Chapter 20

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"Nothing happened" I lie for the umpteenth time today.

I love my friends but I really don't want to tell them about what happened with Sam at the party, especially since I know how sensitive it is for Ana. She and her boyfriend are still having issues since he got in contact with one of his ex. I can imagine that's why she sees me as the bad ex girlfriend ruining a happy relationship. Our situations are entirely different.

"Dani is a liar" Ana accuses

"If she says nothing happened then nothing happened" Vivie tells her and I send her a small thank you smile

"I saw Samson after he left her and I swear there was lipgloss on his mouth" Ana says

"Could have been Hannah's" David says

"Hannah was not at our party! Why are you guys not seeing what I'm seeing? Someone needs to tell her what a terrible mistake she's making" Ana says

"Dani is smarter than to get herself involved with Sam again" David looks at me as if asking if what Ana is saying is true. I look away.

Anastasia shakes her head in dissapointment "Dani is stupid in love with that dog. She is not smarter, she's even more stupid" she pauses for a while

"Ah, Ana" Vivie says

"Ah, Ana what? It's the truth and she needs to hear it. She's stuck on that boy and it's not ending well for her"

I stand up, aggressively stand up and impulsively hit the table."how is any of this even your business?" I ask Ana "all of this is my problem not yours, so stop poking''

"What is wrong with you? Because of some guy, you're talking to me this way?"

"He has a name" I say "And how he hell am I talking to you? You want a 'ma' at the end of every sentence?"

"Guys, calm down" David says, his hands on my shoulder, supportive as always

"You know what?" I say tired of trying to make peace, there's no point anymore "we kissed that day at my house. So what?"

"He's someone's boyfriend, and his girlfriend happens to be pregnant! Why would you do that?"

"I'm not the one chasing after him and professing my never ending love for him. He's not a child"

"You're selfish and obsessed. Leave the guy alone"

"Samson is not Victor" I remind her. I don't need her transferring her relationship problems on mine. Not like there's anything even going on with me and Sam.

Ana slaps me before I can comprehend what is happening "Don't you dare bring him into this"

With my hand on my cheek, I look at her.
You're cool not crazy. You're cool not crazy. Cool not crazy.

"He cheated on you and you suddenly feel like the hero of ever cheating boyfriend's girlfriend?"


Ana and David eyes open in surprise, I bet none of them knew Ana and her boyfriend were having issues. I didn't mean to out her like that but she shouldn't drag me in the gutters. We're supposed to be friends.

"Don't meddle in my life!" I return the slap, harder "and don't you ever hit me" I leave and David follows almost immediately calling my name

"what was that about?" He asks as soon we get outside.

There are tears in my eyes but I blink them away. "You know this isn't on me" I say

"I know, but you could have handled it better"

"I was supposed to just watch her insult me?"

"You know she was just looking out for you"

"She constantly made me feel like a bad person, called me stupid, as if all that wasnt enough she hit me"

Before David can reply me, I see her approaching us with Vivie behind her trying to hold her back but it doesn't change much because in no time they reach us and she drags my wig so hard it falls off.
David holds her and keeps her away from me as I pick up my wig and try to ignore her.

Cool not crazy. Cool not crazy. Cool not crazy. Cool not crazy

"You're a terrible person, selfish and pretentious and you're crazy" she's shouting and it's beginning to draw people's attention

"Stop over reacting Ana, Dani is not any of those things" Vivie says and I see the look of betrayal on Ana's face

"I'm not the one sleeping with your boyfriend so redirect this anger" I make sure to be loud so everybody that cares to listen hears me

"I told you not to bring him into this" she says dangerously low and then she lunges towards me again attempting to hit me but I move away in time

Cool not crazy. Cool not crazy. Cool not crazy. Cool not crazy. Cool not crazy. Crazy not cool. Crazy not cool.

I slap her and I don't wait for her to regain composure before I contine throwing punches at her.

It's a good thing nobody tries to stop me.

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