Chapter 21

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Paul and I coincidentally meet as I go visit the clinic.

I'm beginning to think it's not a coincidence and Mr Henry is trying to set us up. He asks me to come assist him in the clinic the same day as Paul. Are we the only two trainees he knows? And as if that is not enough he's running late.

"I'm happy I get to see you again" Paul says and for a second I look around to check if there's anyone else here he could possibly be talking to. "I wanted to properly apologize to you about what happened" he continues

"something happened?" I ask

"Ghosting you and all" he says and I make an 'o' sound like I didn't know that was what he was talking about.

"I'm not angry at you" I tell him "and you already apologized, when you also told me you didn't want to give me a chance because I was stuck up on my ex" I add

"I'm also sorry about that, that was foolish of me"

"not really" we both smile at each other

"I miss you" he has one of those faces that make him look more mature, handsome.

"And yet you refused to talk to me all this while"

"I was being too careful, didn't want to fall even harder than I already did" I don't say anything and he notices. He fakes a cough before changing the topic. "The other day I was too shy to ask that's why I made Mr Henry do it for me"

I nod, so stupid of me.

"I would love for you to accompany me in setting up my hospital at second city. And if you'll like you can head the pharmacy section when it's fully open"

I smile. "I would love to"

"Dani the doctor!" We both turn at the sound of Mr Henry's voice

"Good morning sir"

"Ah, sir, its only Dani you know now" Paul jokes

Mr Henry's laugh echoes in his office "You know when it comes to her, you become second favourite"

. . .

I get back home to meet David and Vivie in my living room

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask surprised to see my two best friends in my house

"If you would have answered your calls, you would know" Vivie eyes me and ends it with a loud hiss which almost makes me laugh because this is definitely not her attitude

"I'm sorry, today was very busy I didn't even notice my phone ringing" Mr Henry was not joking when he said he needed assistance. There was so much work to do today.

David signals for me to leave her. "She's had a long day" well, that makes two of us because I am extremely exhausted.

"What's up?" I ask because I know they don't just show up at my house everyday, it's not a norm.

"We went dress fitting" David tells me and i hear the boredom in his voice.

"Without me" I'm genuinely offended and I send Vivie a look that says exactly that.

"Ana too. We didn't want to involve you two till this whole issue clears" David explains

"That's not fair" I whine

"You two fighting a day before my dress fitting is not fair. David knows nothing about dresses and it was terrible taking just him" David frowns at her "it was terrible?"
She smiles avoiding his gaze.

"I'm sorry, it's really not my fault" I apologize again.

"Says the person who beat her best friend like she was hitting a punching bag" she shakes her head "should I be worried? You sure know how to throw punches"

"She came at me first. And I was mad" I try to explain

"That's exactly the problem, you seem to loose your senses each time you do and it never ends well"

"Calm down, okay? We're all very stressed and angry here let's not say things we'll regret later" David tells us

"We need to talk. That's why we're here" Vivie continues talking to me ignoring David

"What are we talking about?" I ask to clarify what I'm already sure she's talking about.

"Your fight with Ana, your relationship with Sam, Ana's relationship with Victor. Everything" Vivie says

"I agree with you on that one. But we really do need to slow down with words here. Let's think twice before saying anything. We don't want to do more damage than what's on ground already" David is talking to both of us but he's looking at Vivie.

Just like the first time, she ignores him and continues "Ana would be here soon"

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