chapter 21

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Pedris Pov
Life without Isa.....its been hard.....I miss her so much.....and I hate myself everyday for fucking up something so special....
She was the best thing that every happened to me.....and I threw it all away for a stupid game......

Yesterday when she arrived at my house and I seen her for the first time in a month.....she didn't look like herself anymore.....I ruined her.....and the way she said she still loves me but can't forgive hurt but I don't blame her.....
When we was the perfect goodbye..... I'm just glad I was able to feel her lips on mine for one last time....

I arrive at the training ground and I head inside and head over to my locker. Pablo is already sitting there. I just sit down and start getting changed and don't speak since we don't talk anymore after everything....

"Pedri....." I hear come from him, and I look up at him. "Yes?" I asked, and he sighed. "She told me.....she came to see you....." He said, and I nodded. "Yeah.....I arrived home from training, and she was sitting on my doorstep...." I said, and he nodded. "She came home in tears.....she said she hates that she still loves you...." Pablo said, and I nodded. "Yeah.....we did kiss....and I told her I did truly love her and she said she loved me too but couldn't forgive me....." I said

He nodded and sighed. "Look.....I know you hurt her.....and you were an idiot for agreeing to do the bet in the first place... but I heard you called it off as soon as you realised you did have feelings for her?" He asked, and I nodded. "Yes, as soon as I realised I loved her for real.....I cancelled it.....I didn't want to hurt her.....and the thought of her even knowing I did it in the first place broke me.....cause the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her and loose her.....Pablo I mean it.....I love her so much.....and I'm so sorry...." I said.

He sighed and looked down. "She clearly still loves you......and I can see you do love her.....but like I said It's gonna take time for her to forgive you.....if ever.....but I'll try and help bring you back.....because she was the happiest she's ever been with you....." He said, and I smiled. "Thank you, Pablo...."

He nodded. "I guess you could get one Gavira forgiveness for now...." He smiled, and I hugged him. "Thank you, won't regret it.....and I'm truly sorry for hurting her and hurting you too......I'm sorry for losing your trust...." I said, and he nodded. "I know you're sorry.....but please, if you do get her back.....don't hurt her again....." He said, and I shook my head. "Never....."

We both continued to get changed and then headed out onto the pitch. It was back to old times of us messing around in training. I really did miss my best friend......
Now, hopefully, I can get my love back soon......

Isabels Pov
I'm currently cleaning the house, and Pablo and Fermin walk in the door. "Hey guys...." I smile at them. "What are you doing?" Pablo laughs, and I shrug. " I was bored, okay....and I decided to just clean..." I laugh and take off the gloves. "Weirdo!!" He laughs, and I run after him. "What did you call me!!! " I shout and laugh and jump on him.

I hit him playfully, and he screamed, "Fermin, help me!!" He shouts, and Fermin laughs and comes and picks me up off him. "Hey! Who's side are you on!" I giggle, and he puts me over his shoulder and carries me upstairs.

He puts me down on the bed, and I pull him down so he's on top of me. We both laugh, and then I realise how close our faces are.....
He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and looks into my eyes. "You know I've always liked you....." He whispers, and I smile. "I kinda guessed...." I giggle, and he smiles.

"Can I?" He asked, and I nodded. He leaned down and kissed me, and I kissed him back and smiled against his lips. He cups my cheeks to deepen the kiss, and I pull him closer, and I tangle my fingers into his hair.

He pulls away after a few minutes. "I wanna take you out on a date.....only if you're ready....?" He said, and I smiled. He's known what happened in my past and what happened with Pedri.....he knows it's hard for me to trust just anyone, so the fact he asked if I'm ready is so sweet.

"Of course, if you're not, I'll -" I cut him off by kissing him again, and he smiles against my lips. "Of course I'll go on a date with you....i trust you." I smile, and he giggles and pecks my lips. He lies down next to me, and I cuddle into him.
"Don't worry, I spoke to Pablo before....." He chuckles, and I laugh. "He knows you'll take care of me.....don't worry..." I smile, and he nodded. "Always......"

A/n I know this isn't what you wanted but be patient......

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