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Victorias pov :
We all started to walk out after the boys got ready
And the boys stopped us abruptly
"What are you doing ?" I questioned them
"Rules " tom Said glaring at us all
I folded my arms and rolled my eyes
"This is no joke you all have to be on your best behaviour " I laughed and chocked on his words
"Nothings funny Victoria you know this anyways you can't speak to anyone do not drink the drinks or eat the food they give you - we don't know what they put in it or have done too it - this is a serious meeting so just stay with your boys and keep
Your hands to yourself if you feel in danger or if someone is attacking you , use these " Tom said handing us out guns
"Here's the straps put it around your thigh out of sight "Tom said
I grabbed it and put mine on no problem and so did scarlet
Gustav and Georg helped Natasha and maddie
"Please don't fuck this up " Tom said mainly at Natasha and maddie
We all nodded and made our way to the cars
Maddie and Gustav in one
Natasha and Georg in another
And scarlet and bill in one
And then me and Tom in his car
Tom lead all the cars out
The drive was atleast an hour
At first it was silent till he broke it by placing his hand on my thigh
"You ok ? " he said rubbing circles with his thumb on my inner thigh
"Yeah but stop talking to the other girls like that Tom there humans not animals treat them good like you do with me.." I said not even looking at him
"Baby I need to be stern with them they need to know this isn't a joke and your different." He said taking his eyes of the road for a brief second to look at me
"There nothing different in how you should treat any woman Tom " I said putting my hand on his to move it to the gear stick
"Ok love " he said smirking to himself
I looked over at him and his twinkling eyes being lit up by the road lights
"Your really handsome you know " I said admiring his beauty
"Not as gorgeous as You though " he turned to wink at me
I felt slightly flustered at his words
"But red Baby " he said laughing at me
I look over at him and the dumb smirk I could see plastered across his face
"Shut up I'm not !" I said
He laughed at himself as he pulled into a massive mansion
It was black and so unique
It was in a secluded area surrounded by a Forrest
"This is it scull palace " he said stopping the car and getting out
I hadn't left the car yet just admiring the house
He opened my door putting his hand out
I took it still not taking my eyes of the sight infront of me
I heard the cars behind us come to a screeching stop
I watch all the girls and boys come around the cats admiring it too
"It's pretty right ?" Tom asked me
He wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my neck and leaving his head on my shoulder taking it in too
"Yea I love it " I said
Bill came behind Tom pulling him to talk

Moments later all the girl had came over to toms car
"Hey gorgeous do you actually know what we're here for ?" Scarlet said
"No he just said it's really important "I said
"Must be we've never been lectured like that " scarlet said
"Oh and Girls Tom isnt always like that he's just very straightforward and doesn't fuck about sorry about him though " I laughed awkwardly
"Yea no Gustav and Georg warned us what we were getting into " Natasha laughed
The boys slowly came walking back
Bill wrapped his arms around scarlets waist kissing her cheek
And Gustav took maddie by the hand
And Georg was linked arms with Natasha
Tom was last and he took my waist walking in with me
We walked up the concrete steps up to the black doors
Tom pressed a Butten that I hadn't noticed before
Suddenly the large doors opened to large room
It was all a deep shade of red
Two butlers (I assumed ) were stood at each door not looking anyone in the eye
This time everyone was silent
It looked like they were waiting
Tom started to walk to the front of the room
I kept my head down but giving the often glance around
We got the dress code right everyone was dressed pristine
"Now we are going to wait here till them doors open we will all walk up and find our seats once we have found the mm stand behind the chairs do not sit or drink the food or lift the bowls infront of you ok ?" Tom whispered to all of us
I was so confused this was so strange
I looked up at Tom
"What's wrong love ?" He said in my ear
"Nothing " I said sending him a little smile
He just smiled and nodded as his cold expression came back
And we just waited
Ten minutes went by and it was still silent
I heard a click
Then another
And another
And then the doors opened
"Welcome please find your seats " a voice shouted
We walked up the stairs into the room
It was grand
All the space was either black or deep red
Tom lead us over to the table that said
"Mafia of tokio hotel "
That's us
We found our seats
I quickly noticed my name card reading

Victoria kaulitz

Thats toms last name
I look at Tom who's just smirking to himself as he realised that I noticed his little gesture
Scarlet is sat next to me who is staring at my little card then hers then mine
I look at hers

Scarlet kaulitz

What the fuck ?
We look at each other and smile knowing we can't laugh
My thoughts stoped when the same voice came through the speakers
"We are here to celebrate the killings of the year , the rates have heightened . Well done . All of us here are allies of one an other so no killing today . The stats are higher than ever before many important deaths to be celebrated between us , this meeting only happens once every couple years and we have some new comers please come to the front as we read out the stats of the new joiners " the man read
Tom looked at me with a smile
Fuck .
"Maria keystone , Sidney Lauren .."
"SIDNEY ?! " i thought
I look at scarlet who's in utter shock
She looks at me

"How can my sister still be alive ?!"

Hey y'all this is a plot twist
Also BILL MIGHT HAVE A BF AHHHH Marc eggers wtf there all gone now I can't have a single member of Tokio Hotel FUCK MY LIFE
jk in all seriousness bill deserves love he is the sweetest soul I'm so happy for him 💗💗
I haven't done much recently school has been rough
Anyways hope u enjoy
Love y'all

-author xxx

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