chapter 22

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Isabels Pov
Today, I have my date with be honest, I am excited to get out of the house, but I can't stop thinking about Pedri.......
I feel bad because Fermin is an amazing guy.....but I don't know if I like him the way he likes me......I'm  gonna still go on this date and see if my feelings changed after it.....

Currently, I'm getting ready. I'm curling my hair when there's a knock on my door. "Come in...." I said, and Aurora walked in. I get up, and I run over and hug her. "I missed you so much....." I said, and she hugged me back. "Oh little sis....." She said and rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there.....but you wanna talk now?" She asked, and I nodded. "Let me curl your hair..." She said, and I nodded. I sat down, and she picked up the curler. "So where to start......I ended up falling in love with Pedri... but it turns out it was just a game to him... but then I can't hate him.....and I hate that I still love him.....but also....yesterday I went to see him....and he told me that yes it was a game but he truly did love me....and then we kissed and he told me he still loves me....and I said I love him too....but I can't forgive him....." I said, and she sighed. "He hurt you......I know it's hard to forgive him....but to me, it seems like maybe he does truly regret everything....and does love you....but just take your time. You don't need to rush to forgive him. Forgive him when you're ready..." She said, and she finished my hair.

I nod. "But now I'm making things more complicated.....because I'm going on a date with Fermin...." I said, and she laughed. "Oh, Isa...." She said, and I nodded. "I know.....and I can't stop thinking about Pedri....but I feel bad if I cancel on him....I know he really likes me." I said, and I got off the chair.

Aurora smiles at me. "That's what wrong with're too kind for this world...."She said, and I sighed. " Just go with what you think is right... but I don't think you should lead him on if you're not feeling it..." She said, and I nodded. "I'm gonna go.....but if I'm not feeling anything at the end, I'll be honest with him." I said, and she nodded, agreeing.

I look in my wardrobe for something to wear. I pull out a light pink flowy dress and then some white heels. I get changed, and then I top up my lipstick.
I grab my clutch bag, and I put my phone and my purse in it.

"You look gorgeous...." Aurora smiles, and I thank her. "I'll be here when you get back if you're want to talk...." She said, and I nodded. I left my room and headed downstairs.

Fermin is waiting at the door, and I smile and walk over to him. " Hi." I smile, and he looks up. "Isa, you look beautiful....." He smiles and kisses my cheek. "Thank you...." I smile, and he takes my hand, and we head to his car.

He opens the door for me, and I smile and thank him as I get in. He gets in his side and starts the car and drives to the restaurant.
I look out the window, and all I can think about is Pedri......why I am on a date with Fermin.....I need to stop.

I try to push the thoughts away as we arrive at the restaurant. He opens my door for me, and I smile and take his hand as we get out.
He brings me into the restaurant, and we are brought to our table. He pulls out my chair, and I smile and kiss his cheek as a thank you.
He smiles and sits across from me.

We look at the menu, and I realise this was the same restaurant that Pedri brought me to on our special date......I look down, and I sigh. "You okay?" Fermin asked me, and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm good...." I smile at him, and he nods.
"I think I'm gonna get the fish...." He said, and I nodded, trying to hold back my tears. So much for forgetting about Pedri.....

He orders his food, and the waiter looks at me, waiting for me to order. I'm not paying attention. "Isa!?" Fermin said, and I looked up. "Oh, sorry.....I'll have the burger..." I told the waiter, and she nodded and left.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked and took my hand. I looked at him and smiled. He's so sweet, and all I'm thinking about is a boy who hurt me.....I just need to forget about him.
"Yes, have my full attention now." I smile, and he nods. He kisses the back of my hand, and I giggle.

We have dinner and then we go for a walk along the beach. We eventually end the night back at my house, and he walks me to the door. "I had a good time...." He said, and I smiled and nodded.

"Fermin....." I sigh, and he shakes his head. "I know what you're gonna say.....You still love him, right? Well, don't come running to me when he breaks your heart again! He hurt you once, and he'll just do it again...." He said and walked off.

I sighed and went inside and closed the door. "Well?" Aurora asked, and I shook my head. "He's hurt now because I rejected him....and he's mad that I still love Pedri saying I'm just gonna hurt again....." I said, and she sighed. "Come here....." I walked over, and I hugged her. I'm just glad to have my big sister here for times like these.....

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