This isnt my tom

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Toms pov :
I'm killing all these men once again
I feel nothing when killing unlike Victoria
It aches her to kill but she will that I had now learned
Looking over at her holding scarlet in her arms
The gun next to her
And the dead man that had a bullet hole straight through his scull with a pool of blood surrounding him
Me and the boys kill up that last of them before turning our attention to the man who caused us all this trouble in the first place
But he was gone
"WHERE IS HE ?! " I shouted slamming my fists down on the table
"Search the place " I shouted in Anger
That's what they did they left searching for him
I walked over to Victoria and scarlet
"Hey good job " I said to her
"Shut up and help me to the car " she said sternly
I picked scarlet up who seemed to had passed out from all the stress and being ragged around
I walked down the back way to we're our cars were with Victoria following shortly after
I placed scarlet in the back and Victoria got in the front
I walked over too the truck pulling out a machine gun
"Tom what's that ?!" Victoria yelled through the window
"Doesn't matter stay in the car and do not come out " I shouted locking the car behind me

I walked back into the building know what I was about to do

Victorias pov :

I watched him walk back into that building know what he was going to do
I was stressed
I has killed another man
I'm a murder
I soon heard muffled noises
I knew it was Tom shooting up the place I wasn't completely stupid enough to belive he would leave them all alive

20 minutes later I turn my head cause I head noice
It was Tom and the boys
They all were covered in blood
And each carrying large guns
Me and Tom made eye contact before he walked to the trunk throwing his gun in there before slamming it shut
He came back to the front getting in and slamming that door too he started the car not even looking at me
A drove fast back home and he got out not helping me or scarlet out just walking back into the house
I got out the car and bill walked over
"She's in here she's just nocked out from all the stress she'll be ok " I said to bill who carefully got he put carting her into the house

I walked in going up the stairs to toms door that was closed
I could hear him cursing to himself and bagging things around
After a while it stoped I assumed he just calmed down
Tw sexual assault
I knocked on the door and let myself in
"Tom..." I said walking into his room
"Ah just the girl I need come on baby " he said walking up to me and grabbing my hips and pushing me against the wall
He slammed his lips into mine roughly trying to kiss me
"Come on kiss me like you did last night " he said going to my neck kissing it roughly
"Tom stop I don't want to " I said trying to push him away
"Come on get them clothes off and beg for me like you did last night " he said pulling at my clothes
"Tom get off I don't want to have sex with you !"  I pushed him hard off me
"Why not does it this me scare you baby do you not like the fact that I gutted every person in that club scare you " he grinned
"Tom stop it "I shouted backing away from him towards the door
"Come on Victoria you know you want me ~" he grinned bigger before I hit the door
I grabbed the knob and ran out slamming it shut
I didn't turn back but I heard him open it and run out after me
I ran fast to my room slamming the door closed and locking it
I heard Tom slam his fists against it banging his body against it kicking it and pulling the handle
"TOM STOP !" I screamed at him from the other side of the door
"Why should I ?!" He shouted back
"Cause I hate you like this !" I screamed back
"Why should I care I didn't care about anyone's opinion before you what makes you so different from the other people huh !" He shouted back slamming his fist into the door again
"I don't know " I mumble sliding down the wall
I was exhausted as tired from all the shouting
"Come on baby just fight back with me I know you want too " he said through the door
"No" I breathed loud enough so he could hear
"Fine I'll wait all night for you " he said
I heard his body slide down the door

Hours later

I was still awake listening to the sounds of his breathing
I wanted to hold him and to go to sleep with him
But I didn't like this Tom
This Tom was different not like the other one who help me out the car
Kissed me on the cheek and head
Told me goodnight
He was evil
He wasn't the Tom I loved

Shit I love him I love Tom kaulitz
(Girl Bffr )

I walked over to my bed I looked at the clock

In the morning

I woke up around 10:25 am
I went to my closet throwing off the clothes o didn't take off last night and threw the first top i saw and put it on
I slowly opened the door to see if Tom was still there
He wasn't
I walked out my room and walked past his to see if he was in there and he was sound asleep in his bed
I walked in to see him naked in his bed
(Face down )
Lucky for me his bottom half was covered but that wasn't what I was worried about
It was the massive cut on his back
I knew Tom was a deep sleeper so I got the first aid kit from my room and went back into his to clean him up
I washed away all the blood and patched up the cut
He was still asleep
I walked down stairs seeing everyone downstairs
"Hey Victoria we heard you and Tom last night are you ok?" Gustav asked me
I was by the bin throwing away toms bloody wipes
"I'm fine " I said going over to the ketle to make myself some tea
"Are you sure cau-" Gustav got Cut off by another voice
"Morning everyone " it was Tom  he walked beside me
"Hey can I talk to you " he asked me
I glared up at him
And walked past him to the couch to watch tv
I heard his foot steps come after me

This part is now done ok one more then I'm done for tonight
Ok hope u likedddd
Love y'all

-author xxx

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