Galale mafia ball

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Victorias pov :
I admired myself in the mirror I look amazing
He does have style i can give him that
I thought to myself

Victorias pov :I admired myself in the mirror I look amazing He does have style i can give him that I thought to myself

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The shoes were Christian Louboutin Classy I walked out ready to show tom the gown I watched his eyes slightly widen and light up "You look nice " he mumbled "Thank you " I said giving him a spin "Now there accessories you need to wear but I'll sho...

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The shoes were Christian Louboutin
I walked out ready to show tom the gown
I watched his eyes slightly widen and light up
"You look nice " he mumbled
"Thank you " I said giving him a spin
"Now there accessories you need to wear but I'll show you them later for now go take that off and get your hair and makeup done and whatever " he said standing up and walking out the door

Time skip
2 and a half hours later I was done my hair was perfect and my makeup was chefs kiss
I looked great
I put my gown back on and fixed my hair

"Victoria are you ready ?" Tom said coming through the door
"Oh your done you look good " he said walking closer to me
"I need you to wear some things it's really important you look the best " he said pulling out a couple boxes
"Here" he said pulling out a diamond necklace with a matching bracelet and earrings
"Wow Tom these are beautiful " I said gazing at them
"I know they were my mothers " he said putting the necklace around my neck as I watched him in the mirror
He looked up at me in the mirror staring at me and me doing the same back
"I don't want to hurt you ,you know " he said quietly
I didn't say anything and just looked down at my feet dropping the hair I was holding so Tom could see
"Er anyways here " he said turning back to the last box
"Come  here " he said waving me over
I did. as he said
He gently grabbed my leg pulling it up to the stool he was sitting on
That's when he pulled out a gun holster
"I need you to wear this and promise me if you feel threatened tell me before you use it cause the people in there are not to play with this is a just in case matter that's why I'm giving it you " he said strapping the holster around my thigh and sliding the gun into it
"Also this bracelet you can't remove it has a taser in it you fuck up or try to escape I taze you got it " he said pointing to the braclet on my wrist
"Fuck you You peice of shit " I mumble as I walked away tugging my wrist away from him
"Hmm what was that love " he said standing up and walking over to me
I just ignored him leaving the room as he followed after me
I walked down the stairs meeting the others they were all dressed nice
I met scarlet she looked gorgeous in red

 as he said He gently grabbed my leg pulling it up to the stool he was sitting on That's when he pulled out a gun holster "I need you to wear this and promise me if you feel threatened tell me before you use it cause the people in there are not to...

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"Did they make you bring a gun holster?" I whispered to her
She lifted up her dress to show hers
I lifted mine too , to show her mine
"You look so sexy vic " she whispered in ear
I look at her smiling and she's smiling too
"You look sexier " i whisper back
"We're are we even going ?" Scarlet said to bill who was walking over too us
"Galale mafia ball it's for the highest of the mafia and there is many from different continents and countries coming over to discus business so I want best behaviour " bill said glaring right at me
I rolled my eyes in response
I felt a large hand snake around my waist pulling me close
It was Tom
With a smug grin plastered on his face
"Are you ready love this is going to be eventful " he said looking at bill at the end of his sentence

Time skip

We arrived at the doors of a large mansion in the middle of no where
Tom grabbed my hand and pushed open the doors
I was met with at least 100 people all in one long hallway with a red carpet leading to the doors at the end of the hallway
The room went quite then full of whispers
I heard one man say
"Kaulitz brothers till death with they part "
"Who's them girls there brave to be with them "
"A girl on each kaulitz there lucky"
"Tokio Hotel the worst mafia know to man "

A slight sweat traveled to my skin
I was uneasy knowing all these eyes were on us
"Your ok love " Tom said hooking arms with me and walking us down the long red carpet
A man rushed up to me and Tom
"Ah Herr Kaulitz, herzlich willkommen zum Galale-Mafia-Ball, das Treffen soll bald beginnen "  he said
"Danke Herr schulz " Tom Said in reply
"Und wer ist diese schöne Dame" the man said looking at me
"Ich bin Victoria. Schön dich kennenzulernen" I Said back to him
"I didn't know you new German ?!" Tom said wide eyed
"Seems you don't know everything about me do your mr kaulitz " I Said smirking
"ich muss jetzt gehen" the man said walking away

"Lady's and gentlemen welcome to galale mafia ball the meeting will start shortly " a man said into a microphone drawing our attention to the front where he was
"I hope your ready darling your not gonna like this " Tom said smirking down at me
I didn't reply and just looked at the front
"Boys are you ready " Tom said to the boys
"Ready as i will ever be " Bill Said smirking
"Ready " Gustav Said
"Yep Ready " Georg Said
My eyes met scarlet
I could read her face and I'm sure she could read mine too
What do they have to be ready for ?

"Lady and gentle men find your seats " the man said at the front as the doors open to the dark room at the end of the corridor "

I'm staying at my nans tonight I'll write more tonight or abit earlier if I can
Love y'all

-author xxx

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