The morning after

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Victorias pov :
I couldnt sleep that night all I could think about was all my friends that had died because of me
And it was because of me
He wanted me and I didn't know why
I started to think of scarlet
What had they done to her
Why did she look almost dead
Why me
Why us
What had we done to deserve this
I had lost everything and now my hole life has gone to this complete phyco of a man
What did he want from me
I started to cry
After hours I cried myself to sleep
I woke up late during the day about 3 pm
Blinking my eyes coming to reolisation
Someone els is here
I'm going up and down slowly
And I hear someone's breathing
"Good morning beautiful " I heard a voice said
I jolted up
I winced at the pain I felt on my temple where I had been struck
"That turned into a nasty bruise didn't it " he chuckled
I looked at him
His smug face
"Don't look at me like that love " he said smirking
"You were  cuddling me in your sleep don't act like you wasn't comfortable love " he said again
"I wasn't conscious you idiot so how was I surposed to know it was you " I said moving further away from him
"Don't be scared of me I just want you to be mine " he said getting out of the bed and walking to the closet
"I will never be yours your a monster " I shouted
"I am not a monster " he shouted back
Causing me to jolt back
"Oh fuck im sorry my love " he said turning back pulling out a dress and underwear
"This is for you put it on and show me I'll just be out here " he said acting as if nothing happened
I didn't move and just stared down
"Move or I will get you ready myself and it won't be nicely " he said aggressive
"Fuck you " I said under my breath
"What was that " he said
"I said fuck you !" I shouted at him
He grabbed my hands throwing me to the wall
"Ah " I groaned in pain
"Do not try me love your not as strong as you think you are I'm not afraid to hurt you " he said kneeling down and lifting my chin
The blood in my mouth began to fill my taste buds
I Spat the blood in his face as the blood ran down my lip
I watched as he wiped the blood off his lip where drops had landed
"Go get ready " he said picking me up
I didn't stop this time I just did it I got dressed
It was a black dress that was my size and boot heels that where my size too
How did he know so much
I got ready and walked out and met his gaze
"You look good let's go get food " he said grabbing my arm and pulling me out the room
He came to a stop before we left the corridor
"I'm telling you now you show me up again I'm not scared to hurt you ok " he said looking into my eyes
"I'm taking that as a yes " he said dragging me down the stairs and into the kitchen

I was met with the looks from Gustav and Georg
Tom sat down at a large island
And looked at me and patted his lap
"Come sit " he said
"As if " I choked on my laugh
"Remember what I said Victoria now come sit "
"Ok" I said with a smile walking towards him
A smirk grew on his face
I turned to sit slamming down hitting a surtain place no man would like to be hit
He jolted forward in pain groaning
"Oh I'm sorry did I do something " I said Innocently
"Do that again I will kill you " he whispered in my ear
I smiled at my own actions
"What do you want to eat " he asked me
"Nothing I'm not hungry " I said
"Don't eat then it doesn't bother me "he said
"I won't " I said pissed off
My attention was drawn from Tom to the sound of people coming down the stairs
And a laugh that was familiar
I jumped up
"Where are you going " I heard Tom say getting up
"Scarlet " I shouted as I see her laughing with bill
"Omg Vicky " she said running towards me
"Are you ok " I said frantic checking over her body
"Yes im fine I really like this place don't you " she giggled
"What ?! No I don't fuckjng like it here we were kidnapped how delusional are you " I shouted grabbing her shoulders
"Victoria we were living like animals in shitty apartments this is an upgrade I love it here and all the sexy men I'm sorry but look at him " she whispered nodding her head towards bill
"You crazy I can not belive you THEY KILLED EVERYONE SCARLET " I screamed at her
"Hey hey calm it down " Tom said laughing and pulling me back
" do not touch me " I said running away from him and up the stairs to the room I slept in
"Fuck !" I shouted throwing a punch at the wall putting a hole threw it

We had more strength from holding our body weight on poles

"Your stronger than I thought " I heard that horrible voice say from the door way
"Fuck off Tom" I said throwing myself against the wall and sliding down it to sit down
"I want to train you " he said sitting down on the bed infront of me
"What ?" I Said looking up at him
"Your going to live her you need to learn how to protect yourself cause you would be surprised how many other mafia gangs try to come and kill us so you might aswell learn " he said looking at me
"We start tomorrow " he said getting up and leaving

I knew if I took the training from his I could use it against him to get out of this hell

Chapter 3 is done yay I hope you like it so far I'm so excited to write more but no more for tonight I'm so tired
Love y'all

-author xxx

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