Chapter 11

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Paul has been avoiding me since he dropped me home after the incident with Sam at the clinic.

It's impossible to not notice when such a bubbly character dissapers from your life.
I had called and texted him but he literally ghosted me. I even contemplated going to his department like he used to come to mine but Devil Laura has been making life difficult for me.

I've tried to think of reasons why he would do that.
Maybe he heard everything that went down with Sam and now he wants nothing to do with me. Maybe he thinks I'm a psycho too

I'm having lunch with dad, priscilla and Jo when I see him walk into the restaurant with a girl I recognise from his department.

I'm certain it's not jealousy because I only like Paul as a friend, we only went on one date and even that wasn't officially a date so it doesn't count. It's just sad seeing him here happy with someone else when he hasn't even replied my texts, and has avoided me every single time at work.

He looks handsome, as he always did outside his usual work scrubs, and he's wearing perfect clothes. I see how much of a gentleman he is even with this other girl, the holding hands, the little gestures, the smiles, so perfect.

And her, she's definitely not a match for him.

"Daniella" Dad calls my attention back to the table "we lost you for a minute " he adds

"sorry" I whisper forcing a smile afterwords.

"Her boyfriend just walked in with a smoking hot girl" Priscy says and I swear I've never wanted to hit her so bad my entire life.

"I thought you broke up with Sam like three months ago" Jo is looking at me. Actually, they're all looking at me.

"It's not Sam. And for the record it was Sam who broke up with her" I send her a glare and she feigns ignorance

"Dani?" Jo calls. I don't think we ever spoke about Sam leaving me. All I told him was that we were no longer together and I appreciated that he didn't ask any more questions.

"Yes?" I answer
Why would anyone want to talk about their love life, or nonexistent one rather, with their father, and siblings present. It's just not done.
Priscy 1- Daniella 0

"Give us the tea" Priscy says too happy for my sad life story

"Would you shut up?" I snap. I can't take it anymore "what is wrong with you?" I add and I see her get serious, a little too serious, she looks like she's going to cry

I should be the one crying.

"She was just playing" Jo tries to explain.

I don't say anything else. I do not want to get angry today.

"I'm sorry" Priscy says and I'm happy she realizes how insensitive her jokes are.

"It's fine" I say with a smile so she knows it's really fine.

"I'm jealous of you girls. How do you fight all the time and still settle so fast?" Jo says

Priscy laughs "Try having a mum and a sister in one and you'll see how"

"Haha, very funny" I say dryly

"It's true though, that's one good thing mum did for us" priscy says. She's back to being too blunt and insensitive

"Speaking of your mother, why isn't she here?" Dad asks

"I didn't want to talk about it but she says she won't share a table with Daniella anymore" Jo says looking at me

I smile, remembering what had happened the last time she tried manipulating me.
"It's peaceful without her" I say ignoring Jo's look.

"Why won't she share a table with Daniella?" Dad asks, completely unaware of what his wife had done. His daughter too.

"A few weeks ago, she went to see Dani and priscy and Dani had said some disrespectful things to her. Dani told mum that she didn't want to see her again and she backed it up with a threat, that's why mum's too scared to show her face again" Jo summarises to our father

"What did you do?" Dad asks me.

I almost forgot he was just like Jo, peacemakers ."It doesn't matter"

"Dani, you can't keep fighting her forever" dad tells me, the exact way Jo had told me.

"I know" I lie, just so peace can reign.


Jo leaves in an uber, and Priscy goes to spend the night with dad, leaving me alone waiting outside the restaurant for a cab.

"Isn't that Daniella?" A feminine voice says approaching me.

It's Paul's date.

I turn to face them with a smile "Heyy'' I greet

"You're heading home right?" She asks in a very friendly tone

"yes" obviously

"We're going towards the same place, you can come with us" she says and then looks at Paul asking for his permission with her eyes

He nods.

And that's how I end up in the back seat of Paul's car, with miss friendly in front and Paul at the driver's seat.

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