Chapter 19

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As usual, Ana won. We're throwing a party this evening, night.

Basically she's the one throwing this party because the only thing I know about and consented to was letting her use my house for the party. It's the perfect size and also has the perfect location so I agreed with her immediately she mentioned it.

People have been trooping into my house for the past hour. Some I recognize from school, some from work, and some I haven't seen my entire life.

I know Ana knows alot of people, but I didn't except it to be this full. I mean, how many trainees are there in this city?

I hear the doorbell ring and since I'm close to the door, I open it.

What the hell is Sam doing here?

The bottle of champagne in my hand literally falls the moment I see him.

"Sorry" we both say trying to pick the pieces of the now broken bottle.

Ana comes to our rescue with two other girls I don't recignize and they help clean up the mess.

"What are you doing here?" Ana asks bluntly not hiding her hatred for him

"Congratulations" he says instead of answering the question

"Thank you, now what are you doing here?" Ana says coldly

"I didnt know there was a party going on here" he answers and then looks at me. "Congratulations Dani" he smiles

Ana looks at me but its Sam she's talking to "you came to see Dani?" she asks


"I should leave you two alone then" she says and leaves.
I am so going to hear it from Ana.

I ignore Samson and I go in search of another drink. He's following me till I get there.

"Dani, you've been ignoring my calls and texts" he has to shout it because of the loud music

"Isn't that enough proof that I don't want to talk to you" I'm more than happy to shout back at him.

Funny how one minute I'm so in love with him I loose my senses and the other I hate him so much I'm filled with anger.

I take one shot of alchol, that's one good thing about this party. The drinks.

"Please let's talk outside" he shouts again, close to my ears this time.

"We're done talking Samson, leave me alone" I'm not sure he hears me well because he takes my hand and begin to head to the door "I said leave me alone" I shout it so he can hear me this time but he just ignores me and keeps taking me to the back door. "Sam, leave me alone" We're already very close to the door and far from the music so I'm certain he heard me.
I stop walking and try to free myself from his grip but he holds on even tighter "what are you doing? I said I don't want to talk to you leave me alone!"

"Just hear me out please"

"I heard you the other day at dinner, and I am done hearing you. You have a girlfriend and a baby on the way, i want nothing to do with that."

"Hannah and I are no longer together. And the baby isn't a problem, really"

"Of course. I almost forgot. I'm the problem, my being crazy, right?"

"Try and understand me Dani, I want you to get help because I love you"

"And I'm telling you I don't need help. I'm fine!" I force my hand away and I go outside. As usual, he follows me. "Just leave me"

We both stand outside forgetting there's a party inside, he's not attempting to talk to me and I appreciate the silence. Until I remember I'm basically throwing this party too and I have to get back in.

"I have to go" I don't know why I tell him

"Wait" he steps forward, closer to me, so close I can smell him "please wait" he adds

"You should leave too" I say as if it doesn't affect me how close he is. He moves one hand to my waist and the other is on my face, pulling me even closer. I don't move an inch, even though I know what's about to happen. I let him kiss me.

And I don't want him to stop.

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