Chapter 30

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We're having brunch together as a family. This time, it isn't dad's idea. It's mine.

I couldn't call mum, not after what I did so I made Jonathan do it for me, not without promising to give a proper apology after brunch.

I still hate my mother and I don't think that would change anytime soon, but it doesn't mean i can't tolerate her for the sake of my father, brother and sister.

"Mum is here?!" Priscy is whispering but somehow she's also shouting looking between all three of us as our mother approaches our table.

"Shh. Behave yourself" Dad tells her, for some reason he's also whispering.

"So, how is school Priscy?" Dad asks, resuming his usual questioning like nothing  worth referencing happened.

"Dad!" She whines playfully "I'm done with school now. I'm a graduate" she raises her shoulders smiling

"You that you're just starting life" I burst her bubble but it doesn't deflate, as expected.

"I'm waiting for my admission into the university, your baby is a big girl now daddy" Priscilla sounds happy and I am happy for her. She really is becoming a big girl.

"I'm sure you'll get in. You got yout brains from me after all" Dad says

"No, I think I got it from brother Jonathan" Priscy draws attention to Jo, who hasn't said much since we got here. Not like he's the type to talk much but this feels different

"Nooo" Dad is laughing "Jo got his brains from me and so did you" he explains

I tap Jo gently leaving Priscy and dad to continue their little bonding time "is everything alright?" I ask him quietly

"I'm just really tired. Work has been choked lately" he explains. I don't belive what he's saying but before I get a chance to pry further Dad calls my name.

"Daniella" he reaches my turn "I don't even know what to ask" he laughs "I know you're done with training now, so, what next? Are you still moving with me?" He asks

"Actually, I got a job offer at second city so, yes, I would be moving but not with you" I tell him.

Jonathan smiles "you didn't tell me you were moving!" He fakes anger, something we all know is impossible for Jo.

"Not even me" Priscy says

"I didn't want to tell you guys when it was still a work in progress" I explain

"Well, congratulations" dad tells me

"Thank you, thank you so much" I give a small wave to the whole table like I'm a celebrity and they're my fans.

"And you Jonathan?" Dad asks

"I've been dying for my turn" he says smiling "it's so hard keeping secrets from you guys" he adds

"Spill" Priscy urges, she's always so eager when it comes to things like this.

"Nancy's pregnant! I'm going to be a father!"

I jump from my seat to give him a hug "Congratulations baby daddy!" I shout ignoring the few people who turn to look at us.

"I'm an aunty? Oh my God"

"And i'm going to be a grandpa"

"And I'll be a grandma" I'm not the only one surprised mum finally spoke but we all mask it well.

The rest of lunch is comfortably silent as we all focus on eating our food.

Until I break it. A promise is a promise.

"I have something to say" I start, gaining everybody's attention "I want to apologise to mum" I say and fake a cough, somehow my throat feels like something's stuck in it. "I was wrong to have spoken to you that way and I'm sorry" I continue "it won't happen again" I finish and wait for her to say something

She nods "it's okay" she says. That was way easier than i expected "I understand that I deserved that treatment and I understand why you did all of that. I'm sorry too" she adds "to all of you, i am sincerely sorry" she faces dad "I'm sorry" she says eyes watering and I hear dad sniffing, clearly on the vege of crying as well.

"It's okay" he says with a smile. "It's all in the past now"

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