Why wont you leave

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Victorias pov :
I jolted back
Wich ended with me on the floor
I scrambled to my feet
As he smirked at me
"What are you doing here Tom I don't want you here" I said to him
I tried to keep my calm but his dumb face me it hard
"What why ?" He acted oblivious
"Tom your engaged to a whore let's be real " I yelled at him
I got up making my face drop slightly
He got close to me as I slowly backed into the wall till I couldn't go any thurther
He leaned in so close I could feel his breath
He placed his hand on the wall next to my head
"Let me be real you want it to be you " he smirked
"No why would you think that ?!" I asked awkwardly
"Come on it's so obvious " he laughed now moving away and sitting down on my bed
"It's not" I laughed
"So you do it's just not 'obvious'" he used air quotes
"What ever just go I want to be alone right now " I said walking out
"Dont walk out on me Victoria " he yelled running after me
He placed his hand on my shoulder in attempt to stop me
I ragged his hand off
"No ! Tom your a lying manipulating bellend I'm sick off you but somehow I will always go back to you and I hate that fact ... now leave I don't want you here !" I screamed at him
His face was cold
I swung the front door open tears now streaming down my face
"Ge-get out " I cried standing next to the open door
His body was still he hadn't moved a muscle
I ran up to him banging my fists against his hard chest
"Get " wack "out" wack
His hands traveled to my back and my eyes now filled with tears and my body becoming more weak
My knee slowly gave way
His strong hands slowly flowed me down to the floor
I cried gripping my hands on his shirt
We were both now on the floor
(Like this sorry it was the only pic I could find that was anywhere close to what I was thinking )

"Why won't you leave " I cried as he hugged me into his chest"Cause I know you don't want me too " he mumbled He lay a gentle kiss on my head "Im not getting married Victoria " he said quietly in my ear "Then why did you propose to her " I said st...

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"Why won't you leave " I cried as he hugged me into his chest
"Cause I know you don't want me too " he mumbled
He lay a gentle kiss on my head
"Im not getting married Victoria " he said quietly in my ear
"Then why did you propose to her " I said still hugged in his chest
"I didn't know how els to get over you " he mumbled
"Bullshit " I mumbled quietly still in his chest
"Pardon ?" He said
I lifted my head my eyes red and puffy from crying
"I said bull shit " I said now standing up and walking away
He got up quickly after me
"How is that bull shit Victoria ?!" He now slightly yelled at me
"Cause ! You could have done anything but that !" I yelled back turning to look at him in rage
"Like what ?!" He yelled
"Have break up sex I don't know ! " I shouted
"Did that " he said back
"Get a new girlfriend then " I said
"Did that too "
"Knowing you ,you probably went on a killing spree huh I mean I wouldn't put it past you "
I said
"Yep you Probably saw that on the news too" he said with alittle chuckle
"See you don't give two shits about the people you kill they had lives you know ! " I screamed at him
"You right i don't care cause that's who I am Victoria I kill ,  I'm a killer!  , wake up and see the fucking world around you ! .... Everyone knows I'm a killer and I couldn't care about anyone els but myself ... is that what you wanted to hear ?"he yelled back at me
"Exactly " I said to him
"You know what fuck this " he stormed out of the room
"Where are you going ?!" I yelled running after him
"Away cause you can't see that I'm trying my fucking hardest to show you that I love you ...and I wouldn't pick anyone over you " he yelled now tears in his eyes
"What ." I mumbled
"Yeah I love you but you too fucking blind to see it , we used to say it to each other and now you can't even say it back ..can you " he said a tear rolling down his face
"I-I can't " I said
"Why ?!" He yelled
"Cause she still has a ring on her finger !" I yelled at him
"This ring this one right here " he said pulling out the ring " this ring doesn't mean shit to me " he said throwing it across the room
"Then I love you !" I yelled at him
"You do ?" He said now calm
"Yes " I said taking a much needed breath
He ran fast and took me off my feet picking me up
"Never going to get used to this Tom " I mumbled
He lifted his head
And placed his lips on mine
It took me back to the moment I fist layed my lips on his
The regret was now placed with lust
The hate now love
We pulled away
He looked me in my eyes
"I love you " he said
"I love you too .." he went to place his lips on mine again
I put my finger between us
"But if you ever put a ring on a nother whores fingers I'll chop your dick off and feed it to the dogs " I glared at him
"Yes ma'am" he smiled kissing me again hard

I'm so sorry this was written over multiple days
My skl has been so stressful Omd
Also pls comment and vote cause I like to know what y'all think abt it so far
You never know u could change the plot 😉😉
Love y'all

-author xxx

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