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I try to listen to what he's saying but his last words haven't stopped repeating in my head.

''I can't do this anymore"

I watch his mouth move but i don't actually hear anything.
I blink.

"Dani, I'm sorry" I hear him, the pity evident in his voice.

The last thing he should feel for me right now is pity. I'll understand if he's angry, maybe even sad, but why does he feel sorry for me?

"Are you breaking up with me?" my voice barely above a whisper as I ask the most rhetorical question ever.

"It's for the best. Besides, you'll be leaving with your dad soon so this is inevitable"

"I'm not leaving till next year so don't even make that your excuse!" my voice is back. And it's not sad, it's angry. "Why are you really doing this?" I add after a while sounding sober.

"I told you already, I can't keep up with you. Sometimes it feels like you're an entirely different person. The instability is messing with my head. I just can't" he sincerely sounds like he's sorry.

I begin to wonder what would make him say any of this.
I have my moments like any normal person would, we have fights and disagree like people in a relationship do. I don't see how that is 'instability'
And the only time I would imagine he saw me as a different person was when I run him over with my brother's car. And it's not entirely my fault because I was mad. And it was his fault that I was mad.
Besides that was over three months ago, I had apologized and we had settled. Everything had been going great. Until now.

"I care about you." he's moving even closer and before I know what's happening he hugs me."Promise me you'll get help, Dani"

I don't know what he means by get help, I don't need help. I'm not a crazy person. I just get angry, like normal people and maybe I don't make the best decisions when I'm mad, but then nobody makes sane decisions when they're mad.

"I don't know what you mean" my voice is back to sounding like a whisper.

He let's go of the hug and it looks like he's going to cry. He's the one breaking up with me, I should be the one preparing to cry not him.

"See a doctor, a therapist perhaps, take anger control tests or whatever it is they do. Just get help, okay? You're a lovely person and I know behind all that rage there's the Dani I love"

He takes his bags and starts walking towards the door, out of my house and out of my life.
When he reaches the door he turns and smiles, a sad one

"Maybe one day, when you're fine we can work it out" he says and then he leaves.

As soon as the door shuts, tears I didn't know I was holding begin to drop from my eyes. I'm not making a sound the tears are just flowing freely.

Sam just left me.

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