At gun point

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Victorias pov :
I slept better last night
Not great but better
I kept telling myself I will get out
I will I know i will
"Wake up love it's time to train " Tom said
"Ok but I don't have any clothes " I said with a fake ass smile
"Someone's excited and there's some in your closet " Tom smiled pointing to the closet at the other end of the room
"Yes I am excited " I said getting up out of bed and going to the closet
"Im waiting out her for i to ou when your done my love "he said before I closed the door
"I hate that 'my love ' ew how am I his love " I thought to myself
I put some black wriped jeans and a white top
"Im ready " I say walking out
"Okay let's go but just a word from the wise if u try to shoot me today my partners ,my brother and my guards will all shoot u at any second darling we're surrounded your not ever getting out " he said glaring into my eyes
I looked down to the floor then last few words echoing through my head

We arrive down to the kitchen and he led me to a door that lead down

I followed Tom down the stairs to be met with a shooting range
Knife throwing rage

"Here these will muffle out the noice " he said putting sound Muffs on my ears
"Ok so this is a GLOCK 19 " he said passing me the gun
I just starred at it not knowing what to do
"You good ?" He asked me
"Yeah I um ive never held a gun before " I said
"Well I'll teach you how to hold it " he said putting his hands on mine and going behind my back with his head on my shoulder
Teaching me how to use it

"And the that's the trigger and your done just aim and fire " he said taking a step back
I had learnt enough to be able to shoot ok

I took the aim and aimed it right a the green metal mannequin

I took the aim and aimed it right a the green metal mannequin

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(This pic is so perfect )

"Aim for the chest that's easier " he said to me
I felt to confident so I went up to the head
And pulled the trigger aiming perfectly in the centre
"Woah what the fuck ?!" He said running up to the
"How the fuck did you do ......" he turned around back to look at me
I had the gun pointed at him
"...that" he smirked
He started to walk up closer to me
My hand began to shake I didn't know why but the look in his face sent shivers down my spine
"Go on then " he said grabbing the gun and placing it to his head
"Shoot me !" He shouted loud
I didn't move a muscle
That's when he pushed me back causing me to drop my gun
He pushed me hard into a wall ragging my hands above my head
"I knew you wouldn't " he smirked gazing into my eyes
I that moment I felt strange
I felt attracted to him
I mentally slapped myself
But not hard enough apparently cause I found my self staring at his lip and him lip piercing
I didn't notice how close we were
He leaned in after a moment of silence
Connecting our lips
One of his hands went to to my waist as he let go of my hands leaving them to be put around his neck pulling myself in to the kiss

That's when I came back to conscience
What did I just do
My eyes wiped open pushing him hard away
"Oh my god what did I just do " I said wiping my lips
I looked up at his face his grin bigger than ever
I sprinted back towards the stairs and back up them
Leading into the kitchen were Gustav Georg and bill were all sat drinking coffee
"Morning Victoria "Bill smiled as i just scowled at him running back to my room and slamming the door behind me

Toms pov ;
I walked back up the basement stairs into the kitchen
"Deine Frau ist weg " bill Said
"What did you do to her she looked flustered " georg laughed
"I kissed her and she kissed me back " I grinned thinking about the moment me and her just shared
"Wel she looked pissed at herself " Gustav said sipping his coffee
"What are you planning on doing with her exactly" bill asked
"I want her to be the mafia queen for TH she will be by my side and her shooting skills are surprising " I said to my brother
"I want her to be madly in love with me and be by my side in the mafia I need someone " I said
"You had us " bill said looking offended
"Someone sexy that's why I want her " I said rolling my eyes

Victorias pov :
Why would I do that
All I can think about is his lips on mine
The way his strong grip on my skin turned into a light touch
His personality changes so fast
I hate myself
"FUCK !" I screamed into my pillow
"Victoria he is your kidnapper you will not fall in love with him " I said to myself into the vanity mirror
"In love with who " i heard a voice say
"Scarlet ?" I said hearing her voice
"Hello Vicky look I'm sorry about what I said yesterday but it seems like your falling in love " she teased
"No scar I'm not I won't " I said putting my head in my hands
"I mean there bad people I get that but there so hot " she said sitting on the desk
"There attractive yes but I do not like them they kidnapped us and they killed all our friends " I said feeling sick saying the last sentence
"I know " she said fiddling with her hands
" im gonna let you have some time by yourself " scarlet said getting io and walking out the door
"Bye " I said before she left

I feel two things for that man
Hatred and attraction

Sorry it took me so long to do another part it was my bestfriends birthday so I was with her and yh and I was busy today but I posted now so yh
Ok hope u like it love y'all

-author xxx

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