Shoot her we'll shoot you

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Victorias pov :
I walked in after Tom
The house was a wreck
There were holes in the walls and all
We went down the the basement getting into gear
Tom handed me a bodysuit that was bullet proof
I got changed out of my outfit and dressed in the body suit
Tom put a knife in one of the pockets and the rest guns and ammo
"Do I really need all this ?" I said as he stocked me up
"Yes there powerful they have many troops and also a quick hack drain yourself of emotion it will hurt less killing " he said death in his eyes
I had at least 5 guns on me and a knife that would be enough along with all the boys
I tied my long hair up and made my way upstairs

Victorias pov :I walked in after Tom The house was a wreck There were holes in the walls and all We went down the the basement getting into gear Tom handed me a bodysuit that was bullet proof I got changed out of my outfit and dressed in the body ...

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Love scarlet 🤣 that's the outfit if u get what I ment she's eats up

We met with bill ,Gustav and Georg they all were geared up too
We took a few gaurds with us too just in case

We got in the car
My breathing heavy
"It's ok we'll get her back don't worry " Tom reassured me
"I know but I can't help think what's happening to her right now " I said
Tom placed his hand on my thigh
Rubbing circles with his thumb as he drived
We drove for ages getting to a remote area
It was in the middle of no wear
The house looked dead no sign of life at all
We all gathered round as Tom exsplained what is going to happen
"Right everyone stay together don't spread till I say got it and kill everyone except scarlet ,got it let's move " Tom said as we all made our way to the front of the house
Tom stoped
"Let's go round the back " he whispered
We all quietly made our way to the back the was nothing but a large vent above us
"None of us would fit " bill said looking up at it
"Victoria would " Tom said
"What no i wouldn't " I tried to deny
"Babe if you want scarlet back you need to do this ,all you need to do is crawl through and find we're there all located and come back so we can kill each one " Tom said
"Fine fuckin hate this spy kid bullshit " I groaned
"The mafia isn't spy kid bullshit Victoria " Tom said giving me a hand up so I could get in
"Yeah what ever " I said rolling my eyes
"Stop Victoria here put this in you ear you can talk to us and we can hear you through ours and you can hear us though yours ok " he said to me handing me a smal ear bud
"Spy kid shit got it " I laughed putting it In
Tom rolled his eyes in annoyance
I crawled thurther in the vent till I came to the closet light
"You see anything " I heard toms voice in my ear
"Yeah one second " I whispered
I crawled thurther looking through another vent
Tall man stood staring around the room
"There's some big as fucker on the left " I whispered again

I soon found all the locations off all people but scarlet she was no we're to be found
I came out the vent and me and the boys headed round to the front
Gustav attached mini explosives to the red doors
We ran for cover behind trees
"In 5 ,4,3,2.....1" Gustav said on one the door blew up sending wood flying around

But nothing happened no shouting of screams were heard
"What the fuck " Tom said
We all took a look at the door
The surposed men
We're on the floor
"Fucking mannequins " Tom shouted in anger
"They look so real " I Said laughing
"I know " bill laughed too
"What the fuck are you laughing about we don't know where the fuck they are " "shit this is probably a trap " Tom shouted at us
"Sorry " we both Said
We all ran to the car getting in
Tom drove fast
He drove back to the house and came to a quick stop
Multiple cars were infront of the house
With many men infront of them
"Fuck .." tom mumbled
We all got out the car
"Well well well " the man said in the middle
"What the fuck he really said villain era " I said to bill
Bill started to laugh
"Is there something funny " the man said
Suddenly two men dragged scarlet out by her hair
He ankles were wrapped in duck tape
The same with her wrists
And a strip over her mouth

"Oh my god scarlet !" I screamed
Blood was running down her head
Her eyes full with tears looked in mine
I could hear her muffled screams
"Let her go " Tom said stern
"Oh no im not going to do that we want something In return , your title of the mafia " he grinned
"Fuck off " tom laughed
"Ok then " the man said now sticking out a gun pointing it at scarlets head
In an instant we all pulled out our guns pointing it towards him
"Shoot her we all shoot you " bill said
I had enough waiting
Anger filled me
I pulled the trigger
Killing the man in an instant
Tom looked around to see who shot and his eyes met mine
More shots were fired
We all shot and killed the many men
One grabbed my waist picking me up
Suddenly Tom shot the man
Us both dropping to the ground
Tom pulled me up off the dead man
"Go get scarlet and get her safe we're all ok here" tom shouted running back to the boys
I ran to scarlet pulled her body onto mine and picking her up
I didnt know how strong I was till that moment
I ran inside and placed her on the couch
"Fuck " she shouted as I wriped the tape off her mouth
"Are you ok ?!" I hugged her tight
"Yeah I'm ok " she said
I ran to the kitchen grabbing some scissors cutting the tape off her limbs
"Ah they were so tight " she said rubbing her wrists
"What happened ?!" I questioned grabbing the first aid kit
"I don't know one minute I'm in the bedroom the next I'm being hauled into the back of a van " she said her red puffy eyes still red from tears
"You might need stitches " I told her
"Do what you have to do " she said
I cleaned up the cut with alcohol pads
"Ah that stings " she said
"It will I'm sorry"
I started the stitches she yelled out in pain
We could still hear gun shots but we were to focused on us to notice them stop
Suddenly Tom gustav and Georg all in with bill in there arms as I finished up scarlets stitches
"He was hit by a bullet !" Tom shouted
"VICTORIA CAN YOU DO SOMETHING PLEASE HELP HIM " Tom said now a tear running down his face
I ran to bill along with scarlet
I lifted his bloody shirt
He was shot in the waist
"He'll be ok it only went in abit and it didn't hit anything bad it just might be a nasty scar " I said
"Get him up on to the table I need pliers and a lot of tissue and alcohols wipes got it " I shouted to the boys
Tom and georg got him onto the table
Gustav got pliers
And scarlet got tissue and alcohol wipes
I washed my hands to avoid infection and grabbed the pliers
Bill had tears in his eyes and had scarlet talking to him and comforting him
He put a cloth in his mouth as we pulled out the bullet
He cried out in pain as I got it out
I quickly stitched him up as best as I could
"Done you'll be ok bill " I reassured him
He turned fast to hug scarlet
"I'm so sorry " he cried into her shoulder
"Take it easy bill you just got hit " tom said

Later that night

We all took a shower wiping the blood off our bodies
Tom called his gaurds to get rid of the body's
Me and Tom brushed our teeth in silence
And we got into bed
Tom broke the silence
"Im sorry this wasn't how the date was ment to go " he slightly laughed
"Its ok I know it wasn't on purpose or anything " I laughed it off
"I do love you Victoria " Tom said gazing into my eyes
"I love you too Tom kaulitz " I said placing a kiss on his cheek before turning and lying in bed
Tom laughed and pulled my body closer to his
He spooned my body wrapping his arms around my torso
I felt protected and safe
I missed this
I missed us
And our toxic and loving ways

Sorry I didn't post yesterday
Also I hate this chapter I think it's so shit and I know this doesn't happen in real life n stuff
It's so crap but I still hope you liked it
Bye love y'all

-author xxx

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