Chapter 27

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I call CJ on my way back from Vivien's place

We've met a couple of times after that day at the cafe, I've even been to his office twice. I have to say, he's good at what he does. He always makes me belive he's not just my therapist, but my friend. He says our sessions are two friends having a chat and there's no need for me to feel pressured or give rehearsed responses and he doesn't just say them, he also makes me belive it.
He's a breath of fresh air, to be honest.

"Dani?" he says as soon as the call gets connected, the surprise evident in his voice

I smile as if he can see me "Hi, Christian".
I haven't stopped calling him Christian since I went to his office. The reality set that he wasn't just CJ, this was his job and friendly or not, I was his patient.

"Oh, come on, Dani, you know I hate being called that" he tells me, his voice playful as ever

I ignore him "Are you off work?"

"I don't work weekends," he laughs "but I'm here if you need to talk" he adds most likely sensing my mood over the phone. He really is good at his job.

We meet at a park nearby and settle on some seats obviously meant for kids and I can imagine how ridiculous we look in it but I don't really care about that at the moment. I'm a bit surprised he doesn't oppose to siting here or suggest somewhere else. For a man his size, I'm sure he looks even more ridiculous than my not so large self.

"You don't look okay, did something happen?" He asks immediately we settle.

"You remember my best friends? Ana and Vivie?" I ask going straight to the point. I'm afraid if I don't let it all out now the right way, I'll explode.

"And David, yes of course I remember"

"I'm actually just coming from Vivie's place and Ana was there too" I start my story making a mental note to pick my words wisely and not be insensitive about anything "Vivian wants to cancel her wedding and for good reason, I support her. But Ana is being so insensitive and to be honest, stupid. The things that came out of her mouth? And the way she found a way to bring in my past relationship? She's being very immature and it's harder to keep my temper with her. I am beyond angry" I complain releasing some of the tension from my conversation with Vivie and Ana. I am disgusted.

"That's a very good thing. You got angry but you didn't make any drastic decisions. You didn't fight back. You didn't stoop low just because she stooped low. I'm proud of you, Dani" I'm not facing him but i can hear the smile in his voice like he genuinely is proud of me.

"That is what you got from my entire story?" I ask him, not understanding why he's reacting this way "i'm pissed and telling you what got me pissed and you're telling me it's a good thing?" I add trying to see how he's seeing it but I still don't get it.

"Therapy is not going to stop you from getting angry. It's human to be angry. And trust me humans would push you to be angry. It's what you do with that anger that matters. And you are beginning to learn that control. So yes, it is a good thing" he replies calmly

"So what is the point of this whole thing?"

"Controlling your anger. And it looks like it's working" he smiles again.

I groan frustrated.

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