chapter 17

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A/n okay, I really wanted you all to read this chapter, so 1 more upload, but from tomorrow, it will deffo be once a day! ENJOY!!!

Isabels Pov
About a month later.
Today, Barca has a match. I'm currently in my room, getting ready for it.

Pedri walks in and hands me his jersey. "I want you to wear it...." He smiles, and I lean up and kiss him. "Of course...." I put it on over tank top. He smiles. "You look great..." He kisses me again, and I smile. "Gracias...." I kiss him back, and then we pull away after a few minutes. "Gotta go, I'll see you there, okay? Come find me when you arrive?" I nodded, " I love you
...."he said, and I smiled."Love you too..." He smiled back, and then he left as I continued to get ready. Little did I know what was about to be in store for me.

I finished getting ready, and I put on my jeans. I grab my shoes and pop them on and then get my bag. I head downstairs and get my keys, and start heading out to the stadium.

I'm a little early, but it's fine. I'll just sit and watch the boys warm up. I head down to the parking lot, and I show the security my pass, and they let me through.
I head inside and walk down the hallway. I can hear talking towards the locker rooms. I see Pedri and Ferran, so I stop and wait around the corner. Not wanting to interrupt them.

"So you really like her, huh?" Ferran asked Pedri, and he nodded." Yes, I really have fallen for her.....she really makes me happy, you know...." Pedri replied.
I smile at what he's saying, but what Ferran says next makes my smile drop instantly.

"It's mad.....we made a bet for her to fall in love with you, but yet you're the one who fell first....." Ferran said, and Pedri nodded. "I know.....crazy how this was all just a game at first, you know...."

"This was just a fucking game??" I decided to walk over at that moment. Pedri stands up instantly.
"Isa?? No, it's not what you think...." He said, and I laughed. "I heard everything....." I said and started walking away. "Isa, wait, please....." He said and ran after me.

"Isa...." He grabbed my arm, and I turned around and looked at him. "How could you do this to me???" I said, tears streaming down my face.
"Isa, please just listen to me....." He said, and I sighed."Fine, you have two minutes...." He takes my hand and brings me into an empty meeting room.

"Look, I'd admit at first, yes, it was a game.....because we didn't get on all. I thought I wouldn't care if I hurt you....and yes I was stupid....." He said, and I laughed, and I went to walk out.

He pulls me back and makes me look at him. "But a long the way I learned that I really did care about you......I learnt so much about weren't the person I thought you were.....and I really did fall in love with you....." He said, and tears stream down my face. "How can I believe anything you say....." I said, and he wiped my tears. "Because everything I told was the truth.....I didn't realise it myself.....but I think I always liked you deep down....I used the hate to hide my feelings.....but I was telling the truth Isa...... I meant it when said I love you...." He said, and I pulled away. I took off the jersey. "It's too late.......its over." I said, and I threw the jersey at him, and I ran out the door. He shouted my name, but I continued to run away.

I'm not looking, so I bash into someone. "Hey, what happened?" Fermin said and stopped me. I looked at him with tears rolling down my cheeks, and he sighed and pulled me into a hug.

I sob into his chest, and he just rubbed my back. Pedri walked around the corner and saw us. "Did you hurt her??" Fermin asked him, and Pedri came over. "Isabel, please....." He said, and I shook my head. "I want Pablo....." I said, and Fermin nodded and took out his phone and texted my brother.

"I think you need to leave Pedri....she clearly doesn't want to talk to you...." Fermin said, and Pedri laughed."What's this got to do with you?" He said and Fermin. "She's my friend, and you clearly hurt her!" He said, and I pulled away. "Pedri, just go!" I said, and I looked at him. He sighed and walked off.

Pablo arrived a few minutes later, and I just ran into his arms and cried. "Hey, hey, what happened...." He said, and I sobbed. "It was all a game, was all a bet for him to get me to fall in love with him......he made a bet with Ferran......" I cried, and Pablo eyes widened. "I'm gonna fucking kill him......" He said and I just continue to cry into his chest. He sighs and just rubs my back. He'll deal with Pedri later right now he is just gonna look after me.
He picks me up and brings me to a private room, and sits down on one of the couches.

He pushes hair out my face, and I wipe my tears. "I just feel like such an idiot.......cause I really did fall for him.....and it was all just a game to him...." I looked down, and Pablo sighed. "I know he fooled all of us....." He said, and I cuddled into his chest. He rubbed my head, and I started crying again.

"I opened up to him.......I let him into my life.....and he was the first person I was intimate with since the incident.....and it was all just a know how hard it is for me to trust someone.....and I- " Pablo interrupts me and makes me look at him. "This isn't your fault, okay.......he took advantage of you.....and I'm not gonna let him get away with hurting my little sister....." He said, and I nodded. "Thank you, Pablo...." I said, and he nodded, and I lay my head on his chest.

Was It Just A Game - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now