Fallen angel 

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When Victoria left the room
Toms pov :
I watched in fury as as she pulled the girl out of the room
I asked her not to start anything at this
Well I guess it was me but I don't know
I sat back down in my seat everyone on the table now looking at me
"Tom I-" my brother  tried to speak
"Don't piss me off bill " I said shutting him down
He looked down at his lap
I don't like making him upset but someone has to be the bad guy in every story

Seems like I am in more that one

Suddenly I head the voice crack down the mic and through the speakers
She going to miss it the only thing I can look forward too
The crowning of the mafia king
Little did she know what I was going to do after I got my crown

*Back to normal time *

Victoria's pov :
I got in the car and he didn't even let me put on my seatbelt before he sped of into the dark twisted roads
"Agh tom wait babe " I said struggling to put on my belt
He ignored me and sped up
He knew I didn't like when he drove fast the fear of him crashing makes me sick
"Tom I said wait slow down your gonna hit something !" I screamed at him
He looked at me fully still driving the car
"WHY WOULD YOU CARE HUH ?!" He screamed in anger at me
"Pardon ?" I Said shocked at his sudden change
"You don't care if someone is looking for ward to something , DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT TONIGHT MENT TO ME ?!" He yelled at me
"Tom...TOM -" I screamed see the light blare in my eyes infront of me
The moment flashed before me
The loud sound almost deafened me but I'm glad it muffled out the sound
I blacked out I got blurry images of toms shaking my body and dragging me out of a flipped car ,the sirens and the beeps of my monitor
Suddenly everything when white

Am I in heaven ?
Then it went black
Then white again and then black
I blinked trying to get the blinding lights out of my vision
"She's awake " I heard that familiar voice
"Oh thank god "and another one but different
"Victoria.." one not so familiar
"Victoria wake up my darling " who is this
I blinked again now being able to see the faces infront of mine
Bill , scarlet a random doctor and Sidney ?
"What happened " I groaned out attempting to sit up
"Keep at rest for a while miss you just came out of a month coma your not suitable for movement just yet my dear " the doctor said
"A MONTH ?!" I shouted
"Woah calm down v it's ok we will fill you in " scarlet said holding my hand next to me
"I'll leave you guys alone " the doctor said leaving my room
"A month oh god " I breathed out to scarlet
"Yea we wasn't sure if you would make it " scarlet laughed then stoped being smacked on the arm by Sidney
"Hi sis you good ?" Sidney asked me
"Yea just tired " I laughed
" how you've been asleep for a month " bill laughed
I looked around again trying to see his face
"We're Tom is he ok ?!" I said slightly panicked looking at bill
"Well he wasn't himself ever since the accident " bill said
"What accident ?" I asked in confusion
"The crash on the night of the crowning ?" Bill said
"What crowning ?" I said
"Toms didn't you know ?-"
"No she was with me " Sidney cut bill off
"So that's why he was so pushed i had kissed his crowning oh my god I feel so bad " I said covering my face
"How could I be so stupid that make sense the last thing I remember he said something about how much the night ment to him oh god I need to see him bill get him here please " I begged bill
"I don't think he's ready yet-" bill got cut off again
"Get him now bill !" I shouted at bill
He got up fast running to get him
"Do you think he will still be mad at me ?"
I asked scarlet and Sidney
"No I think he just will be glad your ok babe" Sidney said
I heard the door click
That's when I saw his face
All puffy and red
Wet with tears but his eye drunken with alcohol
"My love you have no idea how worried I have been I'm so sorry " he cried into my chest
"It's ok ...Tom have you been drinking ? " I asked him
"No " he said
"Tom ?" I asked him
"Just abit cut me some slack I thought you died on me " he laughed but cried at the same time
"I don't think he was ready " scarlet whispered  to me
"You think " I said
Tom suddenly ran out the room coming back in with the biggest bouquet of roses
"Do you like them love I got them for you the most I could buy in one- " he cut off himself with gagging
Bill grabbed the bin next to me and whipped it under toms mouth
Tom then throwing up in it
"I don't want to see him like this get him out bill please " I asked bill

"Why does he have to do this " I tired to scarlet after they left
"He was really stressed and wouldnt speak to any of us he's nothing without you he just dies in side and throws away his life I don't think he can think of a world with out you Victoria he's a broken man and your the string that holds him together your his true love and I mean that " scarlet said
Those words did touch a hard to reach place

I love Tom so much but he is so difficult
He can be like the devil mean and violent to others but around me hes a fallen angel

Jesus I've barely ever post two in one week

Love y'all

-author xxx

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