Chapter 24

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Isabels Pov
I'm watching the match and everything is going okay. No one has scored yet, and it's nearly half time.
Next minute, I see someone tackle Pedri to the floor, and he's not getting back up. I stand up, and I see him holding his tigh in agony, and I rush down the steps.

I tried to get past security, but they wouldn't let me. "Please let me through...." I cry, and they shake their head. "I'm his girlfriend...." I lie, and they sigh. "Fine...."

They let me through, and I rush over and bend down beside him.
"Pedri, I'm here....can you hear me....." I asked, and he looked at me. "Isa...." He whispered. I nodded, and I kissed his head. "Im right here...." I take his hand, and he squeezes it tight as the medics move his leg up and down.

He screams in agony, and I stroke his head. "It's okay...." I whispered. The medics called someone over and asked them to bring a stretcher. "How bad is it?" I asked them, and they sighed. "It's hard to know.....we need to run more tests....." They said, and I nodded.

Pedri squeezed my hand to get my attention, and I looked at him. "How bad?" He asked, and I sighed and pushed hair out of his face. "They're not sure....." I said, and he sighed.

The other medical staff came over with the stretcher, and they lift him onto it and then carry him off the pitch. Pablo comes over and gives me a hug, and I sigh and hug him back. He then has to go back to the game, so I go down the tunnel and wait outside the medial room.

About 15 minutes passed as the doctor walked out, and I stood up. "How is he?" I asked, and he sighed. "It's bad....its a grade 3 hamstring tear.....he could be out for about 3-6 months...." He said, and my eyes widened. "Omg....."

I walk into the room, and I run over to him. Tears are streaming down his face, and I hug him. "Isa, it's bad....." He cries, and I nod. "I know....." I pushed hair out of his face and wiped his tears. "You'll get through this...." I whisper, and he looks into my eyes. "You still care...." He whispers, and I smile. "Of course I do.....I'd never stop caring...." I whisper, and he smiles a little and kisses my cheek.

I sit down on the chair next to his bed as the doctor comes back in. Pablo walks in behind him and sits next to me. "So since it's grade 3....
You're gonna need all-around can't walk on it without using crutches...... you also won't be able to go up and down the you have a room downstairs and someone who would be able to take care of you?"

Pablo answered before he could. "He can live with us....we have a downstairs room. My sister is always around to be able to help if he needs...." He said, and I looked at Pablo with wide eyes.

"Right, that's settled so.....when you come in for recovery sessions, you can just come in with Pablo then since you won't be able to drive either...." The docor said, and Pedri nodded.

The doctor left, and Pedri looked at me. "Isa, we don't have to do this....I can just -" I shake my head. "It's fine....." I said, and I got up and left.

I walked out of the room, and I sighed, leaning against the wall. I could have to live with him for 3 to 6 months......there's no way I'm not gonna fall for him again....but I need to keep that wall up I've built. I can't get hurt....

"How is he?" Jude asked me as he left the locker room. "It's bad.....grade 3 hamstring tear....." I said, and I sighed, and he nodded. "Well, tell him I wish him the best in recovery...." He said, and I nodded.

Pablo walked out of the room. "Can you bring him home? I have to go back to play the second half....." He said, and I nodded. "Yeah, of course." I smiled, and I said bye to Jude and headed back into the room.

Pedri was sitting up on the bed, and the medics had wrapped his tigh up. He had crutches beside him. "Ah, I'm gonna take you back to our place....." I said, and he nodded. I helped him down off the bed and then handed him the crutches. He hopped out of the room, and I followed him.

We went down to my car, and I helped him get in. "Thank you, Isa.....I know the last thing you'd want to be doing is taking care of me...." He said, and I looked at him. "You know that's not true...." I said, and he smiled a little. "You forgive me yet?" He chuckled, and I laughed. "Not yet....but we will be living together, so I'm sure I will eventually...." I said, and I drove off towards our house.

We arrived, and I helped him out of the car while he hopped over to the door on the crutches. I unlocked the door and headed inside. He went over to the couch and sat down. He turned on the TV and put on the match.

I sat down next to him and we watched the match together. Currently, it was 1 -1 score line, and there were only 2 minutes of normal time left. Ferran gets the ball and makes a run for it and sees Gavi is in the box, and he kicks into him, and Gavi heads into the goal. "VAMOS GAVI!!" I shout.

He runs and does Pedris celebration, and I smile, and I look at Pedri. He's smiling like an idiot. I giggle, and I move over to him and hug him. He smiles and hugs me back. "He did it for me..." He smiles, and I nod. He looks down at me and kisses my head, and I smile. I lay my head on his chest, and I ended up falling asleep there. Maybe this is gonna be harder than I thought.....

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