Thats a promise

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Victorias pov :
He sat down next to me
"Please let me talk to you " he begged me
I got up and walked up stairs back to my room
He chased after me
I closed my door before he reached me
"Victoria please open your door " he begged me once again
"Baby please i know u scared you last night I'm so sorry I really am something came over me that you don't understand please talk to me-" I swong open my door
"Thank you " he said walking in
I rolled my eyes and watched him sit on my bed I stood further  in front of him
"Look that man from last night got away and I when I saw he escaped I don't know . look . fuck it . ok so I um I don't know how to fucking explain it I go into a sort of transe where I only see the bad and I loose all fucking emotion and feeling and shit and I don't know what I'm doing ok " he slightly shouts covering his face I know i saw a tear roll down his face when he was explaining
I walked up to him and hugged him
He hugged me back
"I'm so sorry " he sobbed into my chest
"It's ok it's ok im fine " I reassured him
We lay in the bed cuddling and just holding each other
"Tom " I said
"Mhm "
"Your back needs stitches so i was gonna do them earlier but you were sleeping " I said to him
"So it was you who cleaned me up " he said looking up at me
"Yeah I was mad but you were hurt so I didn't want you to be dead who els would protect me " I laughed
"Come on I'll stitch you up " I said getting up and grabbing the kit

"Ah !"
"Fuck me "
"Shit Id rather be shot "
He moaned and groaned
"Oh your such a big baby" I laughed at him
"No this hurts like a bitch OW FUCKING HELL VICTORIA " he yelled in pain at the last stitch
"I'm sorry " I laughed at him
"It's not funny it really hurts " he said looking pissed
"Awh does the little itty bitty baby  have a boo boo " I teased him
"What the fuck did you just say to me " he laughed

We laughed and joked for awhile until it was night

Me and Tom got ready and I put on his top and some underwear and he just was in his boxers
"Baby are You ready yet ?!" Tom shouted to me for the bedroom
"You know to look this good it takes time " I shouted back
I finished up and walked back in the bedroom and got in bed
He grabbed my body again pulling it to him
"Jesus I was coming over to you anyways " I laughed
"You took too long " he said
"Goodnight baby " he said kissing my lips
I kissed him back
"Goodnight Tom " I said before closing my eyes

Later that night
I opened my eyes to a noice I heard I look over to Tom who still had me in his arms
It wasn't him I got out of toms grip to have a look who it was
That's when I felt something cover my mouth and grab me lifting me off the ground
I tried to scream but the fabric covering my mouth prevented me from doing so
The fabric had something in it that caused me to slowly loose my conscience
My body became numb and went limp the person carried me out the house I tried to fight back but I couldn't move
They threw me hard into the back of a van
"Ah" I winced at the pain
"Tom.....h..e..l...p " i Said before everything went black

Toms pov :
I awoke turning to kiss Victoria to find myself in a empty bed
"She probably in the toilet " I thought to myself
I got out of bed and knocked on the bathroom door that just fell open
Nobody was in there
I walked down stairs to check if she was in the kitchen
"Morning baby-" nobody was there
Fuck where is she
I checked everywhere and nothing
I ran to bills room storming in to see him naked along with naked scarlet
He scrambled to get the cover over him and her
"TOM WTF GET OUT !" He shouted at me
"She's gone ..." I said to him
"Who Tom ?" He asked
"Wait what " scarlet asked looking worried
"What Tom have you check everywhere?" He asked rubbing his eyes 
"Yes I've looked everywhere she gone ...I bet he took her .. I BET THAT CUNT FROM THE CLUB TOOK HER " I shouted
Gustav and Georg came to the door
"Why are You shouting so loud Tom do you know what time it is bro ?" Georg said rubbing his eyes
"That dick from the club had took Victoria gear up we're getting her back " I said storming out the room grabbing  the duffle bags and going down to the basement and loaded the bag with all type of guns

30 minutes later
We're all ready we walk out the doors to see all of our security guards have been killed and the word "Krane " written on the wall behind them
That's the mafia dude from the clubs last name
"I knew it " I said to myself
"Let's go to the club " I said hoping in my car and speeding down the busy roads

We arrived to see a van parked at the front of the club
"We're coming to get you love " I said to myself

And that's a promise

This part is doneeeee
Anyways not doing another part till later today cause it's 1:38 am
So yh hope u liked it
Love y'all

-author xxx

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