Chapter 10

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The last thing I want to do today is give my ex boyfriend advice on keeping his new girlfriends baby.

But that's exactly what I do.

"Is it her who wants the abortion?" I ask.

"Does it matter?" what a nice way to remind me it's none of my business.

I fake a smile and ask a second time rephrasing this time "Why do you want to abort the baby?"

He looks at me and then looks away before he starts talking.
"It was a mistake. We're not ready" he tells me

"You're a graduate with a well paying job and she's in her final year of school, you can make it work. The baby doesn't have to die" I say sincerely. I'm definitely not getting involved in the process of killing a baby.

"Nobody's dieing. Its just a foetus. You're the medical student here, you should know all this" he sounds so insensitive. He had even called the baby 'it'

"It still feels like you want to kill an innocent baby to me"

"And how is that any of your business? It's mine and I'll do what I please with it"

"Well you can go get help elsewhere because I am not helping you terminate your girlfriend's pregnancy!" my voice is louder than normal and I can sense I'm getting angry already.

It's not that I don't want to help him but I can't abort a pregnancy, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I do. And worse, he doesn't even have a reasonable excuse to abort the baby; It wasn't a rape case, he's not poor, he's not a student, there's no reason why they can't take care of a child they both made willingly.

"Is that what this is about? Jealousy?" he sounds irritated. That makes two of us.

"If I was jealous I'll gladly help get rid of this child. I have better chances with you without it, you know?"

"So it's payback for leaving you?" He asks sarcastically

"Everything is not about you, get over it" I snap my fingers in front of his face dramatically

"You get over it! And stop yelling at me" He shouts

"I'm not yelling, it's you who keep pushing me to do crazy things and when I do you pin it on me like I'm the psycho"

"Aren't you a psycho though? How else do you explain attempting to murder me just because you didn't understand something you checked on my phone without my permission? But still you won't abort a foetus because you are so holy"

"I didn't try to kill you"

"But you had tried to kill yourself"

"That was three years ago. And how dare you even bring that up"

"Everyone has family issues. So what if your dad left you with your little sister? How hard is it taking care of your own sister?"

"What exactly is this about?"

"This is about you being crazy. And obsessed"


"How else do you explain not helping an old friend just because you still haven't gotten over him"

"I cannot belive I ever liked you. You're a monster! And you're the psycho, not me"

"And I can't belive I stayed with you that long. I should have ran the moment you started having self harming. I should have known you'd advance to actually harming other people"

"It was an accident!"

"Hey" Sam and I both look in the direction of the voice and see Paul. "Is everything okay?" he asks even though he can see that nothing is okay.

My eyes are teary and I'm sure he heard us yelling at each other. I wonder how much he heard.

"Yes sir" Sam still sees the need to compose because he has no idea who Paul is. But I can't even act like it's okay. I can't ignore how pissed I am at this dog in front of me.

"Get out before I do something we'll both regret" I tell him

He laughs "I know that line too well. It's what you say before you go psycho mode"

I'm boiling in anger. But I'm also breaking into pieces.

"Get out" I repeat

Paul steps closer to us "young man, you heard her"

"And who the hell are you?" It begins to dawn that Paul is more than just a random doctor in the hospital

"Sam, I swear to God if you don't leave this minute ..."

"Crazy" he mutters and begins to walk away, painfully slow.

The moment he's out of the pharmacy I cry. I don't mind that Paul is watching me be so vulnerable, I don't care.

Paul just hugs me and let's me cry. I guess he figured out who Sam was already because he doesn't ask me any questions.
I also think he heard our entire conversation because he looks like he did.

"Wanna get out of here? I can tell Laura you had an emergency and had to leave"

I nod.

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