Chapter 6

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Jonathan calls me as I'm attending to a customer.

She's an old lady with a prescription from Dr.Ben with the most legible writing in the entire hospital. She looks from the drugs I try to sort for to my ringing phone

"Beautiful?" she calls me and I can't help but smile.

"Ma?" I answer

"The call seems urgent, the young man hasn't stopped calling" she speaks very gently like she's counting her words and I wonder if that's how all old people talk.

"I'll give him a call when I'm done attending to you ma" I say in the most polite way.

I put my phone on silent, ignoring the constant buzzing. I'm just happy Laura isn't paying attention to me right now because she wouldn't let me breathe knowing my phone was ringing while attending to a customer.

I know today's call isn't one of his regular check ins with me and Priscy, I know mum went crying to him after what happened yesterday like she always does.

"Ladies of nowadays" she says to herself and I assume she's thinking he's pursuing me. A part of me wants to explain that he's just my brother but I decide its better if she minds her business.

"Here ma" I give her the drugs on her list and smile.

She squints her eye attempting to read the names on the list and compare it with the drugs I gave. I don't blame her for cross checking but there's no need for the bother.

I patiently wait till she's done.
She smiles at me "thank you beautuful" she says and begins to leave.

As soon as she's out of the pharmacy, I find a way to call Jo without Laura noticing.
"hello" I say when the call gets connected

"What is wrong with you, Daniella?" he says it like he's shouting, but everyone knows Jo is incapable of shouting even if he tries.

"What are you talking about?" I act innocent. It's not completely an act though, I'm not so sure it's about mum so I'll rather he just tells me himself.

"Guess who showed up crying at my place last night" he says. So it's about mum.

"It's not my fault she can't handle the truth without tears" I say

"she was just trying to build a relationship, fix things" he defends her.

I try not to get angry at Jo, he's like this with everybody so I don't take it personally. He's a preacher of peace.

"I didn't do anything. She showed up at my place to talk and that was exactly what happened, we talked"

"Looks like you did most of the talking" he says "Daniella, you can't continue to be mad at her" Oh, yes, I can. "and even if you are, she's still your mother you should have limits"

"Jo, I'm at work right now" I say hoping he let's the conversation end at that.

"Call mum and say you're sorry" he ignores me

I chuckle "I am definitely not sorry and I'll die a thousand times before I even think of calling her ever"

"not even for destroying property? You know she could actually report you to the police. That was vandalism right there, hoodlum behaviour"

While I was still angry yesterday, I may have sneaked into her, their, house and spray painted 'Shamless bitch' on her car.

"Anyone could have done that. There's no proof it was me" I say even though everyone knows it could only have been me.

"Stop being such a baby and just do the right thing"

"I'm not calling her and I'm not saying sorry!" I say it louder so he understands I mean it and it's final.

I hear him sigh "think about it at least. There'll be no difference between you two if you continue to show her traits of her own wickedness"

I am nothing like my mother.

"Oh, I'm the one showing traits of wickedness? Just because I said the blunt truth? I'm not surprised, you've always taken her side"

"I'm not taking sides"

"Bye Jo, I'm really at work"

"Bye Daniella, just th..."
I end the call not letting him say whatever he planned to say next.

Maybe I had gone a little out of the line and said things a daughter shouldn't say to her mother, but I really wasn't sorry and I don't plan on calling her. Ever.

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