Its not your fault (smut )

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Victorias pov :
I sat by his hospital bed
Listening to the sounds of his heart monitor
I heard the door click open
It was bill
"Did you hear anything?" I questioned him
"He's ok he'll make it he just needs to stay here for abit " bill said walking up to me and kneeling infront of me
"Its not your fault " he said looking into my eyes
I could barely see him my eyes were full of tears
Two tears dropped my cheeks
"It's ok " bill said wiping my tears
He pulled me into a hug
"I'm so sorry bill " I cried into his shoulder
"Don't apologise sweetheart " he said rubbing my back

I sat by toms bed everyday for a week
Talking to him

I was asleep one night in the chair beside toms bed
I woke up to noises
It was Tom he was talking in his sleep
" come " he said
"Tom ?" I said moving to his side
He said no more
I walked out his room to find a doctor
"Excuse me sir " I said tapping on the man's shoulder
"Yes ma'am "
" er mr kaulitz is talking but he is still unconscious " I said
"Oh yea that's just sleep talk that's a good sign he is close to waking up " the doctor smiled at me
"Oh ok thank you "I said walking back to Toms room
I walked in
"Hey sexy " I heard a voice say
"Tom ?!" I said turning around to look at him
"Hi " he smiled at me
"Oh my god " I ran to his side hugging him
"Ugh I thought you were gonna die on me " I said pulling away
"I'm sorry "he laughed pulling me back in for a hug
"I love you " he said kissing my forehead
"I love you too "I said looking up at him
"How long was i out ?" He questioned
"A week and abit " I told him
His eyes slightly widened

Time skip

Tom finally got discharged
We arrived home setting our stuff down and going upstairs
"I need a shower so bad " I groaned
"Me too " Tom said sitting down on my bed
"I'm going for one now " I said grabbing towel
I walked into the bathroom turning on the shower
And undressing
I was washing my hair and rinsing out the shampoo
I heard the door open and close
It's probably Tom having a piss
I thought to myself
Till I saw Tom climb in the shower with me
"Tom what are you doing " I laughed
"I want to shower with you " he said walking under the water with me
I watched the water run down his body down his chest and down his lower body
"Liking the show " he teased me
"I am " I teased him back
"Oh really " he said walking closer to me
My back met the wall
He lent down kissing my lips
He hands went to my waist pulling me closer too him
My hands went to his wet chest snaking up a round his neck
He lifted my legs and I wrapped them around his torso
"Mmh Tom" I said trying to pull away but he just kissed me harder
"Tom you just came out of hospital maybe now today " I said pulling away from the kiss
"I don't care if you don't " he smirked kissing my neck now
"I do care I don't want to hurt you " I said
"Baby you won't hurt me " he reassured me
I didn't say much more
I just let him kiss me
"Are You Ready " he asked me me
"Mhm " I mumbled to him
"Words baby " he said kissing my neck more hard
"Yes Tom " I groaned
He slowly lowered me onto his dick
He groaned  against my skin
He lowered me thurther and bouncing me back up and down again
"Ah " I moaned in his ear
I craved his touch all over me
He kept the rhythm
I wanted more
"Faster " is all I could muster out
He didn't answer but started to go faster
The knot formed in my stomach again
"TOM?!" Bill shouted
Tom covered my mouth
Still pushing fast incide me
"Yeah !" TOM shouted back
"You Need to come and take these meds !" He shouted
I tried to be quite but Tom kept fucking me not caring about bill
"Yea I'll be put in a sec I'm showering right now " Tom shouted back
"We're Victoria?!" He shouted
"In here with me " Tom said looking at me smirking
"Oh shit sorry I'll go " bill said walking away
I glared at Tom
"Sorry babe " he laughed
"I cannot believe you just said that to him " I said as Tom put me down
"Sorry I knew he would go away if I said that " Tom laughed watching me get out of the shower
"Your not funny he's gonna be traumatised " I said wrapping a towel around my body
"Oh well " he laughed getting out too and shutting the shower off
"Babe I haven't got a towel " Tom said smiling at me
"Not my problem " I laughed walking out the room
"Ok then " he said following me out still naked
"TOM !" I shouted at him
"What this isn't your problem " he laughed walking into my room and sitting down on my bed
"Your wet on my bed Tom " I groaned
"Give me your towel then " Tom said crossing his arms
"No you just want to see me naked again " I said
"Exactly " he laughed
I rolled my eyes and walked into my closet grabbing a towel to throw at him
I gave him one walking back into my closet
I dropped mine putting on a black bra and thong
I grabbed a shirt throwing it ontop
"Ah your so sexy " Tom said leaning against the door with a towel wrapped around his lower half showing his v line
"Your not to bad yourself " I said walking up to him
I put my finger on the knot holding the towel up and pulled it causing it to fall on the floor
"Babe !" he said scrabbling for the towel
I laughed walking away out the door to the bedroom
"Are you coming Tom ?!" I shouted still laughing
I got into bed as I watched him put some baggy shorts on
He started to run to the bed jumping in it
"Jesus Tom you just got out of hospital " I said laughing hard at his actions
"I don't care " he laughed
He pulled my body towards him kissing me hard before lying down and pulling me ontop of him
I Fell to his side cuddling his torso
"Night I love you " he said kissing my forehead
"Night I love you more " I said kissing his chest
We fell asleep cuddling

I missed him

Hey y'all so I'm Omw to holiday rn
It's only a short one but I won't be posting till I'm off
I hope y'all like this
Love y'all

-author xxx

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