chapter 12

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Pedris Pov
I look at Pablo and sigh. "Did you hear them?" Pablo asks, and I nod. "Yeah, it's why I drove off....." I said and sighed.
Pablo slams his hands on the dashboard. "You know that's gonna bring her down so much.......things like this, they get to her.....there were photos of her and me at one of the games, and we were hugging and everyone thought she was my girlfriend and the amount of hate she got.......she didn't leave her room for weeks Pedri....." Pablo said, and I looked at him. "I don't know why they would say any of them things.....if anything, I'm not good enough for her.....she's a beautiful girl too.....I don't deserve her...." I said, and Pablo sighs. "I know... but she's so insecure already.....all this will just make it worse......and it's gonna be all over tiktok now, too...."
"What are we gonna do....." I ask, and I sigh, looking away from him. I'm really starting to actually care about the thought of her crying right now upsets me. What's happening to me......
"I don't know......let me go talk to her first though.....and you can try then if you want?" Pablo asks, and I nod. "Yeah.....good idea...." I said, and we both got out of the car and headed inside.

Isabels Pov
I sit up in my bed, and I wipe my tears as there is a knock on my door. "Isa....can I come in...." I hear Pablo ask. "Yeah..." I choke out, and he walks in and walks over to me and takes me into a hug. I cry into his chest and hug him back.
"Isa....I told you before not to listen to them....." Pablo said, rubbing my back. "I know... but they're right.....I am ugly.....and I'm not good enough for him...." I said, and he sighed. "Isa......stop it...." He said, and I pulled away and looked at him. "You're beautiful,'re the most perfect girl and anyone is lucky to have you.....and I'm not saying this cause I'm your brother..." He smiles, and I giggle. "Thank you...." I said, and he nodded, kissing my head. "Please don't listen to them, okay.....they're just jealous......" He said, and I nodded and layed my head on his shoulder. "I'll try not to....." I said, and he sighed.
Pedri knocked on the door and walked in. "Can I come in?" He asks, and I sit up and nod.
Pablo gets up. "I'll leave you two..." He said and left and patted Pedris back on the way out.
Pedri came over and took me into his arms. "You don't believe any of that, do you....." He asked, and I nodded. "Isa....." He cupped my cheeks and made me look him in the eyes. "You're're beautiful okay......and if anything I don't deserve're too good for me...." He whispers, and I smile. "Thank you, Pepi...." He smiles and pecks my lips. I cuddle into his chest. "Please don't listen to any of them okay.....and ignore tiktok too...they're just jealous cause they want to be you...." He said, and I giggle. "Well, of course they do look at you!" I smirked, and he laughed and kissed me. I smile and kiss him back.
I lay back on the bed, and he hovers over me. I pull him close and deepen the kiss. He holds my waist to hold himself up and kisses down my neck. I moan softly as he sucks on my neck. "All mine......" He whispers, and I giggle. "All yours...." I smile, and he smiles back and kisses me softly. "Let's cuddle and watch movies..." He smiles, and I nod, and I cuddle into him and turn on the TV.

Pedris Pov
She cuddles into me, and I play with her hair. Seeing her so upset today.....this all getting to her.....she doesn't deserve it.....and the fact I'm playing with her heart too.......I feel so bad.....why do I suddenly care.....shit.....I'm catching feelings.....I like her.....for real.
I look down at her, and she smiles up at me.
God, I'm falling hard.....I was meant to get her to fall for me, and well shit I fell for her in the process. This is no longer a game to me......I have to call off this bet.
I smile back at her and peck her lips, and she smiles and turns back to the movie.
Eventually, I feel her breathing slow down, and I realise she's asleep. I slowly get out of the bed, making sure I don't wake her up.
I head out of the room and grab my car keys and go to my car and drive to Ferrans house.
I arrive, and I get out and knock on the door. He opens the door. "Hey, what's up?" He asked, and I walked inside, and I paced around the living room. "Pedri?" He asked, and I sighed. "I've fucked up......." I said and he motions for me to sit down.
"I was meant to make her fall for me.......and what do I do.....I catch feelings instead.......fuck I've fallen for her......" I said and ran my hands run through my hair. "Pedri, calm down......" Ferran said, and I sighed. "I just can't do this anymore......the bet is off.....but if she even knew we made this bet in the first place, she'd hate me again.....I don't know what to do...." I said, and Ferran looked at me. "Look, I kinda knew this would was obvious the way you looked at her was real.....I assumed the bet was over for a while tbh.....but I'm not gonna speak of it and either will you. So just don't worry, she won't ever find out...." He said, and I nodded.
"Seeing her today......she was so upset over what fans were saying about her......and I hated seeing her like that.......the thought of me hurting her like that it broke know." I said, and he nodded. "You know I always knew there was something behind all that hatred. I think you both secretly liked each other. " He smiled, and I chuckled. "Maybe....." I smile, and I sigh. "I just hope she never finds out.......cause this is the real thing to me now....." I said, and Ferran nodded. We decided then to just play some fifa for a while and hang out.

A/n, so it's no longer a game to him......he's caught feelings for her......we all knew this would happen. But will Isa find out the truth?

Was It Just A Game - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now