday and I get to wake up with the hottest woman alive of course I'm happy " he said flipping me over and kissing me again
I kissed him back happily
That slowly turned into s make out session
We both pulled away to breath
"Come on we ordered bill fav for breakfast " I said jumping up and dragging him out of bed

We both arrived down stairs
"Happy birthday Tom" bill said handing him a small box
"I said don't get me anything " Tom laughed
He pulled open the string opening to see a patek phillippe nautilus watch
"Thank you little brother " Tom said hugging him
Tom then pulled out a small box too
"Here ya go " he said handing it his brother
Bill wriped it open revealing some car keys to a lambo
"No the fuck you didnt " bill screamed
"Nah it was nothing " Tom said picking up his food as stuffing it down his face
"Thank you " bill screamed hugging Tom
Tom just stud there still munching on his food
"Ok ok that's enough " Tom said
Bill back up still smiling at his gift of his brother
"Me and scarlet also got you somethings too " I said
Scarlet pushed the boys on the sofa and told them to stay
We came back down stairs with two bags with our presents in
"Babe I told you not to get me-" I placed my finger on toms lips
"Shush " I Said hushing him up
We both sat infront of them and pulled out one gift
"There are what you both want so here " we both smiled
It was a small envelope
They both opened it
"Septum piercing for 2 pm today thank you baby " bill said kissing scarlet
" thank you my love " Tom said kissing me hard on the lips
There got through all of there gifts kissing us after each one
"Ok that's it for bill " scarlet said
"I have one for now and one for later for tom " I said
I pulled out the big flat box
Tom took it and carefully opened it
He picked up the large chain admiring its beauty
"Wow it's almost as pretty as you " he joked
"Your welcome happy birthday oh and bill you gift is on your bed that's off me " I said
Bill jumped up and ran upstairs
Scarlet followed after him
I was busy watching them too see tom come close to me and pull me onto his lap
"Thank you , you've spoilt me " he said
"Your welcome birthday boy " I said kissing him
Soon that kiss turned into something more
Tom put me on my back now me lying on the sofa
He kissed me roughly having one hand on my waist and the other next to my head
We were fully making out at this point
Till toms head whipped up
"Can you two get a room please " Gustav begged
"We had one till you came in " Tom shot back
"Morning Gustav " I Said shooting him a smile
"Morning Victoria " he said back
"Jesus you two get a room " bill said arriving at the end of the stairs
"Leave us be " Tom said getting of the Top of me
I lent up to look around
"Morning cunts " Georg shouted as he arrived down stairs with Natasha
"Hey tash " I said waving her over
Maddie came down too with scarlet
We all sat at the sofa just chilling as Gustav and Georg gave tom and bill birthday beats
That was until they brought it over infront of us and started to wrestle
"Jesus Christ " we all groaned as the children fought

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