Regret ( smut )

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Victorias pov :
I had my bath try hard not to think of what had happened hours before
I got out of the bath wrapping myself I the towel that Tom left on the toilet seat
I walked into my bedroom
"Tom I'm ou-" I stoped what I was saying to see Tom sound asleep in my bed
I couldn't blame him today has been long
I blinked after realising how hard I was just staring at his peaceful body
My body jumped at the sound of his voice
"Take a picture Baby it will last longer " he said opening his eyes grinning
"I thought you were asleep so I was being polite" I said rolling my eyes
I walked into the closet dropping the towel and picking out my under wear and pjs
I threw on a red underwear set and some shorts
Not being able to find the matching one
"Tom "
"Yeah "
"Come here "
I watched Tom walk in leaning against the door frame
"Do you know where the matching to is to these shorts is " I asked him
"I don't know but I think u should stay like that "
He grinned at the sight of my bodie
Me forgetting I was just in a bra
"Tom !" I said hitting his arm
"Sorry " he laughed rubbing his arm
"Here look you can borrow my shirt " he said pulling his top over his head
I just stood admiring his body
"Like what ya see " he said handing me his shirt
"Thanks " I say ignoring his questions
"You do Like ignoring me a lot don't you " he smiled looking at me in the mirror
"You know that kiss in the basement wasn't on accident " his words now making me look at him
"It was nothing Tom it ment nothing " I said looking away and putting on his top
"Oh is that so " he said walking close to me
"What are you doing " I say quietly and turning to look at him
His hands went to my waist pushing me against the wall
"Did it really mean nothing " he said quietly looking down at me
I didn't reply I just gazed into his eyes
His face came closer to mine
Our lips connected once again
And the feeling ,I told myself I didn't crave as much as I really did ,i felt
I put my hands to his head running my fingers through his braids
He slightly nelt down grabbing my my thighs pulling me up
I wrapped my leg round his waist trying not to break the kiss.
He walked me to the bedroom sitting down on the bed
I was now straddling his hips
He stopped kissing me now going to my neck
He slightly bites my neck
A let a quite moan escape my lips
He grabbed the hem of my top pulling it over my head
I put my hands on his shoulders pushing him down onto the bed along with me ontop of him
Our lips connected again
This time he slipped his tongue into my mouth
Our tongues fort for dominance
Tom quickly won
He gripped my ass with his hands
Pulling my body closer to his
Suddenly he grabbed my waist flipping is over so now he was ontop
He stood up unzipping his jeans and throwing them somewhere in the room
As he was doing that I took off my shorts leaving us both in our underwear
I lent back on my elbows as I watched his eyes drift over my body
"God your beautiful "he said gazing at me
He crawled back ontop of me going back in for a kiss
I kissed him hard
His hands went to my bra unhooking it
And throwing it on the floor
One of his hands started to  massage my bare boob
"Mh " I moaned into his mouth
I stoped kissing him
"Tom please..." I moaned
"Are you sure baby " he said
"Yes Tom "
"Ok "
He got off me and walked over to his jeans pulling out his wallet and getting a condom
I took of my panties throwing them as he walked over rolling on the condom
I took a glimpse
"Fuck.." I mumbled
"Hmm what was that " he said walking over to me
"Nothing just didn't expect that " I said smirking at him
"What was You expecting love " he said crawling on top of me again
"Shut up " I said grabbing his neck and kissing him hard
I felt his smile grow on his lips as he kissed me back
His hands were on my hips as I felt one go down to my lower stomach and further 
His fingers came into contact with my clit
He slowly started to move his fingers in circular motions
"Mmm " I moaned again
He started to go faster
The over stimulation took over me I just wanted to feel him
"Mh Tom please " I moaned pulling away from his lips
"Someone's desperate " he smirked
He started to line himself up to my entrance
He slowly started to push in to me
I slightly winced at the pain
He stopped to let me adjust to his size
I nodded at him go go further 
He did soon the pain turned into pleasure
He pulled out and thrusted back in
My back started to arch
He started to thrust over and over slow but rough
He grabbed and pulled at the sheets feeling pleasure himself
I had him to grab on to
My nails dug into his skin piercing nail marks into his back
"Ah fuck baby your so tight " he thrusting into me
"Tom please go faster " I moaned into his ear
He did as I asked thrusting into me faster and harder
After a couple more thrusts the sounds of toms grunts and my moans and our skin slapping together
I felt a not form in my stomach
"Tom I need to cum " I begged him
" a couple more baby you've got it " he said kissing my sweaty forehead
He pushed into me hitting my sweet spot causing me to moan loud
He pushes into me again this time I covered my mouth muffling my moans
"Uncover your mouth I want to hear how I make you feel " he said
His thrusts slowly become more sloppy
"Ok baby you can cum now "
I do
he carries on pleasuring me to ride out my high
I flip us over so I can ride him to help him finish
His hands fly to my hips as I rock back and forth
"Mmh fuck baby I'm so close keep going " he moans
I keep riding him feeling pleasure for myself too
I feel his cock twitch and move inside me
I know he's finished
I get off him lying down at the side of him
"Fuck Tom that was so good " i say
"I knew it didn't mean nothing " he said pulling off the condom and throwing it away
"Shut up " I say going to stand up
Suddenly my legs give way and I fall to the floor
"Oh fuck " Tom laughed grabbing my waist
"Shit baby I'm so sorry I think I was too rough " he said placing me back on the bed
"My legs " I said rubbing my knees
"I'm so tired" I say crawling over to my side of the bed
"Me too " Tom said getting under the sheets
I get under and I feel Tom  pull me over too him
I wrap my arms around his muscular torso
And he put his arm around me pulling me slightly on top of him
"Goodnight love " he said kissing my fore head
"Goodnight Tom " I say

20 minutes later
Tom is fast asleep but I'm wide awake I couldn't help but think of what just happened
I just slept with one of the most deadliest men
And not to mention my kidnapper
I didn't know if I regretted it or not cause I didn't stop him I pushed him to do it more than he wanted to
And he felt so good

Fuck I think I've fell for him

I'm so sorry abt this smut but I do hope you like it
Love y'all

-author xxx

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