chapter 1

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Isabels Pov
I'm sitting in my room and I'm watching TV. Someone walks into my room, and I look up. "What do you think you're doing......" I said and stood up. "Just curious...." Pedri smirks and walks around my room. I go over and try and push him out. "Get out of my room!!" I said, and he laughs. "Why hiding something, Isabel...." He asked, and I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed again. "No, I just don't want you in my room....." I said, and he chuckles.
He picked up a picture of Pablo and I when we were younger. "You were cute back then. What happened?" He smirks, and I grab it out his hand. "Oh, just shut up and get out....." I said and held it to my chest. "Why do you hate me so much?" He laughs, and I roll my eyes. "Yours the most irritating person......" I said, and he chuckles. "Well, you're my best friends annoying little sister, so I think you're the most annoying....." He said, and he grabbed the picture back. He put it back where he found it, and I watched him walk around the room. He goes over to my desk and picks up a book. "Really?" He smirks, looking at me. "What it's good....." I said, and he chuckled. "Didn't take you as the type of person to read to raunchy stuff, Isabel...." He said and put it down.
"You know nothing about me......I'm not an innocent little girl, Pedro...." I said, and he walked over to me.
He hovered over me and bent down to whisper in my ear. "I'd like to see how not so innoncent you're...." He smirks, and I push him away. "In your dreams! Now get out!!" I said and pushed him out of my room. I slam the door, and I get back into bed.
"God, I hate him!!!" I shout, and I hear. "I hate you too!" I throw my book at the door, and I hear him laugh as he walks away.
I sigh, pull the pillow down, and scream into it.

A few hours later
I walk downstairs, and I head into the kitchen. I jump when I see Pedri, and he laughs. "Why are you still here???" I ask him and grab a glass and fill it up with water.
"You do know I'm your brothers best friend, right??" He said, and I mumble. "Unfortunately, yes...." He looks at me. "What did you say??" He asked, and I just sip my water.
"Watch your mouth, Isabel." He said, walking away. "What you gonna do about it...?" I said as he walked past. "You don't wanna know...." He whispers, and I roll my eyes."Enlighten me....."
I sit on the counter, and he comes over and stands in between my legs. "I would fuck you so hard that you'll never be able to walk again......" He whispers and sends shivers down my body. "Who said you'd even be able to get me into bed?" I smirk, and he laughs. "I know you want me, Isa....and also hate sex is the best sex...." He smirks, and I laugh and push him away. "Never gonna happen...." I get down and head upstairs.

Pedris Pov
I head into the living room, and Ferran walks into the house. Pablo is upstairs on the phone right now.
"What's up, bro?" I said and did our hand shake. He shook my hand back and set down. "Nothing much, you...." He said, and I laughed. "Just been busy winding up Isa." I chuckle and he laughs. "Why do you two hate each other so much....." He laughs, and I shrug. "She's just so annoying and irritates me so much....." I said, and he nodded." I did find out she's not as innocent as we think, though....shes reading a raunchy book..." I laugh, and Ferrans eyes widen. "Wow, I didn't expect that!" He laughs, and I nod. "Either did I..."
"I bet you can't make her fall for you....." Ferran said, and I laughed. "Is that a deal? Cause it will be easy......" I said, and he nodded. "When she does, you gotta break her heart though...." He added, and I nodded."Fine, it's on...." and we shake hands on it.
Pablo comes down the stairs, and we all play fifa.

Back to Isabels Pov
I'm lying in bed, and it's getting late, so I decided to get ready for bed. I grab my pyjamas and put them on. I tie my hair back into a bun and then go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
I'm leaving the bathroom, and I see Pedri standing there. I just walk past him until he pulls me back and pushes me against the wall. "What are -" I'm cut off by him kissing me. I push him away, and I slap him. "What the fuck??" I said and he looked away. "Sorry...." He said and walked off. I walked into my room. "What the fuck just happened...." I said and I got into bed. I cuddle into my blankets and I fall asleep.

(Suprise, I decided to upload the first chapter for you all!!)

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