Chapter 22

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Just like Vivie told us, Ana came.

From the moment she walked in and I saw the bruise on her face, I knew I fucked up. I really don't know why I went as far as hitting her this much or why Vivie and David hadn't stopped me until I had done this much harm but I know that I regret it.

"Lets skip the small talk. Ana and Dani need to talk" Vivien says "But honestly i dont trust leaving you two alone right now so we're all going to have that talk" she adds.

Vivien is the most reserved girl in our group and it makes me proud that she's setting up this whole 'discussion' so we all can resolve our issues. I do want to resolve it too, I'm not happy fighting either of them and I'll like for it to end as soon as possible.

David nods "the moment I knew something was up was when I found out from someone else that Victor was cheating"

"You knew?" Ana asks obviously surprised

"Your boyfriend is not being very discrete with his doings" he says and I see the way Ana's whole demeanor declines. She really likes that guy.

"When did we start keeping secrets?" Vivie asks "especially you Dani" she adds

"I didn't intentionally hide anything from you guys. I didn't know how to tell you about Sam, there was no way to explain what was going on" I tell them

"For starters you could have mentioned going on a date with him" Ana says and I'm tempted to ask how she found out about that but I keep quiet because she looks like she has more to say. "we all told you not to go that day, I remember telling you to tear the letter to pieces and you said you would. You lied. You went to that dinner with him. You invited him to our party. You kissed him. And you did all of that behind our backs"

"I didn't tell you about the dinner because I knew how you were going to react. I didn't want you judging my relationship with..."

She interupts "You are not in a relationship Dani. Wake up!"

"Fine, I'm not. I am not in a relationship and I am not even trying to be in one, not with Sam"

"You should have told me"

''And risk you loosing it like you did yesterday?"

"If you had told me and explained to me I would have understood. You didn't need to lie to me and then when I call you out for it you give me a low blow with something I confided in you about"

"I'm sorry I mentioned Victor. I agree, that was terrible of me. But I was really angry and sad and I wasn't thinking"

"You are never thinking. That's what lost you Sam. And it's lost you Ana too"

"Don't say that"

"You need help Dani and I am not going to be that friend that lies to you because I'm scared of your reaction"

Dani, you need help

Those words. The exact same words Sam had said the day he broke up with me.

It had hurt when Sam said it but not as much as it is now hearing it from my best friend.

"Your obsession with Sam is one thing, your anger issues is another. All of it is your problem, don't bring it on me. If you're mad, be mad, don't drag anyone along with you" Ana looks between me and David "I don't know how we didn't see it earlier. Samson was right all along"

"I made a mistake, I'm sorry" I say genuinely and sincerely. I can feel tears threatening to spill. I never imagined I would hear any of this from Ana of all people. If apologising would make her see that I didn't intend to do any of what I did then I would do it a billion times.

I'm not a bad person. I'm not crazy. And I do not need help.

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