She died

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Victorias pov :
"Scarlet biller and finally Victoria Lauren " the man said through the mic
We all stood up and I tried my best to look for Sidney
"Victoria is it really your sister ?!" Scarlet whisper shouted in my ear
"I don't know she git kidnapped and we thought she was dead when I was 7 !" I whisper shouted back
We arrived at the front and I was met with her
My sister
She looked at me wide eyed
I got pulled back to the line next to the man and on the other side of him was Sidney
"Thank you all for joining me , we will be saying your ranks of body count heh and not that type I mean kills " he said
Chills were sent down my spine
"How do they keep ranks on death count I don't even know how many I've killed ?!" Scarlet whispered in my ear
"I don't know " I said back
" now mrs Maria you have the count of 14 kills amazing " the man said
"Mrs Sidney you have the kill count of- oh wow 49 men no women that's shocking well done " the man said
I chocked
"What the fuck " I mumble
"Mrs scarlet you have the kill count of 3 congratulations "
"And finally mrs Victoria you have the kill count of 23 men and women that's second best " the man congratulated me
"When did I -" I said
I looked over at Tom who looked impressed
"I've never killed that many ?" I whispered to scarlet
"I don't know " she said
"Thank you , you may go sit " the man said
I shot one last look at Sidney before being dragged by scarlet back to our seats
I slammed down in my seat Tom instantly placing his hand on my thigh
"I'm so proud of you my love " he said
My face was cold not really an expression on it
"Hey are ok darling " he said his own expressions changing as we speak
"Yeah uh yea I'm good " I said plastering a fake smile on my face
"Oh ok " he said smiling at me
I looked down till I felt scarlet touch my arm
I turned to look at her
"It is really her and she coming over here " she said whispering to me
"What do You-" my eyes met hers
"Hello Victoria " she said smirking at me
"Huh babe do you know her ?!"Tom said standing up fast his chair slamming onto the ground making everyone turn and look at us
"Tom please just stop making a scene " bill said trying to usher Tom to stop
"No I want to know who she is -Answer me Victoria !" Tom yelled at me
"Do not shout at her Like that !" Sidney yelled
I was in utter shock and I couldn't move
She was dead.
"Who are you to tell me what to do with my girlfriend ?!" Tom yelled now pulling out a gun
all the people now surrounding us pulled one out too
"I'm her sister you demented fuck !" Sidney yelled at Tom
"Pardon ?!" Tom Said lowering his gun him too in shock
"Who are you ?" I said pulling out my gun and placing it on the side of her temple
"You know who I am " she said smirking
"No the person I know is dead " I said
"I was never dead Vicky I was taken and brought up to kill the killers " she said turning her head now to look at me
My teary eyes made it difficult to see her but I saw that face that I saw on the day of her funeral
"Put the gun down Vicky " she said calmly placing her hands gently on mine lowering my weapon
Tears now rolled down my face
"DE-ARM !" I heard that man yell to all the people with guns still pointing at us
Sidney's face turned to look at the man
I took my chance and I grabbed her wrist dragging her out of the doors to be in private
I took one last look at toms face he looked furios
I didnt care though this is my sister
I pulled her out the doors
She stumbled to keep her balance
"I WANT ANSWER RIGHT NOW SIDNEY !" I screamed at her
"Calm down please Vicky " she said trying to touch me
I pulled back " don't touch and don't call me Vicky !" I said wiping my teary face
"Sorry sorry erm I don't know where to start-" she uttered
"Start from why you got kidnapped and why I haven't seen you for for 14 years ! " I screamed at her
"I wanted out of the family I was never treated like a human there and I had met this boy called Alvin he ran a mafia group in Italy so I begged him to kidnap me and take me with him and were now married and have a child called Rosalié is that enough " she said jow crying herself
"You left me when I was seven Sidney do you know what I even went through without anyone " I yelled at her
"You had mom and grandma you had people " she yelled back
"Mom died when i was 8 and grandma died when I was 19-20 I had grandma but she was sick most of the time I was on drugs or pills or drinking my way through my teenage years Sidney I wasn't running around Italy with a boy !" I screamed
Her face went from angry to shock
"Oh my god I'm so- so sorry Vicky-"
"Victoria !"
"I'm sorry Victoria I didn't know " she said
"Yeah you didn't know cause you left !" I screamed at her
"Please understand I had to leave I was depressed and in love with a criminal "
(No pun intended 🤣)
"It was a rough choice and I don't regret it at all but that doesn't mean I forgot about you I never did I thought about you every day and are you dating the famous Tom kaulitz cause as your big sister I should know " she laughed slightly
"Yeah I am " I Said laughing too
"Do you love him ?" She asked me
"Yeah I do " I Said thinking about him
"Then why are you only dating he's been looking for a queen for along time and of course my Sister took the throne " Sidney said hugging me
I hugged her back not having the energy to argue
"We need to go back in we cause a massive scene " she laughed
"Yeah we did toms gonna kill me " I laughed back
"Not under my watch " Sidney said
We opened the door hugging each other before going out separate ways
I looked at scarlet her face worried.
Then at Tom who was very clearly angry
I sat down
"We are to talk when we get home " Tom said sternly

We finished off the night I got Sidney's number before we left
And we got in the car
And the second the door closed all hell broke loose

Hey guys I was aiming to get this chapter out for Thursday but y'all got it early
I really appreciate all the love on my living nightmare and a little touch of heaven wich I might add is nearly on 7k ahh that's so amazing and I'm so grateful
I love you all with my whole heart and please comment your opinion cause I like feedback mls

Love y'all

-author xxx

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