Chapter 9

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Sam looks better than he did while we were still together.

I always hear of the glow up people have after breakups but I didn't expect Sam's to be this fast. It's been two months now and I'm still stuck with looking like the heartbroken one, technically, I am.

The last place I expected to see him was at work. Then again, I work at a clinic.
I doubt he's sick and if he is, he should be arrested for looking this good even in a terrible condition.


I still remember like it was yesterday.

I was sleeping over at his place that day, and I just couldn't sleep. I'm not sure what thoughts exactly clouded my mind but I couldn't get them out so i decided to walk around a bit, probably have a midnight snack, anything to distract myself.

Just as I got up from the bed I saw his phone screen light up.

I'm not a nosy person and I hate nosy people, so on a normal note, I wouldn't have pried. But messages had been coming in for the past hour and i was curious.
It was past midnight, what could it possibly be?

I carefully took his phone and unlocked it, it was an easy guess.

-Sam, you're not calling. Don't tell me you're bailing on us now? 11:43
-don't be a chicken. And hurry, everyone's here already 12:20
-layla is pissed asf, you're the reason she's out tonight. I told you, Daniella is never going to find out. You're in too deep to bail now 1:13
-samm! 1:15

Four missed calls -Gabe bro 1:20

I didn't understand any of the texts and I tried to not read meaning to it but I couldn't get out of my head the part where layla was mentioned or the part where I was never going to find out.

There was no solid proof he was cheating but my overthinking got the best of me and I ended up mad at him even though there was no sure reason to.

He escorted me back to my hostel and when he was leaving, I followed him carefully with my car, the car that Jonathan had given me

It was one of the crazy decisions I made when I was mad, I hated lies and I always thought Sam could never lie to me. Thinking that he was cheating on me back then, I just lost it. I lost control of the brakes too and I ended up crashing into him.

The injuries weren't very severe but he had stayed a couple of days at the hospital.

I had apologized, lied that it was an accident but I knew he didn't belive me.
Why was I even following him in the first place?

I know it was at that point our relationship ended.
It was at that point he realised I was a psycho.


"Dani" he calls me like he always does and I force a smile as I look up at him.

I hate to be the one stuck on a relationship that clearly ended two months ago so I pretend to be over it and act like we're two friends reuniting.

"Samson" I call back because what else do I do when someone calls my name.

"You look really good" I know he's lying but I smile nonetheless

"thank you" I would have pointed out how amazing he looked too if I wasn't such a hater of 'me too's'

"So, do you have a prescription?" Or you just came to see me. I adjust back to work mode.

"er, no actually" he scratches his head " friend is er..." he's stammering nervously ''I actually came for medical advice" he says looking around to check if anyone is listening. We're the only ones in the pharmacy so it's of no use.

"I'm not a doctor, Sam"

"Yeah, but I don't trust anyone else and the last thing I need right now is for word to get out"

I smile "What do you need?"

"An abortion" he whispers it like the walls have ears.

The first thing my mind goes to is last weekend with my friends when David had mentioned Sam was now with Hannah.
Was she pregnant? for him?

My eyes winden in terror for a second but I regain composure just as fast. It's not fast enough for him not to notice

He looks down, embarrassed. "A friend of mine..."

"Your girlfriend" I correct before he can finish his lie. He really doesn't have to lie or try to make me feel better. He's no longer my boyfriend, he made that very clear when he also pointed out how crazy I am.

"Dani, I'm sorry I know you're the last person I should ask for help with this but..."

"You're desperate" I help him finish

"yes, please help me"

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